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Everything posted by Vik54

  1. Congrats on your new arrival and welcome to 'zed face-ache'
  2. Oh dear poor lad must be mortified
  3. Nope wisnae me............y'mean there's another Azure in Fife?!!
  4. now that's dedication for you..............can only imagine what its like in the flesh!
  5. Only Scots would find it funny.........the sassenachs dinnae ken what a jobby is
  6. Yup I've got one just like it
  7. Muppets - don't even bother - I won't even buy cloths from them - been using shinearama.co.uk - good prices and free postage over £25 - which lets face it isn't hard to do when you're buying products for the car...I used to have a Lancome habit now its Dodojuice
  8. Dude - where?! Were you in another car? Can't think when that was..........
  9. Oh yeah - come on the Hoon But get your accomodation sorted asap
  10. Perhpas the mods should move this into the jokes section - then you can all pretend it was meant
  11. Never satisfied..................Stew Here's one for Martinmac ( I think its him that likes ) The tagline was something along lines of "Stuff your boat - I'm walking!" It made me laugh and I have nowt to do with boats
  12. Having been witness to an aufy loat of gum bumping you lot do about your WAGs I thought this would raise a few giggles Meet Svetlana - she's billed as perfect wife - I can't think why
  13. Yup - they're getting common in Dundee too..........there's at least two blades, a GM and a Sunset down here - there was even one parked outside my village Spar the other morning (Cue Welsh valley accent please) "But I'm the only zed in the village"
  14. Yeah I know - need to put it in perspective...........I feel so violated
  15. Yup completely agree - and as you know we're both addicts
  16. Nope they were pishy plastic bog standard - just done for the hell of it - and it must be someone local where I park
  17. First 'vandalism' to the car - only valve dust caps - but still mightily p*ssed off My question would be why only take three? The fickers left me one Grrrrr
  18. D'you know as I read your description before I scrolled to the pics I thought It looks really good
  19. You will soon forget your hangover when you are flying round Knockhill In all seriousness - please don't laugh.........I'm not sure I can wear a helmet...........am extremely claustrophobic...........tried a bike helmet a while back and just couldn't do it
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