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marc-goes-sideways's Achievements

Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. hoping to get stuck in soon - problem now is going to be selling the civic... we'll see!
  2. cheers guys - thanks for the warm welcome think theres quite a few z's near me either in Falkirk or at my work on Waterloo Street in Glasgow- if anyone gets a wave from someone in a silver civic type s don't worry i'm not a nutter lol
  3. Hi everyone - been poking about the forum the last few days so i thought i'd say hello. My name is Marc and i hail from Falkirk in Central Scotland. I'm looking at getting of rid of my Civic Type S and moving up to either a coupe or the roadster over the next month or two depending on funds. I used to have a Mk2 MR2 and was heavily into that scene for a while but needed something a little more practical for getting to work (regretted it ever since!) so now looking for something a little faster. BMW Z4 3.0 and S2000 are worth a shout but the big Z has caught my eye and i've fancied one since they came out. There seems to be a good presence in Scotland so will probably drop into one of the meets for a little nose round the motors. Marc
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