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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. It loses it's appeal after a very short amount of time, unfortunately. I can imagine to be fair, didn't get around to playing it over the weekend but got to be worth 10 minutes
  2. Anyway, downloaded goat simulator earlier... No kidding. Will give it a goat tomorrow.
  3. I did see this, they have however dropped the dynamic weather so they can maintain frame rate. I'm assuming this is the prologue equivalent with a full release in a couple of years? Edit: scrub that looks pretty comprehensive.
  4. Very sad news, he was one of the reasons I took up boxing as a kid although I never really knew what he had campaigned against and his other achievements outside of the sport until I was older. Someone who can truly be called a great. R.I.P Muhammad
  5. My constituency are sending out postal votes on 14th June which means I can't actually vote for reasons I won't go into on a public forum.
  6. That was my immediate thought too however if it is a publicity stunt it may well backfire.... Sam Cam will have to ditch the Bentley and have to drive around in the Micra for the rest of Dave's term in fear of the papz photoing her and Corbyn raising it in PMQ's
  7. We use this feature. There is an output from your sky box which you can feed to another tv via the analogue tuner you must have done this as opposed to having a seperate feed from your aerial. There is a hidden menu on sky boxes, Google sky + magic eye and it will explain how to set this up. You can buy an IR receiver called magic eye to sit in line of the output from sky so you can control the sky box remotely. Definition isn't very good as it's over the analogue tuner but it's ok. Edited due to my fat finger typing/iPhone predictive text.
  8. Thanks Gudzy, I was going to look there too.
  9. Still playing the division, finished the main story mode night before last... Have only ventured into the dark zone once before but I'll be going in again soon... I'm a solo player so I don't expect to be able to achieve much. On a side note my live is due to expire in a few weeks time, anyone got any good recommendations for cheaper pre paid? Last year I got a cheap one via play.com or whatever it's called these days however that was a bit of a pain as I'd forgotten it was a marketplace and had to chase the seller to send me the code. Thanks
  10. Squee, he needs a bling collar on too
  11. Yesterday was a bit of work followed by a bit of gardening. Today was walk the dog first thing (before too warm) followed by a bit of shopping (getting very close to buying an Apple Watch even though I said I wouldn't) then walk the dog again.... Made it about 400yards before she wanted to come home Then strip and clean barbecue, make some Pimms up then test barbecue and said Pimms. Can't beat weather like today to be fair
  12. It's a peev of mine too. Also the we COD infinite ware fare comes bundled with modern warfare remastered for ~£90!!! So those that really enjoyed that game have to shell out on another that they aren't really interested in (me included) and would be willing to buy the game as a stand alone at a reasonable price!
  13. I post a trailer, sleep for a few hours and I wake up to this I'm with you on the pricing thought husky, I'm on Xbox one and did buy the game for around £40 on release however I only bought the season pass after the general release of the last DLC pack. I think the pass cost in the region of £20 via "offers with gold" (would have to verify) so wasn't too bad however I obviously didn't play it much afterwards; I'm guessing something more interesting caught my magpie like eye Anyway, haven't seriously played any shooters on the PC since the original MOH Allied Assault was out - I was asked to join a clan for that game.
  14. Just watched the trailer for Battlefield 1, this could be absolutely awesome if they get it right. Edit: trumping to video to work
  15. First one black roadster Liverpool road around about 7.30am. I was the overweight bright yellow guy on a bike that probably looked like he was about to collapse. 2nd one silver at the back of kiwik fit Chester, tiring to fit a "Michelin man" inside the passenger seat... My other half was the one walking by laughing at about 4pm
  16. Happy birthday Pete, hope you've had the purrrrfect day despite the weather!
  17. I've never had any issues but then I'm only 20 minutes away and am able to pop in. I did have to order wheels a few years back which were an order item and they kept me up to date, the only issue I had with that order was the workshop booking as i booked 4 wheel alignment along with the wheel fitting and it took 4 hours eve though they said they could do it in my lunch hour. This was around 5 years ago though.
  18. I saw that 911 the other day, I may just have to treat myself later in the year.
  19. Wasn't that the MR2S using the vvti engine also found in the Gen 7 Celica? I've heard of Mk3 issues, but I thought the 3SGE/3SGTE was a pretty solid engine. the Mk3 MR2 used the 1zz engine the celica used the 2zz engine. the 1zz had pre cat issues where the material would crumble and then get sucked back into the engine causing cylinder wear. i had it and then had a new engine fitted. the 2zz had a higher rev band not dissimilar to the S2K and more bhp 1zz was about 140bhp 2zz was about 200bhp. it was apparently a nice engine to drop back into the mr2 as it had more grunt. Thanks, couldn't remember the engine codes. 1zz was in the standard Celica with the 2zz in the 190/T-Sport variety. I had the 190. a friend had his replaced in his MR2S (mk3) due to the issue which was well documented for the celicas but not the MR2. I provided him the TB along with other sources as his Toyota dealership denied all knowledge at first. I think Bradders has his MR2's mixed up
  20. Unfortunately it wasn't the same day, just checked my camera roll. Looks like it was a couple of days later, could have swore we had them next to each other. He did offer me the keys but I never did take him up on the offer which I still regret.
  21. What this picture doesn't show is that in the next space is probably a Ferarri California, a friend who I used to work with would on occasion bring in his weekend toy and park in the next bay and I seem to remember he was in it when I had the courtesy car. I will see if I have a picture of them together as it really was chalk and cheese.
  22. As for my worst car, TBH I haven't really had one which didn't serve the purpose it was bought for. I have only had 5 cars in around 20 years mind If I really had to choose one though it would have to be the little Micra I had as a courtesy car when I first got my Zed and it had to go in for warranty work. There wasn't really anything wrong with it functionally but I think it used to be Nick Griffin's......
  23. Wasn't that the MR2S using the vvti engine also found in the Gen 7 Celica?
  24. Well done PPod, a neighbour of ours has two rescues. One from Cyprus and one from Romania. Both absolutely awesome dogs too! Here's an updated photo of Hetti the beast of Chester, she really doesn't want to get into the car!
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