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Everything posted by Fodder

  1. I'm unsure to be honest. Colder seems to have he same thoughts as me. The problem with "we were alright before" attitude is the fact before we were reliant on the old empire for trade then the commonwealth which we then turned our back on as we could no longer buy raw materials cheaply and sell the manufactured goods back at a highly inflated rate. The problem with staying in the EU for me is the fact the core partners are in it for political reasons and not trade, Britain needs trade but not closer political ties. I did read an interesting BBC article on this over the weekend which made a lot of sense.... That said I wouldn't trust a balanced view from them either so I need to research all the key points and form my own decision Those that want a pro and con list are out of luck as that's subjective. Do your own research and come to your own conclusion.
  2. To be honest I've never had a bad experience, I've been pulled twice and been treated fairly. Both times I was speeding and was rightly caught, I treated the officers with respect and that was reciprocated. When I started reading this thread I thought you were referring to "traffic officers" or as I heard from a highway maintenance guy once call them "motorway Wombles"
  3. Yep I've now preordered the division, didn't think I'd like it but I do. Will try and get an hour or so later today.
  4. You are assuming the taxation laws stay as is - the government relies heavily on taxing the motorist, it needs the cash to keep the country on an even keel (although not entering into an argument about labour vs tories here), if everyone switches to EV where does all that lost revenue come from? You can only tax ICE cars so much, and if the numbers dwindle to the point all EV enthusiasts are predicting there will be a multi billion pound blackhole in the UKs finances that needs to be filled, which means switching the taxation to EV or taxing the electorate in other areas. Take banking for example, was it 8-10 years ago a big campaign to stop them charging to use cash points and lots of people rejoicing at the money they saved. Now, 10 years on, the free current account I had 10 years ago with breakdown cover etc now costs me something like £10 a month. You will always be charged, just not always through the same channels. We are on the same page and your point is exactly what I was trying to convey, you sir put it much more eloquently
  5. It may not be the tech that drives the migration though, I did mean to try to get this point across but missed it entirely.... I often do that It's probably those very same incentives and more taxation on ICE that make the move more rapid than the tech can ever do which in turn will turn the tables on any incentives be them running costs, less taxation etc. I do hope the tech does move forward, particularly in the storage space then maybe on day my iPhone won't ever need a daily charge
  6. Apologies I didn't make myself clear. I had typed that while on conference calls and I seriously can not multitask Anyway I was agreeing with your points to some extent but it would be a brave man who beta against alternative energy vehicles being the norm in their lifetime. I agree it's probably a while off though. The issue I have with all the incentives that the government seem to have in place is down to hoodwinking the general public into believing they are doing their bit for the environment. That electricity has to be produced somewhere and it isn't harvesting lightening bolts doc brown style. Sooner rather than later it's going to hit the income and they will have to tax tax tax. Same with hydrogen cars, I saw a short video a while back (positive it was the bbc) where they were evaluating a Hyundai hydrogen car and it was all very well however to harness hydrogen they had to use masses of electricity and guess where that came from.... Your traditional coal/gas consuming power station. You were basically adding a layer of combustion to the cycle However I do see the merits of EV's for some uses though, flex isn't stupid and he will have done his research more so than I have - after all I'm nott in the market for one.
  7. Had an hour on the division last night and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I'll try and get a few more hours in over the weekend but so far I think I will be preordering.
  8. I'm sure the government are gearing up how to tax these cars. Once the balance shift means reduced fuel and road fund license revenues due to the tax incentives in place now start impacting money in you can bet they will start looking at ways to hit the "eco" car. Edit: My original wording was an illiterate ramble
  9. Downloaded the division beta for the Xbox one. This is the open beta which also has a SP mission apparently. Thinking of ways to get out of my evening calls to give it a blast tonight
  10. Just installed "stockfuse" trading simulator on my phone to get an idea of what's what. Can't do any harm
  11. Well today I priced up some "want" items then decided it wasn't worth the cost I'm tempted with a new monitor though, I have an old LCD at the minute 1680x1020 IIRC so will look out for a reasonably priced spec at an ok price... Looking at an ilyama 27" at the minute. I'll likely then start looking at graphics card but looking at GTX 750 TI as a budget card at the minute. Gone are the days when I can justify spunking money on such things.
  12. I was using my PC for a couple of jobs at the weekend and noticed battlenet was doing an update for Starcraft II, not played it for ages so decided I'd spend some time on it. Last night was the first opportunity and it's presented me with a problem...... I had forgotten how good the campaign is so I now have another game on the go.... Not finished AC, Fallout 4, MGS and having the odd game of Forza6. Good gaming times but it had presented me with another problem.... I've got a rather old graphics card (GTX 280) and I'm pondering upgrading to get some PC gaming in however I should also buy a new monitor while I'm st it
  13. Can't see the detail but if its a HR it could be Caroline/Pete (jetset) if they ventured out that way.
  14. Oh dear......... Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk Please elaborate..... It's still turn based...... You do need to play the pc remake of enemy unknown first so you get used to the difficulty and game dynamic...after that it's a doddle... Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk Yes I know it's turn based and the pc game was derived from the Amiga "enemy Unknown" original What I meant was they got the difficulty/ambience and gameplay right in the original enemy unknown game, later PC versions just didn't "feel" right. So my question about Amiga nostalgia still stands. Edit: actually just read that the Amiga version was dos port... Wow didn't realise that, also can't believe it was released in 1994.
  15. Oh dear......... Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk Please elaborate.....
  16. I was looking at xcom however I'd need a new graphics card and I'm not sure if nostalgia is skewing my view of the game. How true to the original Amiga version is it?
  17. I totally agree but I think what stands here is that this incident is deliberate and potentially fatal. The person who hired the vehicle certainly does have the right to remain silent and took that option. However as the person who signed the contract for the hire car they are liable for any incidents while the vehicle is at their disposal. Much the same for any speeding offences etc so as others have said by default the person is guilty of perverting the course of justice. This is of course all in my own opinion.
  18. Actually started playing rainbow 6 Vegas 2 on BC again tonight. Quite enjoyable but looks very dated.
  19. Ive switched back to GTA V for a bit to mop up side missions and explore. Forgot how big this is and how you can easily get distracted by random situations such as the runaway bride or the mobsters daughter getting bumped off. Haven't dared switch back to Trevor yet
  20. Just read about this. Seemed a genuine bloke who seemed to work hard, do a lot for charity/others but then kept himself to himself in his personal life. RIP
  21. Zeus, does it get tiresome being the God of sky and thunder And if so what other dieity would you be?
  22. Me too, my primary gaming is campaign and then MP to get the most value. I tend to avoid online only games as to be honest I'm a casual gamer who doesn't mind losing. I'm also quite a quiet/shy person so talking to strangers is awkward for me especially as my mum warned me about that sort of thing. They could be trying to groom me after all That reminds me that my humour is best when in person I'm still ploughing through fallout 4 at the minute, getting really tough and need to sort my armour out.
  23. Apologies if I came over all negative with company share schemes I just wanted to get across even they can have their pitfalls. I have considered looking into stocks in the past but got cold feet as I'm a risk adverse character. Before throwing your money into the pot id consider playing around with a simulator first, not real money but would allow you to get a feel for what's what etc. Some great advice in this thread and I'm going to follow with interest
  24. Sorry yes I did have the chance to sell when the original company was bought, the shares had been stable for a number of years so thought it was safe to do keep that and the fact I'd have lost due to the tax implications. The cynic in me still thinks the original company only started the share scheme to bolster share prices. They were the best performing company on the DOW for something like 40 consecutive quarters, outstripping anyone else listed hence the misguided confidence. I was young and it was in essence spare cash anyway. Still have the shares too just in case
  25. [quote name='Commander' timestamp='1454016860' post='1579744'] ^^ But you kept the shares, at which point you moved from share save in to being a plain share holder, and unfortunately got burnt. I intend on selling most of mine when it matures to minimise that risk... Just over 3 years to go! (5 yr scheme) I also do one where it comes out before tax, more risk, but an effective 40% discount so I'm willing to take the risk. [/quote] I had no choice really, I was burned either way. The financial crisis hit within 18 months of the acquisition which meant the shares tumbled literally overnight. I was tempted to buy a load more at the $3 mark but it was rumoured that the company would be nationalised and therefore shares null and void. Turns out I was wrong with that as well It's still a gamble and they aren't as protected as you think. Someone else said only invest what you are willing to lose. Don't get me wrong they are 100% my decisions but all investments have risk
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