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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. My diet is hard to regulate, as i work shifts, 2 weeks of 6-2 and 2 weeks of 2-10.30, with over time on top. I usually start my day with a can of full fat Red Bull when i get up, (regardless of shift or day) as i cant drink coffee, without being violently sick. I tend not to drink any normal tea, occasionally a fruit/herbal one. Breakfast is around 9-10 and normally consists of a bowl of Shreddies. Lunch will change depending on shift. If its and early shift, il eat around 11.30-12, and normally is a chicken wrap with some veg in it. ( freshly made for you), but if im on a late shift,then i usually eat a big meal around 1ish in the canteen, as its my main meal of the day,and its hot. On a late shift for dinner,i usually have another freshly made wrap around 7pm. I also always have a pack of chocolate raisins just after lunch, without fail,unless they have forgot to order them in and have run out! Gggrrr. My early shift dinner usually involves some sort of pasta or potato, and we do like a pasta bake with loads of crispy cheese on top. Hmmmmm. My partner has a stressful job, so is usually not home till 7 at the earliest, and we try to eat as early as possible. Im partial to alot of Vodka and SL tonics, which i know is good, and try to lay off the ales i like so much. I suffer with my gut more than anything else, im not fat anywhere else, just my waist. So any helpful tips. I do have a gym membership, but hardly use it,which i know is BAD.
  2. It does say replica at the top Matt.
  3. On a side note, i wondered if you were on here, as iv seen your car a few times looking a little sorry for itself. Im only in MK.
  4. Daryl

    brake cooling

    You could run a duct to the centre of the calliper, as then it would not only cool the calliper, but also central area of the disc. I suppose you need a certain amount of temperature in the pads and discs to get good bite, so maybe not make the duct too big. Though maybe Alex and/Ewen could advise better
  5. Daryl

    Slotted Discs

    Any idea what that would be on a set of DBA discs?
  6. Had a great day and a abit there this weekend, have not heard back from Silverstone, will contact them again and see if we can get a stand there.
  7. Daryl

    Slotted Discs

    Had a look at the inside of my front discs the other day, and im starting to loose the slots due to wear. Is there a set point when these need to be replaced? Got about 30% pad life left, and would ideally like to just replace the discs and pads at the same time.
  8. Daryl


    Cheers Matt! Lol Just seems a pain having to get them anodised again. Its almost worth having 2 sets, so while one is off being anodised, you can still use the car
  9. Daryl


    I have some anodised wheel nuts, (on my 2nd set) and was wondering if people had suffered similar issues with the coating coming off inside and around the lip of where the spline type object to remove them goes. Wondered if i take my wheels off too much,and thats why, or if buying another set would last longer.
  10. Depending where is Essex you are, you could try Kaiser Motors, they are just the other side of the bridge, and Sly is a top guy, really knows his stuff.
  11. Hope all goes well on your big day. Going to Vegas should be great, driving a Nascar should be epic, what a great honeymoon!
  12. Just take your time, and its easy. Id suggest getting a scotchbrite pad and just rubbing the securing pins that run across the caliper and putting a smear of copper slip on them, makes life alot easier in the future. Its something that once you have done it once, should take no more than an hour to do both sides from start to finish.
  13. Thats why people like Newey and Brawn are no longer interested in F1, the rules are so stupidly tight, what you have at the start of the year, is basically what you run with for most of the year, there is no real challenge for them anymore. A couple of seasons back, we were making new bits for the entire car, almost every race, as the development opportunity was there, the margins are so small now, we are not making much at all. Its a shame really. F1 should be about radical designs and finding new concepts to get around regulations and pushing the boundaries. I do agree with Bernie, if you cant afford to be in F1, then dont be in F1, dont complain about it costing too much, its what the sport has been about since the start.
  14. I think the tyre weighs more than the actual wheel to be honest. Iv done tyre running at various events (down side to being at the front of the field is the long trek to take the tyres back to Pirelli) and iv picked wheels up on their own, and they weigh next to nothing, and yes they are Mag alloy. If they start to run 18's next year, Ekona is right, the suspension will be massively different, as at the moment, they use the tyre to take alot of the movement, because they run them at such low PSI
  15. Can honestly say i didnt think this thread would escalate and cause so many disputes. Hope its all in good spirit. Still think its rubbish that they can get away with dumping and doing one.
  16. Id hardly call myself a city person, grand parents worked on a farm for many years before retiring, and i spent a fair amount of time on it. But as a driver, do you not find it atleast a little frustrating when you drive down the road, and maybe have to dodge a load of horse muck left there, then have to clean it off your car as you could not avoid it? How difficult could it be to jump off your horse, maybe tie it to tree or lamp post, scoop the poo up and then mount the horse and continue on your way?
  17. Im sorry, but you can get fold up shovels to carry with you. Nothing to stop a horse rider jumping off for 30 seconds, and scooping up some muck up and throwing it into the bushes.
  18. I dont mind horses on the road a such, we encountered some on our drive out in Essex on Saturday, but the piles of muck they leave is disgusting. There were campaigns years ago regarding dog poo, i dont see why horses can be exempt. Other than the people that make all the decisions, probably all own a horse or 2, so wouldnt want to bring a rule into effect!
  19. Sorry it just frustrates me.
  20. Sorry, has this been previously discussed?
  21. We have now become accustomed to picking up our dog poo, so why is it that horses can poo where ever they like, and just leave it there, be it road or path? Drove into my estate (estate that i live on, not 'my estate') and there were piles of it in the road. Why is this acceptable? Not sure if it is practical to stop, and pick it up, i understand its quite large, but something needs to be done surely.
  22. Could do the winglet bits of the spoiler in gold.....
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