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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Daryl

    M3 V8 E92

    Have you got warranty with the car, if not, id say £100 a month well spent to be honest.That will makesure any issues are covered. You will love it, without a doubt, the noise alone is worth it. If you put your head near the bonnet vents, you can hear the engine sucking air in through them if you get someone to rev it.
  2. Yeah iv got it on, sounds like a load of RC cars. Its like a F1 graveyard though, just hope it gives some of the young and promising drivers a chance into F1. Did Senna's car have a front left suspension failure, looks like he hit the kerb and the wheel broke, couldnt see who he hit on that side.
  3. The thing that surprised me the most is how much I enjoyed it, it was a trip booked for Estelle more than me, as I knew she always wanted to go, but I had a really good time. The people are really nice, there is loads to see, and its a pretty clean city. We saw some of the 'real' NYC too, walked around the West side and also around China town and East Villiage and Grenwhich area. We found a brilliant a little bar in China Town called Skal,the guy who runs it grew up in England, and lived in the same villiage as Estelle around the same time,. We found the cocktails were expensive, but then found out that they were double strengths, so actually you get 2 in a glass. Estelle loved it, it was a really surprise, and was even better as we were bumped up to Club World on the flight out there and back, and we even got an upgrade to the hotel room, so it all went better than expected.
  4. Daryl

    M3 V8 E92

    A close friend of mine had one, coupe, with 19" and the EDC as well. Had a couple of issues that were fixed under warranty, something to do with the fuel pump is quite a common problem apparently. Saying that, it was an amazing car, just expensive to run. Dont see it as a top line 3 series, and see it as a £50k sports car (or what ever they were new) and you will be fine. My mate really misses his, that V8 is stunning, though it sounds even better with a sports exhaust. Maybe your one will rot really quickly and need replacing! lol
  5. Back in January I booked flights and hotel for me and Estelle to New York, and just told her what dates to book off work. Now keeping it a secret for 9 months has not been easy, a lot of family and friends knew, and luckily they keep quiet too. The trip morphed from Ireland, to The Ring, to Scotland. lol This was our 1st wedding anniversary present as well as her 30th birthday present, so I thought id make it special. Anyway, flew out Thursday morning, and got back Tuesday morning, and have to say what an amazing experience it was. I didnt think I would enjoy it as much as I did, but id happily go back there again, and soak up some more atmosphere, and explore some more. I think it has to be on the list of places you must go before you die. Saw pretty much every major sight there was to see, so it was an exhausting trip, but well worth it.
  6. We are off to see Paul Chowdhry in a few weeks, love his sense of humour. Really like Greg Davies too, think he is brilliant
  7. Nice to see RB trying the stupidly skinny wing, and it working
  8. What a race, great overtakes all over the shop,epic track, epic racing
  9. Is he Pro Taliban now or something?
  10. Fair enough, il have a chat with him and see what he thinks
  11. If he wants the back to help turn im, would doing both ARB's just give same sort of characteristics, or get adjustable ones and set the fromt to soft and the back to hard?
  12. He bought the S3 as it is fast and practical, and he has to negotiate a crap road to get to his house, and the M3 was struggling, not to mention it costing a fortune to maintain. He is a pretty good driver, and maybe the Haldex controller would be ideal for him. However, as the ARB is pretty cheap, would it not make sense to see if that gives him what he wants first?
  13. yeah thats pretty much what the owner has said. He had a E92 M3 before the S3, but sold that, bought the S3 and an S1 Elise. Trying to research about the Haldex, and there appears to be alot of bull floating around about how it works, and what it actually sends to the rear wheels etc. As the Haldex controllers are expensive, im suggesting that the owner gets an anti roll bar at the back, and see if that gives him what he wants.
  14. Iv got a forum member coming to have a look at it this week with the view to take it off my hands, as he is reverting to stock. I have got plenty of space, but trying to keep things as clutter free and tidy as possible.
  15. One of my good mates has an 8P S3, and we were discussing how to make it a little more exciting. We have talked about getting a Haldex controller, so we can put the power rearwards a litle more, and discussed a rear anti roll bar. Obviously the ARB is cheaper, but just wondering what peoples thoughts were on this, if you could pick one or the other, what would it be? I know it depends on what the owner actually wants out of the car, but my thoughts were that if you put an ARB on, then it would give you more turn in and still retain the 4WD to power you out the corner.
  16. Blimey,thats some steel there! Though the question was more to do with the straps that are holding the two trusses together. Il have a look again tomorrow, but il move the last row of ply so it is evenly over both trusses, and just leave it as that. Im going to be boarding the inside of the ceiling also and putting some lights in there. The roof area will be storing my car mags and some other bits like wheels etc and although il occasionally be crawling around up there, im hoping it will hold.
  17. Thanks for the help and info guys. Il move that last strip of boards so it is evenly over the 2 trusses. What im thinking of doing is putting additional bracing over the nail plates and screwing them to the trusses for exfra strength. Would this be adviceable of would it weaker the trusses?
  18. Dont worry Colin, my neighbour popped round at 1.20 with 2 beers in his hand! Just finishing off a bottle of fizz with the wife before some cocktails.
  19. Just boarding out some of the roof in the garage, and after doing a little research, was wondering if any builders could offer their opinion on what they think the best course of action will be. My main issue are the trusses (iv just seen they should not be called joists) and that there is a join of these that is only held by some plates on the side. Just wondering if what i have/intend to do is safe generally, and if i need to put a couple of straps over these plates to beef up the trusses so i can put some stuff on them. Here is what iv done, and the lay out of the garage roof.
  20. Car looks awesome mate, congrats
  21. As tittle really, still having a clear out of the garage, and have still got the original exhaust, back box, mid section and Y pipe. (in good condition). Just wondering, that it all weighs a fair bit, and whether its worth just taking it to the scrap yard, along with a busted Y pipe i have and getting some cash for it all.
  22. That is brilliant, HUUUUUUUGE turbo too.
  23. Daryl


    Cheers Will,i dont have a Rolex though, not quite there yet. Lol I know my Omega box would be £100 on its own, so thats not going anywhere. Thats all i have unfortunately
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