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Mi Vida Loca


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Well that's how it seems to me anyway as life in Madrid is waaaaay different to living in the back of beyond in East Yorkshire.


Not sure if anyone will actually remember me but I just wanted it say !Hola! because it gets a bit lonely being in a city where you barely speak the language, although my twice weekly Spanish lessons should help remedy that! I was selling my Zed prior to moving here but when it came down to it I just couldn't bear to part with him so he's all tucked up in the UK and I sometimes have dreams about him. Sad or what? I am NOT getting a car in Madrid because the standard of driving here is atrocious. How can people who are perfectly pleasant as pedestrians suddenly undergo such a transformation I wonder?


Anyway, I hope everyone is well and happy. I'm having fun here and I am living in what we Yorkshire folk would call 'a reet posh part of t'city', completely surrounded by designer shops and bars etc. You'd be hard pressed to swing a mouse, let alone a cat, in the apartment but it's home :)

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I was just about to flounce off Hugh but then I saw you were only joking! Mr Twobears is working his backside off but I am a lady of leisure and have even joined an all women gym (but the personal trainers are all young men, ha ha) so what's not for me to like?! I wish I knew how to find the smileys :( I am kind of dreading July because the heat will be unbearable but, otherwise it's great here :)


Hi 14N ( please imagine the waving smiley)

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I was just about to flounce off Hugh but then I saw you were only joking! Mr Twobears is working his backside off but I am a lady of leisure and have even joined an all women gym (but the personal trainers are all young men, ha ha) so what's not for me to like?! I wish I knew how to find the smileys :( I am kind of dreading July because the heat will be unbearable but, otherwise it's great here :)............

please give my regards to Mr Twobears

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I was just about to flounce off Hugh but then I saw you were only joking! Mr Twobears is working his backside off but I am a lady of leisure and have even joined an all women gym (but the personal trainers are all young men, ha ha) so what's not for me to like?! I wish I knew how to find the smileys :( I am kind of dreading July because the heat will be unbearable but, otherwise it's great here :)


Hi 14N ( please imagine the waving smiley)

Sound's like you've got it made. :)


So it's get up at midday, exercise with some fit guys then Tinto De Verano's till the husband get's home. :lol:



Wish that was my life with the exception of me exercising with fit girls & just waiting for the Mrs to get home. :D

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I will, Hugh, thanks :)


:wave: Yay, thanks Andy.


Glad it's not just me Colin. Had assumed it was my lack of technology related skills.


GMb, you've kind of got my life down to a tee, apart from the fact that every day feels like triple Spanish and then being put in detention 'cos I've got all my homework wrong!


Right, although I'm only an hour ahead of you all, I'm off to bed. I may or may not have had a few glasses of vino blanco in my favourite tapas bar already ( Andy, I need the red-faced smiley here please)!!

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