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Can you spray rays wheels?


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The rays on my new zed look awful, can get them powder coated for £200

But as cash is tight at the moment I was thinking of spaying them black.

They are silver at the moment with flaking paint, I thought I could get a drill with wire brush and clean them up and rattle can them?

Is there a set way like prime then spray and what paint ?


Done a search but I find searches are hit and miss on here, am I searching wrong and can you search just the topic rather than just thread words?

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Buster has rattle canned more wheels than I care to remember and they have all come out OK :)


Should look better than flaking paint, be careful how you prep them a wire wheel is likely to put scratches and marks in that will show through new paint!

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Zhorno. Those look fantastic sprayed like that! I'm looking to get mine done too. Where did you have yours done?



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Friend of mine in bristol , we're abouts are you



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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice skills :) whenever I use a spray can for anything it ends up looking pants!

Honestly, it's all just down to the prep work and how much effort you put into the sanding :)


Totally agree, ive reprayed more wheels than I can remember and the results look like brand new alloys. If you take your time sanding them down, then primering, a few coats of paint, then a lacquer they will look lovely. I usually try to do it in summer when you can do it outside and the wheels get nice & warm and dry quickly.

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Nice skills :) whenever I use a spray can for anything it ends up looking pants!

Honestly, it's all just down to the prep work and how much effort you put into the sanding :)


Totally agree, ive resprayed more wheels than I can remember and the results look like brand new alloys. If you take your time sanding them down, then primering, a few coats of paint, then a lacquer they will look lovely. I usually try to do it in summer when you can do it outside and the wheels get nice & warm and dry quickly.

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Cheers rabbitstew,

I'm def gonna get it done over the next few weeks, going to go down to a specialist paint store in mawney road romford , they give good advice on paints etc as I'm sure I'll need a special primer etc,

Also think Matt black on azure car will look good.



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