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Car running through a Red light on my travels... extra video added page 7

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Day 16 in the Zed Brother House. The Bounty Bar Kid has come to the diary room to dicuss issues within the roads. "Em... Guy went through red light"


ZedBrother has tasked Dblock to start an argument over this, and if he can keep it going for 12days, the fellow house mates will be awarded with a japspeed backbox and ripspeed air intake.

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Day 16 in the Zed Brother House. The Bounty Bar Kid has come to the diary room to dicuss issues within the roads. "Em... Guy went through red light"


ZedBrother has tasked Dblock to start an argument over this, and if he can keep it going for 12days, the fellow house mates will be awarded with a japspeed backbox and ripspeed air intake.


Meanwhile.... 80 people killed in Spanish car crash, 70 people killed in Italian coach crash, scientists continue to work on cures for many terminal diseases..... and an area of the rain forrest dissapears forever... :dry:

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Common dblock I wanna see this go all out as you must have touched a nerve ;)


Maybe you've not see what happened to my car recently?


Did someone run a red light and hit you?


Not exactly.




A fair few thousand quid down the pan!


Ah man that sucks! I would have gone Liam neeson style


There you go then. Now maybe you'll see why I'm not impressed with flippant remarks. In fact its not the first time from Mr Block.


My block is my father.


First thing calm down. It was ment to be abit of banter but I didn't realise your such a girl.


Also I want to know what other flippant remarks I have made?


I agree with riceys point.


Also I don't know why ekona is spouting his crap. I've gone through a few red lights who doesn't? The light is going Ambur just as your going up to the lights. You can either slam the brakes and get rear ended or just go through as it's turning red. Happened today at the clay pots junction actually. Your lying through your teeth if you haven't done that.

If you`re driving (and approaching the lights) in the correct manner there is never a need to either slam on or go through a red light. The only reason for going through a red light is that you`ve tried to beat it when it changed to amber !!

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I have never, ever driven through a red light. Anyone who has done so is a complete idiot, and I have no idea how they can even try and justify that.


What part of BIG FRICKING RED LIGHT do you think doesn't mean stop?

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Zackerly. They're all idiots too.


I get how people can justify speeding, on the correct road. It's something I'd do because I like my licence, but I can see why people do it. What I cannot fathom is how anyone in their right mind would think it's okay to go through a red light? If you're going to get rear ended by the car behind if you stop, then you're both driving like numpties.

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Im actually in Richmond sipar, pretty sure I have seen that grey 370 a few times? Yes centre kingston is awful but its a good cut through coming home from football at 10pm :)


Ahh maybe...I do go through Richmond sometimes :)


I remember now, saw you passing me in the opposite direction, would have been last friday maybe, you were heading towards richmond bridge I was going the other way in my red VX220, just on the road by Waterstones :thumbs:


Isn't it nice that we can have this friendly chat while all around is getting a bit fraught. :lol: . I dont think that would have been me last Friday. You've seen one more 370 in the area than I have! I'll keep an eye out for your VX220 (hard to miss those). I'm sure I might have seen it before. You can distinguish my Z by the big shiny Stillen exhaust tips.

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So you didn't get caught speeding in France. I'm sure you was saying they give you a hefty fine and make you pay it there and then?


110% agree with Luke's, dedmans and smd's posts.


Also saying spouting crap is hardly making the swear filter work. It's nicer than what I could of said plus ekona is a big boy his feeling don't get hurt so easily. Plus his posts are hardly love letters to me.


Didn't realise it was against argumentative to have a different opinion. Some people also agree with what I'm saying but guess just because they don't say what the forum cliques say they are argumentative.




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So you didn't get caught speeding in France. I'm sure you was saying they give you a hefty fine and make you pay it there and then?


110% agree with Luke's, dedmans and smd's posts.


Also saying spouting crap is hardly making the swear filter work. It's nicer than what I could of said plus ekona is a big boy his feeling don't get hurt so easily. Plus his posts are hardly love letters to me.


Didn't realise it was against argumentative to have a different opinion. Some people also agree with what I'm saying but guess just because they don't say what the forum cliques say they are argumentative.

I presume that some of that is aimed at me, and once again you have missed the point, if you read my post back it said "people" it wasn't aimed at any one person :shrug:
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Don't worry. In the last month Ekona has indirectly called me a C***t (debate about people parking over the lines in car parks) and today I see I'm a "complete idiot" (for admitting to mistakenly going through a red light once). I think he likes me :lol:

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So you didn't get caught speeding in France. I'm sure you was saying they give you a hefty fine and make you pay it there and then?

I did, what was your point again? Like I said, I did some stupid things when i was younger that I learnt my lessons from. Hopefully when you grow up a bit you'll realise that driving through red lights on purpose is somewhat retarded.


Again, I've never jumped a red light, and there is simply no good reason or excuse for it. How many times/different ways do you want me to say it?

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