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How do you argue with stupid people?


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Actually, I think I know the answer to my question already - you can't :dry: If someone is reasonably intelligent you can normally have some sort of sensible discussion, even if you eventually agree to disagree, but attempting to reason with someone not blessed with many brain cells really is impossible :surrender:

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I don't argue with them, I just tell them how it is.


If i start a conversation with a dumb ass, that leads to an argument, i usually just say "sorry my mistake"! Absolutely no point in taking the argument any further as they just don't get it!

Either of the above depending on my mood at the time.


As my lovely wife says - I have to remember not everyone can be as intelligent as I am. I have to remind myself of that a lot at work :lol:

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Um, I'm not sure if I should tell you exactly what the 'discussion' was about Graham 'cos it's probably a bit unsuitable for a family- friendly forum :blush: I did resort to a liberal dose of sarcasm before I walked off because I'd exhausted all other options but still feel miffed that I couldn't get my point across :angry:

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Um, I'm not sure if I should tell you exactly what the 'discussion' was about Graham 'cos it's probably a bit unsuitable for a family- friendly forum :blush: I did resort to a liberal dose of sarcasm before I walked off because I'd exhausted all other options but still feel miffed that I couldn't get my point across :angry:

Ha ha, that's the worst of it every time, they probably didn't understand your sarcasm and you ended up feeling peed off :bang: :bang:
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Totally agree


Was having a debate with someone on Facebook earlier (lame I know)


Simply shared my opinion that I didn't like the modification on their car, and I then get asked what I drive. So I tell them it's a 350z and instantly get called a Daddy's boy....so I clarified that I obviously work and pay for my own things, including owning my own house, which results in them coming back with "you're clearly on benefits which I pay for through my taxes"


Just no winning with morons :surrender:

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Totally agree


Was having a debate with someone on Facebook earlier (lame I know)


Simply shared my opinion that I didn't like the modification on their car, and I then get asked what I drive. So I tell them it's a 350z and instantly get called a Daddy's boy....so I clarified that I obviously work and pay for my own things, including owning my own house, which results in them coming back with "you're clearly on benefits which I pay for through my taxes"


Just no winning with morons :surrender:

:scare: :bang:
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I work with teenagers, most of my working career is spent debating/discussing/arguing with people who don't understand either a logical solution, or that they are wrong, and would argue the sky is green if they reckon they could get away with it. E.g. I see a kid climbing a fence... "why are you climbing the fence?" reply "I wasn't" "but I just saw you" "wasn't me" "so your telling me someone who looks just like you, ran past you, climbed the fence and then spontaneously combusted at the top of the fence to leave no evidence they ever existed." "ermmm .... yes" ffs.

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