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Ten things you hate about modern day society?


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I don't want to sound like a pessimist but I'm forever discovering new things that really wind me up. I'm probably just getting old!

Here's my list.

1) Pedophiles

2) Animal cruilty

3) Junkies

4) Benefit scroungers

5) Politicians

6) The banking system

7) The EU

8) The price of Motoring

9) The way our counrty treats our elderly citizens

10)The weather in Scotland


I could probably list my top 50, but i'll keep it to 10!

Feel free to add your list!




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On a slightly lighter note, I'm a total grammar Nazi. I get so irate when people get things like there, their and they're wrong. Drives me bonkers, kids can't be bothered to even spell properly.


I get do irate at people too.... Oh the irony :lol;

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On a slightly lighter note, I'm a total grammar Nazi. I get so irate when people get things like there, their and they're wrong. Drives me bonkers, kids can't be bothered to even spell properly.


I get do irate at people too.... Oh the irony :lol;


No idea what you mean ;)

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I don't want to sound like a pessimist but I'm forever discovering new things that really wind me up. I'm probably just getting old!

Here's my list.

1) Pedophiles


always existed look at rome and greece a long time ago

2) Animal cruilty


again happened loads with horses being killed, animals made to fight for sport etc etc


3) Junkies

Been around for years. Look at when Britain ruled India and ordered them to grow poppys so it could saturate the Chinese market with canonball sized balls of opium. Therefore undercutting the Chinese and getting alot more people hooked. Look at the rulers opium and drugs had been used for donkeys.


4) Benefit scroungers

This is a fact of life not much you can do tbh.


5) Politicians

No more corrupt then what they was 100 or 200 years ago and they where no more corrupt then the rulers or monachry before them.


6) The banking system

It what way does it annoy you surely without you wouldnt have a mortage.


7) The EU

I agree


8) The price of Motoring

I agree


9) The way our counrty treats our elderly citizens

We are only really getting used to old people. With life expectancy so high and it gets to the point that they need alot of help to live. There kids wont help so the goverment has to and obviously thats never good.


10)The weather in Scotland

Best weather in the world


I could probably list my top 50, but i'll keep it to 10!

Feel free to add your list!

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Flamboyant gay guys. OK so you're gay. Big woop, but why do you have to act and dress like that? You don't see me running around shouting out that I'm straight! OK maybe you do, but that's only because people assume I'm gay!





Would you prefer we say your camp?

Edited by Dblock
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On a slightly lighter note, I'm a total grammar Nazi. I get so irate when people get things like there, their and they're wrong. Drives me bonkers, kids can't be bothered to even spell properly.


I get do irate at people too.... Oh the irony :lol;

Lol, you beat me to it!

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Flamboyant gay guys. OK so you're gay. Big woop, but why do you have to act and dress like that? You don't see me running around shouting out that I'm straight! OK maybe you do, but that's only because people assume I'm gay!





Would you prefer we say your camp?


Rather be nothing. Same as everyone else.

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Dblock, The reason why I hate the banking system so much is due to the way they govern themselves. They gamble everyday with people's pensions etc and when it all goes wrong those very people have to bail them out.

You could argue that if the bankers gamble's paid off we would think they were the best thing since sliced bread. The only reason they take the risks that they do is for the large bonuses they receive if they pull it off.

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As Dblock says a lot of those things are no worse now than they were before just more media coverage and less places to hide


My big hate is social media.... Why do I want to know what you had for breakfast or what your thinking about!


Cornflakes and Kelly Brook, although I wish that was the other way around!

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As Dblock says a lot of those things are no worse now than they were before just more media coverage and less places to hide


My big hate is social media.... Why do I want to know what you had for breakfast or what your thinking about!

As i said in my first post Dave, i think it's just because i'm getting older that certain thing are starting to wind me up. Apart fom the obvious things listed that everyone detest.

By the way I also hate those PPI fol!

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As Dblock says a lot of those things are no worse now than they were before just more media coverage and less places to hide


My big hate is social media.... Why do I want to know what you had for breakfast or what your thinking about!




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people who can't drive (mainly lane discipline)




I was going to post tonight the horendous driving on our roads today.


They may not be driving dangerously but haven't got a clue which lane they are in, what they are doing or how close they are driving to the car in front. 5 times a night I'll shake my head in complete disgust!!


Tonight there's 4 cars all bumper to bumper. The car in the lead is doing 65, each car behind keeps tapping their brakes. The lead car eventually pulls over, and the 2nd car pootles along probably 300 yards before moving into the middle lane and stays there despite there, sorry their, no there again, being nobody in the inside lane and reside there for the next ten miles. Car number 3 does the same.


It drives me absolutely crazy. If they all pootled along in the inside lane everyone would get home stress free and probably a little quicker too.


Them there's our roads, pothole, sunken drain, grooves across te road like canyons and busses and trucks pulling out as if you're not there. Highway Code you mutt heads!!!!


I hate England so much for driving, it's crap on a monumentous level!


When I tour Europe I feel as though I don't want to go home. As well as for the ten good reasons above.

Edited by Wasso
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