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seized and rusted exhaust bolts.


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How on earth does anybody manage to replace their exhaust system without taking to a garage? Tried to fit my new stainless system on Xmas eve but had to give up. The nuts were completely seized and soo rusty. Any tips? I lagged them in WD40 for ages as well. Its a 54plate. I was fuming. So looking forward to getting the system on.

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you really need to try heat first , if they dont budge which mine didnt , you will be forced to grind the stud's of and drill straight

through the remainder for the stud so you may need some new nuts and bolts.


I got a cheapo grinder from b and q , you will also need decent metal drill bits


+1. Use heat to expand the nuts first, or just grind them off.

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blow torch was the only way i got them off without sheering bolts, but i dont reccommend it unless your dangerous like me :blackeye: or can get the car very high up in the air...try leaving the car running for a bit and a bit of shock therapy with your foot with a smallish breaker bar (make sure the car is properly supported!!!!

or pay your local garage a tenner to crack all the nuts for you then go home and do it yourself :thumbs:

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yea was going to do that but was worried about being so confined with an angle grinder. Last time I did an exhaust on my Megane 225 I used a grinder and the disc exploded quite close to my face. Only got small jacks so I said to myself I wouldnt do that again being so confined,lol. Would need the car up in the air or something. Well I may just take it to a garage or something then? How many hours labour do you think they'd charge for that? 1 or 2? It's cat back.

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if they decent garage and you get chummy with them prob hours labour 50-60 quid dependant on there hourly charge....im sure some can string the job out over few hours though!!!!

but i had the same prob with my first exhaust and just asked my garage if they could run it on the ramp before or after hours to crack nuts for them its literally a 5-10min job as they have the access most you find arent to bothered to earn a drink in there pocket for that job..but thats just me i like doing the job myself can get cat back out on side of road in 30 minutes if you dont have tricky nuts!

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ill be doing an exhaust soon for this, i cant imagine in anyway its anywhere near as hard as doing an exhaust on a VX220 haha. I may eat my words but plus gas perhaps some heat but im sure if it comes to grinding its fairly accessible?


Anyway hope you get yours sorted soon buddy :thumbs:

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How on earth does anybody manage to replace their exhaust system without taking to a garage? Tried to fit my new stainless system on Xmas eve but had to give up. The nuts were completely seized and soo rusty. Any tips? I lagged them in WD40 for ages as well. Its a 54plate. I was fuming. So looking forward to getting the system on.


You can buy a nut splitter for about £5. The ring of the splitter goes over the seized nut, you then turn a mandrel which has a cutting edge and it splits the nut and the nut just drops off leaving the stud/thread intact.

They look like this and do a great job. :)


http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalo ... GcQ8gIwAg#

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