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Zed officially gone :-(


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Got someone finally coming to see my baby tomorrow... :byebye:


They're coming all the way down from Glasgow and bringing cash to take it away assuming they like it... so quick :surrender:


I feel so gutted, i gave it its final bath tonight and hoovered it out etc.


Wont have a car now though so gotta buy something quick... am working from home the rest of this week so that gives me 5 days...! :lol:

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Can't believe your selling mate. :byebye:


I go away for 2 weeks and you have jumped ship. :surrender:


You got back alright then? Good holiday?


As soon as our immigration problems are sorted i'll be getting something good again. I want an azure zed next time, but a 911 could definitely sway me... B)


In the mean time, look out for the 'shed of the week' feature on pistonheads, as i'll be rolling with that crowd from now on... :lol:

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i know its your last night together and you love her but dont do anything creepy sexual :surrender:

tarmac was telling me about this stuff he watched where cars and women... well its probably best left unsaid, but im sure some people would want to eat yoghurt while watching.

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Well, that's it. I'm now zedless. I was trying to talk the guy out of buying it to be honest. Giving him the keys was so difficult.


He was a really nice guy that bought it - another oil worker from Glasgow now has a zed! I've told him to get on here obviously.


So, that's it. I'm done! :byebye:


(mods - there should be a special colour for former zed owners ;) )

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