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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. bedford evans halshaw have a 07 kuro...
  2. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/745523/video/ enjoy... U-certificate, no sound required...
  3. my missus thinks it is chavvy but I really like it... so no p!ss take or I will take it personally If you have alezan interior... at night you can see the orange seats change from orangey, to red, to blueish/purple and passenger seat and driver seat changing different colours... and bonus of all they are bright enogh you can still use to read maps easily. now where are those footwell disco lights....
  4. Hello chaps... I have recently started making new contacts with a 350Z forum in Spain (http://www.club350zspain.net), they seem like quite a nice bunch of people...maybe in future we have a EURO-Meet we can get them involved also, and expand our relations abroad... Anyway... one of theforum guys over there has bought 2 sets of HKS headers from JAPAN, the problem is that they are JDM and for a LHD vehicle they interfere with the steering system. They played with one to make it fit but they have another set brand new and un-used, which they want to sell to a UK or JDM owner... so they asked me as a favour if I would promote over here. Price is 625 UK pounds and he will pay all the shipping costs. if anyone is interested let me know and I will put you in contact with this guy. Cheers! Of course some pics
  5. if you get LED wattage is irrelevant.... you want a Car 9 LED Interior Light Bulb 31mm - RBG colour change http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Car-9-LED-Interio ... dZViewItem
  6. I have got 3 colour changing LEDS red/green/blue and they random phase between the colours.... yeah baby ! my car is a disco when I KEY-OFF....and when i open it at night... chavvy? perhaps... but i love it...
  7. but remeber boys and girls..... you have to wash and polish the car length ways , if you polish across the width of the car you generate an aerodynamic barrier which adds at least 0.0000000000001 Cd If you polish in circles you end up generating aero-swirls which generate pressure vortices over the whole car.... like mini tornadoes...affecting the whole handling of the car.... PURE CLASS...
  8. There are two cars with this kit, I think 1. The std Nismo Z sold in US and Japan ( bodykit, wheels interior etc...) 2. The 380RS which is a 3.8l Nismo developed engine ( limited run of only 300 with this engine) and all the bodykit as above....I'd love to see one of these... 3. There is a 380RS competition but i think this is just a race track specific version not for public sale... This body kit is definetely NOT the V2 kit... The V1 kit was the original, The V2 was based around the Nismo S-Tune GT car soo.... The V3 could be based aroud this 380RS ... MAYBE... but it is early stages for this model so I guess they want to try and sell the whole vehicle rather than individual parts. It is a right pain for Europe because a lot of the nismo kit available in the rest of the world has not been validated or approved for use in Europe, (This is by Nismo themselves, therefore they do not oficially authorise the sale of these Nismo parts in Europe, which would then have to go through Nissan Motors GB) Things like Exhausts, Dampers, Springs, Brakes, Clutches etc... have not been tested for the european market, so there cannot be any guarantee provided with them. You have to think that as soon as you mention "Europe" people in Japan start thinking of much more severe usages ( we drive faster, specially germany, corner a lot more and harder than anywhere else, and generally give cars a more severe time and much more frequently than Japan or US (not only dirver styles, but also down to the roads we drive...) We all just need to bend NISMO's ear and prove to them that we would spend loads'a money on their parts and they would probably test and developed them for Europe Oficially. Get a JDM model, will hold value better than a US...purely on the fact that they build JDM with the steering wheel in the correct position... they have not yet got it right for US and other countries... :PAnd if you get it with this kit I think you will have one of the very few ( perhaps the only one in UK!?!?!?)
  9. Have a good trip it sounds really cool! some general advise though -> When near Vegas, go to see the grand canyon, but try not to do a Thelma and Louise Car park manouvre... -> Pop round to area 51 and check the hype ...according to Google earth... From Vegas take the 93 highway NORTH for 80-90 miles then take the 375 road up a mountain heading WEST , over the mountain and down for 20 miles and if you can get to the base of the mountain take the firts left road ( looks a bit unpaved....) and follow it straight to the top of the mountain and if you can get this far and have big powerfull enough binoculars you may be able to spot the Famous area 51...check for little green men...or Mulder and Scully , then again it could land you a trip to a nice hotel sponsored by the US govermnent , so perhaps don't take too much notice of this... Enjoy the drive!
  10. My most sincere condolences to you and your family.
  11. but do you just look at the books on the shelf or take them home and read them? just looking at the pretty pictures.... reading books from the library is for clever people... I am not that clever....
  12. looking at other cars is ok, it keeps your perspective fresh ... As I try to explain to my missus "the fact i have a book does not mean i cannot go to the library... !" she does not find it funny for some reason...
  13. I just found a Spanish 350z Club and a Mike350Z exists in this forum... that won't be you by any chance will it? I am trying to get into this Spanish forum, but the admins moderators have yet to grant me access... hummm... not quite as efficient as the lot in here...
  14. I find it hilarious that: -> Even at the technical centre in Uk no one knows anything about this car, or very little by a very very select few...the dealers will talk like they know ... specially UK ones which are franchises, not even NMGB owned dealerships... -> that the dealers have no spec on this car, very little idea of what it will be and no idea if they will even get it ( other than the fact that the CEO of Nissan Motors said it would be a "global car" and it is being tested in Nurburgring...) Dealers read the same autoexpress comics that we can read...to get the "latest" gossips So read the gossip magazines and web pages around the world and you will have the same knowledge of future models as a dealer will. GT-R is one of the best kept secrets in Nissan globally... ( to the point that the words are barely mentioned in public discussion) ....but i guess they have to wet peoples appetite to get added sales My guess ...??? New 370Z coupe and ROADSTER ( maybe with a tin glass top) GT-R Coupe only...
  15. ohh I am fluent at janglish... arigatooooo
  16. come on guys... some ones rubbish is someone else treasures...
  17. Those things seem to be wobbly on all the cars i have seen , just a poor design, and it is the interior alarm sensor. The lights are easy! get a fine screwdriver and thinclotch jamm it in between the lense and the trim in the section between the two lenses and lever it gently... it should detach with little force... The thingy stuck to the windscreen I think is the antenna unit for the mobile phone when you use the phone cradle.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-S ... enameZWDVW go on zedrush your final modding for your beast... you know you want it...
  19. my uk tax disc on a uk spec gt 54 model says PLG ... so it is not only exports...
  20. you can get autostart in JDM model , as usual... but there is next to no car theft in Japan so security is not and issue over there... 75200yen which is around 320 quid...
  21. is it well organised, regarding driving your own car in the track?, or do some chavtastic individuals require you to keep your wits about yourself more than usual?... as it is silverstone it is quite close to me (1 hour drive) so i might pop over and have a sneeky look... and might even try the track if it is not full of eeeeeeejits with supa-fast burberry specced novas...
  22. I assumed that was what was asked. BM's appear to be storming away with it. Have voted with all my IP’s now. Deleting the maxpower cookie does seem to effect it Doh! must remeber to read the whole threads. must remeber to read the whole threads, must remeber to read the whole threads... voted again from work...
  23. done ...by the way will it help if we vote the beemer 1 to bring his average down....??? just a thought...not sure how it works.... I'll vote from work tomorrow also...
  24. martinmac Max Digsy, BigPhil TheMinel Jonathan Andy C (possible) xStric9x Beavis (possible) Stuey (possible Kevgreen 16? Jacko (possible) Wilky Chesterfied Zzzz... + Boss (90% certain) I'll bend LeTanks ear to go too...
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