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Everything posted by Blacky

  1. please add me to the list
  2. For oil to be in the plug well, it'll be your cam cover gasket.
  3. Blacky

    19" wheels

    Could you please elaborate on that statement.
  4. Having worked on a lot of different vehicles and makes, I have never come across a TC fault caused by worn or different make tyres. I can't believe that the Z is the only car that does this. Never seen a fault code for TC that said change tyres. About 90% vehicles on the road have mismatched tyres and dont have TC lights on. Have seen plenty with wrong size tyres throwing up faults though.
  5. Then it's almost certainly related to anti roll bar. If they had the car hanging on the ramp, they wouldnt be able to feel the play. Get them to check it with the weight on the wheels.
  6. Is the knock more noticable on smaller bumps at slower speeds?
  7. Can anyone photoshop a rectangular recess on a chargespeed rear, would be interesting to see. Personally like the square, but very interesting.
  8. If you have a continous misfire, you could remove the electrical plug on each coilpack one at a time. The one that doesnt make any difference to engine running is the one you need to change. If you want to make doubly sure swap it with one of the others an if the misfire moved, bobs your mothers uncle in law.
  9. I just got in from bowling and she's cooked me dinner for me.
  10. Can anyone clarify what this means please? If someone nicks my wheels, will Admiral only pay for some standard rims to go back on? If someone nicks my zed, will Admirla only give me the value of a zed without a full, factory fitted nismo kit? ...slightly concerning... It means if you have anything that was not put on at the factory, they won't replace it like for like.
  11. Was with them for 2 years and very good. Be careful as they dont cover the mods like for like and will only replace original equipment.
  12. Just a little update..........all body work now prepped, primered and ready for paint. Hopefully paint in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime I fitted these
  13. Interesting, I have never bothered as I always thought it was a bit of snake oil. Can you do them in ORANGE ?
  14. Sort of like it. Red on the sides looks ok but would lose it on the front. If you like it, thats what really matters.
  15. Looking there mate. Look like a bitch to clean though
  16. I use mine daily on a Monday when its on the road.
  17. 1. Scootg - 2 Tickets - No Track Time. 2.magic84 2.one ticket. . no track time 3. CaptainSensible. One ticket. Would be interested in track time. 4. Blacky - no tickets - no track - Stand pass please
  18. I thought this had been sorted with their revised brackets
  19. should look good mate.
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