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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Cheers wasso. The rb26 came from a from someone I knows well looked after r33 gtr that sadly got written off last year. Only has about 50k miles on it and pretty standard. This isn't going to be a quick build in anyway as I'm wanting to get it done just right with upgrading lots of parts in the engine. I've found someone in the states that's done the swap himself so been firing questions to him so far. If I need any advice though I'll get in touch. Niiice! I'll pop the question on the FB page just in case. You can never have too much resource or information.
  2. Just seen this, good luck dude. It's a journey in itself. What's the usage on the RB? I would direct you to a page I'm on via facebook which has been the source of a lot of information during my swap. Although it's purely a LS page, but there's got to be something else out there for added support if needed.
  3. The saddle will require lowering first though!
  4. In the corners yes, but I guess this will catch SCzeds on the straights now?
  5. Happy Birthday Chris, hope you have a fab day
  6. Afraid unrealistic and not possible my friend. Shame, think it would be an animal around that weight lol It could be an animal at 1600 kg but you would require a second mortgage. haha to be fair it is already a bit of an animal, but i want something that scares me each time i drive it lol Drive blindfolded, great fun and super scary on the motorway.
  7. Love doing bits like this, jealous I can't lend a hand..... until next Saturday Shame you'll lose the carbon, but then you could give it a carbon skin
  8. Positive news Pete, she will mend right as rain. Say hi from us all and wish her a speedy recovery
  9. I see where you're coming from.... 2nd alternator is required. I would guess you'd need some custom brackets and maybe drive a Mechman. Good choice on the XS
  10. What sort of power are you planning on running (RMS)?
  11. 1st half good, second half poor. Agreed Rich, heard from locals (as we live 20 mins from Chipping Norton) Clarkson was knocking his house down. There's some controversy as to what he intends to replace it with. Anyway regarding GT i was eagerly waiting its ending so that I could watch last nights jungle
  12. That's some great potential then, ...keep it as stock and then when you get bored it's fairly easy to get some crazy power then by the sounds of it. Not that 450Bhp isn't awesome already though. Couldn't agree agree more. I may completely stay with how it is, just can't wait 'experience' what it has to offer. Chris, we aren't totally out the woods. Clutch is still a small issue, they suspect the slave. Still they are managing to drive it, all be it with a bit of coaxing. 100% with you on that Ian. There was at one point not so long ago, we counted how much parts, engine and car would be worth stripping. This was rock bottom! You just can't buy the parts you need, especially when something is totally custom. I've learnt wholely that engine swaps are not for the faint hearted. It's nearly 2 years now, I was impatient in the first year but as year two started (delays due to Z Shed 2 and family matters) there was just no point hurrying. The wait has made it all that more exciting. Although if you have no patience, then engine swaps aren't advised. Hopefully she will be back for Christmas and commence items such as brakes and diff in the new year. Thanks for the comments they are really appreciated
  13. Engine is totally stock. The only custom item so to speak would be the exhaust and being decated. Items such as plenum and headers would provide additional gains but you're looking at £1.5k. CAMS would give you the best benefit which would breach 500 horse. Although I'd rather just go for FI, either SC or turbo. As long as you don't go mad you can get away with stock internals and achieve 650 horse all day long. Therefore going mad is +650, in which internals are advised. Although heading into internals you're looking at cranking 800+!!
  14. Fresh update. Today she had a play on the Dyno. On a baseline map before tuning she delivered at the fly 450bhp and 544nm (401lbft). I don't expect a huge difference after the tune, but to say the least I'm super happy with the starting point. (Orange line is the Torque curve, well, it doesn't really curve much ) And a video - with a further video next week after tuning and hopefully whilst on full chat!
  15. Should have said "as I've paid my mortgage off it pays for me to fill the tank more often!"
  16. I'm actually contemplating Mad Max style just but the bonnet up Agreed it was a bit of a 'half hearted' throttle blip. His phone/video quality wasn't the best that's for sure. Going to ring them later this afternoon to see when it's ready to collect. Need to sort the diff out if we can as discussed previously.
  17. Cheers peeps, it's super exciting, but mostly glad everything works as it should. The LS swap guys in America have had serious issues getting the tacho to work. It seems Emerald are one step ahead and managed to get it running with no issues at all. I'm hoping to get her back down to Dorset before the end of 2016. Then on to the final stage items. BBK fitting Kazz diff fitting Cosmetics Fix any other issues MOT and then enjoy.... hopefully in time for spring.
  18. Update: ECU and loom work is nearing completion, - couple of short videos courtesy of Emerald in Norfolk. Enjoy.....
  19. Just seen the 2nd episode, which to be totally honest was painful. Vulcan and the home built C9 were the only bits that were worthy of watching.
  20. Very nice indeed. If you're looking for a brake calliper refurb I had mine done with the Brake Caliper Specialists. They are pro traders on here also. From this..... To this....
  21. YES! Beginning was sheer brilliance, very dramatic and made perfect sense of what they were looking to achieve. Tent braw was a bit daft, but what they have as content outside of that was great and faaaar better than TG. Like the idea of some sport celeb drivers, as the stig was getting dull. Great work Amazon and to the 3 lads. Friday nights just got a whole lot better
  22. Jayne and I send our love to Caroline, I'm sure Caroline will be up fighting fit before you know it.
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