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Everything posted by Andy_Muxlow

  1. I have just seen this thread as must have missed it earlier. A very nice build thread. It does look good on those coil overs. Keep the updates coming.
  2. Wow you soon won't be able to fart without a permit!!!
  3. Hi and welcome along buddy, nice looking car you have there. Regular maintenance and stuff these can go on for ever so to speak.
  4. They look awesome. Nice collection. 👌
  5. Hi and welcome along buddy, nice looking car.
  6. Well what a chopper! Just as Ekona has said, there are loads of people who do roll cigarettes at the wheel as for phones well don’t get me started on that subject! Everyday, every road. It’s a bloody joke. The punishments need to be a lot higher in my opinion.
  7. Jr11 look really good on a Zed, I used to have them on my 1st Zed.
  8. Just the 370z rays on mine but I really like them.
  9. Not to bad at all. Nice looking car. I remember when I was looking for a sporty car type of thing. I sat in the z4 and banged my head, thought there and then I would probably do that every time. So I walked away…🤣
  10. Hi and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car.
  11. 1. andy james 2. Monkey1983 3. Azurez33 4. Humpy 5. ShortPaul 6. SHEZZA 7, Andy_Muxlow
  12. Hi and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car.
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum Liam, Nice looking car, it looks well on those wheels.
  14. Hi and welcome along buddy. Nice looking car.
  15. Hi and welcome along buddy. Some pictures would be nice 👌
  16. Took this of my wife’s zed whilst waiting for a train. I had given her car a well deserved bath also.
  17. If it’s because of rusty arches and the likes, @Tarmac@TarmacSportz do 15mm over fenders if that’s any help?
  18. It’s going to be like this for a while yet as the temp might be up a little but it’s still damp in the air. Cold mornings and evenings, make for very greasy roads.
  19. Hi and welcome along buddy. Good luck in your search.
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