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Everything posted by GMballistic

  1. So I should not set it to unlimited entries no? Please no and check peoples IP address too if suddenly a lot of newbies appear & begin voting.
  2. This. One lucky guy to have "walked" away with his life.
  3. Some great car's there Richf. Nice to see the old Capri's especially the first picture which is a MK1 is it not? Never owned one myself but do really like how some of them look.
  4. Does look great still but so does the car just generally I think. Love that bonnet bulge too.
  5. Very nice Zed and I love your exhaust. Really nice. That road look's good as well for a quick off the mark blast.
  6. No idea what the part is on the top left hand side of the plenum but it is a stock item or at least it's on my 53' GT Zed anyway. The exhaust tail pipe though does look different to my standard system. Did you look underneath it at all? if it's all stainless steel underneath or even just the back box then it's a non standard exhaust. My OEM exhaust just has polished steel tail pipes. Welcome btw.
  7. I understand what you are saying and I agree with you that it doesn't make you a pussy but people carrying knives or any other weapon for that matter is nothing new. In the 18th century carrying a sword or small sword/dagger was common place for protection as well as for decoration or a sign of wealth and this continued up until the mid 19th century. It only really began to cease as well due to the pocket pistols popularity increasing as a means of defence. There has always been the chance that someone will have a weapon on them but nowadays it seems that some people are more likely to turn to using that weapon instead of thinking about what there actually doing. I used to carry a knife all the time when I was younger (11-16years old) but it was never there for protection merely a tool for me to use (I just used it for making dens with my mates, whittling, carving my favourite girls name in a tree etc). In fact once at 16 years old I was in a real bad fight when I was really too drunk to defend myself from a bigger attacker but not once did I think to myself that I'd use the knife on him. It seems unfortunately though that in todays society some of the younger generation either through lack of intelligence/morality/empathy or some sort of over embellished sense of respect issue will turn to using a weapon on someone without the consideration for what they're actually doing to that person. eg; taking a life from someone. It's pretty sad really as well if you think that some people nowadays are getting to the point where they see something bad happening to someone else but stand by and do nothing or worse imo & just starting filming it on there bl**dy camera phone.
  8. I'm quite surprised by that. I thought that there would be a huge number of entrants tbh. I don't mind what month my car's entered for btw. Can't wait to see the polls.
  9. Plastic bags and electrical tape all good for keeping electrics dry. Plenty of products available to use. Last time I did this to an engine bay I used Gunk engine degreaser and also Autoglym intensive tar remover. The intensive tar remover is great for wiping over stickers and making them look like brand new again.
  10. No-way of having a poll for each month then at all? That's a shame although as you say it might be a nice surprise, ..especially for those that have there car featured without even knowing it until they get a calendar. I'm not sure about this. Say for example a member submitted a photo for a month that isn't included in the poll, will they therefore know that there submission was the only one for that month and will then feature? Jim, if this is the case and you have numerous entries for other months, could you contact the members and ask if they'd mind if you changed the requested month to another? That was quite a long post for a simple question! I took what Doogy said as meaning that for some months there where so many entrants that a poll would be difficult to do as there where too many to list. If that's wrong though I agree with you as I don't mind swapping months for more chance of getting in the calendar.
  11. I like this. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
  12. ^^ Yeah definitely a bit hit & miss at times. Still worth a watch at least the once.
  13. Seriously cannot believe some of those people and there reactions especially that pr*ck that just went to take a picture on his phone!! I'm not a big guy, nor am I trained in martial arts or an ex-SAS officer but I'd try to stop the attacker if I witnessed that happening. That's not bravado either. A few years ago I was driving my car through a local rough area when I witnessed a black guy attacking a white guy with a motorcycle bike chain. It was mid afternoon and there where people (adults & children) everywhere just standing around watching. I stopped my car, told the Mrs to ring the Police and ran up the road shouting at the guy attacking the other guy. For whatever reason he bottled it and ran from me. I then stayed with the other guy & helped him to a nearby house where they called him an Ambulance as he was bleeding heavily from his head & face. He could have easily been killed by the other guy & it was disgusting that no-one was helping him. The attacker was never found despite a description & heavy Police presence afterwards. Turns out it was all over a drugs debt but doesn't matter to me as I'm not the sort of person to just stand by and watch someone else get hurt. So in summary; if I witnessed a murder happening I'd try to stop it.
  14. No-way of having a poll for each month then at all? That's a shame although as you say it might be a nice surprise, ..especially for those that have there car featured without even knowing it until they get a calendar.
  15. Car looks mint BBK. Far to cold for me to do that today. The net is one of the little additions gained from a facelift Zed. I asked the same a while back as I wanted one Just in case your interested I fitted one like this from Demon Tweeks in my old Subaru; http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/motorsport/gps-map-holders/trs-map-pocket-standard . Could be fitted in the Zed easily enough I'm sure.
  16. I agree it is ugly and imo the "Mini" is now too far away from it's roots since BMW got hold of it. There actually quite big cars on the outside now and not necessarily that spacious inside either. My brother has had one for a few years now but I'm not a fan. He went for the diesel version as well so it's even worse imo.
  17. Sorry to read about your bad fortune Macky. Pi**ed off for you. Is that a crease line on the door then? I doubt someone has kicked it and done that tbh. More likely someone's done it with a vehicle. Some people nowadays just seem to have no morals or empathy for other people anymore & are just all about themselves. Any chance it was caught on camera? was it in a car park or near shops etc?
  18. Wow Chris, what a stunning example. Your black Zed really looks fantastic. Welcome btw.
  19. That's pretty rough. Must of been a slow night and the old bill needed to get someone.
  20. ^^ I've been guilty of that from time to time.
  21. Imo drinking a cup of coffee or any other hot drink from a cup is a bit of a daft thing to do whilst driving. What if you spill it on your c**k? bound to distract you from the road. Not exactly the same as having a drink from a bottled cold drink.
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