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Everything posted by GMballistic

  1. ^^ Very "James Bond" . I've done quite a few of these "driving experiences" type of things over the years and by far one of the most enjoyable was driving a single seater. The good thing about doing the single seater type experience SuperStu is that because there is only one seat your alone in the vehicle and can really just enjoy it without worrying about some instructor sitting next to you. One of the single seater experiences I did was at Castle Combe in a Formula Ford which was great fun. You start the day off with some tuition in a class room, followed by an instructor taking you around the track in a Ford Focus pointing out all the various turn in points and braking areas. Then it's your turn to drive the Ford Focus around the track building up your speed lap after lap with the instructor giving you pointers. After that the instructor then allows you just to drive as hard & fast as you can; providing you can show good track skills you then get the "ok" to drive the single seater around the circuit on your own. It was a lot of fun and even though the Formula Ford doesn't have the most powerful of engines it is still more than enough to get you round the track in a rapid fashion. I was really pleased with my results as I didn't spin (unlike some) over took everyone in front of me and scored the highest bar one person in a class of around 40 odd drivers.
  2. Don't get me started on cyclists. They run red lights, treat the pavements as a road way, most have no helmets or lights, swerve in & out of traffic: undertaking & overtaking and then moan at vehicle drivers who have the right to use the roads imo because we all took driving tests, pay insurance, display number plates, have lights and have MOT's/tax. Shouldn't be on the roads imo until they display number plates/pay insurance/tax and are accountable for there actions. I know there not all bad and a lot of people I work with actually cycle to work (safely & responsibly) but unfortunately I believe from what I've seen the majority of cyclist's are selfish stupid people.
  3. Explains soooooo much really Sent from the golf club...
  4. ^^ Looks different at least. In that first picture though; Couldn't you park closer to the Nissan Micra in front?!
  5. Heated Leather? - Check BOSE/Sub behind driver's seat? - Check Cruise Control? - Check She definitely is a GT mate I concur.
  6. ^^ Those alloys look awesome to be fair Zhorno. Really like the way they've come out and the Rays/Nismo stickers suit them, ...and I'm not usually a fan of that sort of thing. Maybe need some tyre dressing though for the tyres now as the alloys are showing them up.
  7. ^^ Let's hope not Lexx as I'm sure it wasn't a cheap part for bizz to buy.
  8. Great looking part considering it started life off as a Shreddies cereal box. Got to love CNC machined parts.
  9. Read this again Op is my advice. I wouldn't bother at all no matter how cheap the mod is to do and I'd just buy a strut that fits properly in the first place or possibly a newer style bonnet for your Zed with the bonnet bulge to help fit the strut you've got.
  10. Watching some of the clips in that video mattross1313 posted really made my hairs stand up on end.
  11. Look's like he crashed in to Halfords and just kept on going.
  12. I used to work for a company called Indespension that hire out trailers. Check there store locator for a branch near you; http://www.indespension.co.uk/ To hire a car transporter though you will need a suitable towing vehicle so don't expect them to hire you one if your planning on towing a car & trailer with a Nissan Micra. Good luck & hope that helps.
  13. Could be FUBAR then. Maybe wait and see if anyone else on here has any ideas.
  14. So essentially like a Speedway bike. Loads of power & no brakes.
  15. If you've tried what Coldel suggested and made sure all the connections are good/plugs in situ etc then possibly not. If you pull the electric seat switch backwards & forwards repeatedly will the seat move at all? show any signs of life? If not then you may well need a new switch unit as I did unfortunately.
  16. Shouldn't matter though as long as people just vote for the best car picture for the particular month, ..as it shouldn't just be some sort of a popularity contest.
  17. Had a similar issue with my drivers seat before I bought my Zed. It was tilted/slid all the way back & wouldn't move. The dealer fiddled with the switch back & forth for several minutes before it eventually moved forward just enough for me to reach the peddles to test drive it. He said not to worry though as it was probably just a bad connection and they'd sort it before I picked up the car. Well in the end it needed a complete new switch unit which they bought from Nissan & fitted at there cost. Works perfectly now obviously. You may well end up needing a new switch if it's not just a connection issue.
  18. ^^ Agree. When we're talking exhausts though it's also worth noting I think the R&D that major manufacturers have put into the systems. I'm not knocking custom exhaust's either as I used to have one on my old Civic Type R made by Longlife exhausts which was very good but, ...if I ever had taken the car on a dyno I'm sure I would have seen better results with some of the higher end exhaust systems and as Tarmac states the re-sale price (should I had chosen to sell it) would have been a lot higher. If you just want something that's going to make a nice sound you like wmr1980 then by all means go for a custom exhaust which may or may not see good gains but if you want an exhaust that is going to give you a good increase in bhp/torque figures then I'd look more at some of Tarmacs quality exhausts with dyno proven gains.
  19. Double post. Doh. Darn slow internet. I'll say it again anyway, great car Richf.
  20. That's quite a lot of power for what is essentially a light weight car especially by todays standards. I bet that was fun to drive.
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