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Everything posted by Jetpilot

  1. Well its good to see someone recognises style and class (apart from the black on black, lol )
  2. There are always solutions Sell your black ones and buy these, lol, wont have the front lips back for a week so gives you time
  3. Of course he did, lol, he wants to sell you something I have no interest in your money as i wont see any of it, so giving you in my opinion, an honest appraisal from being on both sides of the fence! I would bet i could sit you in a car with chinese or branded, same speakers and same amp and you wouldnt tell the difference.
  4. Not a massive fan of F1 for the very reasons outlined by everyone else posts. I care not which team wins the constructors title, i want to see the best driver win, not the best team. I dont think any of us will truly know if Webber did have the pace to win, if you take what has been said as gospel that Webber turned the engine down expecting not to be challenged, then Vettels actions were an absolute disgrace. There is a very simple answer to this, no car to pit intercom, rely on the old fashioned pit board, the only info a racing driver should need is, position, lap and time splits. Or at the very least, a button to press to say you will be in for tyres next lap or vice versa from the pits to car. I also dont like the fact there is so much run off in F1, not to say it should be dangerous, but they can often make quite big mistakes with little punishment to their lap times. F1 is far to controlled and regimented imho. I wont turn this into a bike vs car discussion and although the MotoGp has been relatively boring the last few seasons with regard to on track battles, we do generally see the best rider win. Roll on some changes to let us see the best car and driver win.
  5. Cant help with the injectors but wanted to say, good on you for experimenting, hope it works out for you. The Mx5 boys love Eaton chargers
  6. The head unit sends the signal to the amp though. Bad signal = Bad quality. Obviously with your details in your signature you are an audiophile Each to their own and like you, i have spent £1000's on high end audio and countless days rewiring entire systems in previous cars. But for me and most people, chinese units will provide more than good enough sound for the average ear and happily work for years without problem in my experience which is basically what the op is asking.
  7. I have had two of the ebay Chinese units, one double din, one single din with flip out screen, so from experience not conjecture: GPS is equally as good as a TomTom and simple postcode entry. Menus operate perfectly. Display is perfectly adequate for dvds, daylight viewing etc Bluetooth is good for phones, better with external mic. Fully loaded with everything you could want and more. My double din is still going strong after 3 years, now in my nephews car if anyone doubts reliability and flip out screen one never cause any problems and its on its second year. Customer service was 2nd to none also, when i first got the double din the sd card for the maps was faulty, had one sent to my door within 3 days. Audio isnt as good as branded, but run a decent amp and its just great as its the amp producing the sound, not the head unit. In the past i have spent days installing high end audio and came to the conclusion whatever you did or spent (within reason) you were always battling against the worst environment possible to try and replicate quality sound. So, for what these provide i personally couldnt be happier.
  8. Thanks, looks good, could i just get a picture with the bootlid shut please
  9. I like a little stretch as hate the look of square sidewalls, even though that is perhaps better for the tyre. Just a gentle curve is perfect
  10. How does the boot cover fit it place, is it oem. Excuse the questions i am new to Zeds.
  11. I do like black wheels and silver, but imho, black wheels has just been done to death. Particularly now manufacturers do black options. Hence why i went wild on my Rezax and want to do something a little off beat and not the norm. The right colour however is a difficult one to get right, but am liking the kandy purple. Also looked at a green in a similar kandy but think that may be a bit too much.
  12. I did think about orange, but think that purple will be more subtle on the black, Thoughts on Gtc's or Sf's now please sir?
  13. Thanks buddy, i really like the midnight purple but might be just a little to dark on a black car
  14. Been over to my sprayer today and he showed me a House of Kolor kandy purple http://www.dorbritzdesigns.com/2011_08_01_archive.html
  15. £800 without the tyres, front lips being repolished as we speak
  16. I know a powdercoater and he advised that if items are left without any kind of lacquer its lacks any uv inhibitors so will dull/fade over time, he then pointed out a set of alloys he had done in the car park owned by someone else on the same industrial estate and they looked very patchy after a couple of years. The lips is such a difficult one, you cant beat polished alloy and even with quality sealing/polish products they do need care above and beyond a painted or powdercoat lip. If you wet lacquer over the top after time you end up with those horrible white worms where the water gets underneath any little defect or chip. Clear anodizing also dulls the finish but is perhaps the most protective and maintenance free coating. Not heard a lot of good things about actual chrome plating on alloy, but it is another option i guess.
  17. How does the chrome powdercoat look in the flesh buddy? Any close up photos?
  18. I have a set of Gtc's too, so deciding between the two at the moment
  19. Oh no! Now I have something to think about! Really appreciate the image
  20. What a legend, they are even the exact same wheel
  21. Good call, liking the purple
  22. I like the gold too actually, but my first Rx7 was the same theme, so would like to go for something different.
  23. If my Volks dont sell this week i have decided to keep them and spray the centres http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/68897-volk-racing-sf-winnings-19/ What do you reckon on a bright candy blue with polished or shadow chrome lip ladies and gents
  24. Not really, you pay 3k less for a Cat D and you get 3k less when you sell it. Net loss is the same as U.K Zed. Might take you longer to sell it though. Pete Problem is that the cat c/d's I've seen are going for 6 - 7k. There is a big difference between advertised price and selling price as i am sure you know. Are they actually selling at that?
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