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The Chubby Ninja

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Everything posted by The Chubby Ninja

  1. i got my d1 spec in gold from ebay and were great
  2. i like the single exit. i would only put one on if i had it turbod though
  3. I agree the standard wheels look better than the rays. Wheres the 200sx? i cant see it in the pics
  4. Or they do have a job but its not entirely legal what they do for that job e.g home pharmacist lol
  5. it must be the owners around here then or is it just me they dont like?
  6. how embarassing. when i had my evo and starlet any time one passed i got a little wave, When i got the zed i hardly ever even seen one but when i did i gave a little wave and whoever was driving it just looked at me as if i was a plonker .this happened a few times so i dont even bother now. Think most zed drivers are up their own a**e
  7. Very true. Why? Have you ever interacted/owned/met one? They are actually very friendly loyal pets.... Providing they've been raised correctly but then that goes for humans too yeah ive met a few staffys and they were all unemployed . I actually like them, the majority of them are extremely nice dogs but around here they are mostly owned by halfwits and junkies
  8. Staffordshire bull terriers - unemployed?
  9. very very lucky man. I had a similar situation when i got my exhaust fitted as i was on cloud 9 with the sound. Car right up close behind me on a dark road and as i was slowing down for a roundabout i had a few blips of the throttle, turned out it was the cops behind me and got pulled over, the full car searched and all my tyres and everything checked. In the end the policemans conclusion was my exhaust must have a hole in it as its too loud and i had to get it checked at a garage. never once got stopped with my very loud k1 but the first day of having the quieter cobra fitted i get stopped. WTF?
  10. in the little tight roads the ep3 will put up a good fight
  11. never seen these before. I quite like them but i dont think id buy them tho
  12. i think they are but not 100% . Wasso is the aluminium yoda
  13. love watching videos like this.they guys would be pretty screwed if they met something coming the other way . im sure someone will be along shortly to remind us this type of driving is the devil
  14. I sold my evo to buy a zed and never looked back. Sure the evo was a good bit quicker down the quarter mile but i always felt like a bit of a richard driving it. The zed makes me feel good everytime i drive it and not like im trying to hold onto a rocket powered tobogan for fear of death
  15. I wouldnt buy anything from this conman
  16. I think the sale must of fell through because its the exact same photos on the auction. Its very probably been mis represented as most people can tell just by reading the description
  17. sounds like this car is going to be pretty awesome. tou will need to put up some videos once you get it drifting. good luck with the build
  18. i wonder if itl sell to the highest bidder this time instead of just being taken off when he realises its not going for anywhere near what hes expecting. Surely there must be a rule about doing this over and over
  19. mmmm ... Nope lol I'll give you £3.42, a pack of Haribo and something purple tut tut
  20. Brilliant. Smudge i thought u had decided to keep the colour?
  21. Theres alot of people round my way(generally oldish people) will sit at 40 through a clear 60 zone then continue to sit at 40 when they are going through 30 zones in built up areas. Really gets on my man boobs
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