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Everything posted by mouthwash

  1. Hi Guys, Quick bit of advice needed if anyone has any. My clutch has been for a while getting very heavy to use and squeaking intermittently, I'm wondering what I can do to remedy the situation. I asked Abbey Motorsport to have a look over it while it was in for a service and although they agreed that the clutch is heavy they said it doesn't need replacing. The only way to fix the heavy clutch according to Abbey is to have the thing replaced, now the clutch isn't slipping, juddering or anything like that it just makes my foot ache after about 10 minutes. I've also read some people on here having heavy clutches but they never seem to come back with a resolution, I've seen the clutch slave kit being banded about as well but Abbey do not think this will rectify the problem. Has anyone ever had a heavy / squeaky clutch and managed to fix it? If so was it just a straight replacement of the clutch? I cannot believe this as Abbey have said other than it being heavy there isn't much wrong with it (they couldn't get it to squeak, only tends to do it when really cold). I've no problem with replacing the clutch if that's what the problem is but rather not pay out £600 when it's just a spring or something.
  2. Typical, turns out there is a 'fault in the area'. Heard that one a few too many times.
  3. Yeah and it doesn't help that their helpdesk are a bunch of useless so and so's either. You'll need to get through to their 2nd line support guys, which will take a miracle. You're just talking to a bunch of people reading off a script who will after a hour of talking do you a line test. At my old property I had about 5 engineers attend my house, 1 senior engineer I had everything from the exchange to my house replaced and it still wouldn't work properly, my theory is that VM works fine for people that use it lightly, if you game, stream etc then forget it. In my area of course. One of the engineers even admitted it was over subscribed crap as he was leaving. Could be that you are getting throttled. I know BT throttle me on Peer to Peer downloads I wish I was downloading, however I'm the only one that's about at the moment and all I'm trying to do is play BF4 and I'm getting 0.20mb/s. That's not throttling, that's a fooked service.
  4. Yeah and it doesn't help that their helpdesk are a bunch of useless so and so's either. You'll need to get through to their 2nd line support guys, which will take a miracle. You're just talking to a bunch of people reading off a script who will after a hour of talking do you a line test. At my old property I had about 5 engineers attend my house, 1 senior engineer I had everything from the exchange to my house replaced and it still wouldn't work properly, my theory is that VM works fine for people that use it lightly, if you game, stream etc then forget it. In my area of course. One of the engineers even admitted it was over subscribed crap as he was leaving.
  5. Yeah and it doesn't help that their helpdesk are a bunch of useless so and so's either.
  6. It's done it at several different addresses with multiple 'Superhubs', I know they are total @*!# but can't have had 5 defective ones.. Surely??
  7. I'm down in the BN13 area, I've never had a good experience with it. On the other hand with Sky I never once had a problem, wish I stayed with them and didn't get lured in by the high speed claims. I'll take a look at that Grundy but as it's not my house I'll wait a little bit.
  8. Is it just my area that is just constant tripe or is VM terrible everywhere? I can't go more than 1-2 days before something breaks. Today I've got a download speed of 0.20mb/s instead of the 60 we're supposed to get. Over subscribed piece of shite, I had it at my old place.. Got rid because it never worked, moved in with my other halfs parents to save money only to find they have VM too and guess what, it doesn't work half of the time. Sometimes it will just randomly drop out for 10 minutes, sometimes it will drop out all night, sometimes it will work. A quick search of the internet reveals that a lot of people seem to suffer from the same crap service. All I know is I want to play BF4 with my afternoon off but I'm getting what is referred to around here as VD (virgin denial). Bit of a rant I know but as I'm not a VM customer, I can't phone up and make their lives miserable. So you lot will do!
  9. Why take pictures whilst hanging from the ceiling? I wouldn't buy a car from a vampire.
  10. I questioned this with Admiral last time as it was cheaper to leave my car on my previous addresses road than it was on the drive way, the road was a bus route where numerous cars had been hit as it's quite a tight road. I also raised the point of 'what happens if I've insured it to be parked on the road but because there is no space to park I put it on my drive way, will you still pay out?' Answer I got was yes, they will still pay out. So it makes even less sense.
  11. I guess it depends, my experience of the traders on here is a mixed bag really.
  12. I've got the non res version and personally I think it's brilliant, not too loud if you're just going around 30s/40s/50s/60s etc can be a bit droney on the motorway up an incline..
  13. I think if you want to start selling things on here in bulk (i.e trading) then I think you have to get approval from the mods, not 100% but there is some info somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it out.
  14. The rear looks awesome, just not a fan of the front. Most people probably only get to see the rear anyway. If it was anyone on here that saw the rear, I'd expect an appropriate forum topic to be posted 'Enzo really surprised me'.
  15. Love the way the guy in the vid was about to pan into the curbed drivers side wheel, quickly realised and moved the camera away sharpish.
  16. The rear looks awesome, just not a fan of the front.
  17. The front of the car is horrible. Really not a fan... They could clean my car for me though.
  18. Nothing much to do with the sale but I thought I'd just mention that from what I've read on here installing the Bose unit in another 350z is quite a task due to it being coded to the car or something? Might want to investigate that before you part with your cash. Car looks good, GLWTS.
  19. Haha, that's so misinformed it almost seems like a joke. Watch out black man, white homos have the ability to change your sexual preference without your knowledge.
  20. Quite enjoy those wheels in silver on your car tbh. Spend the money on something else like lowering it
  21. Not going to stick my oar in about the condition of the car as I've never seen it but you may want to consider getting this topic locked. You would be best off starting a new for sale ad addressing everyones concerns listed in the 4 pages so far. If you've no interest in showing everyone the quality of the repair or an HPI report to prove it's not a registered write off then you are going to struggle. This car will NOT sell itself due to the sketchy history and debatable condition that people seem to think it's in, the only way it will is if you prove to people it's worth what you're asking. I'm only trying to be constructive but GLWTS, you're going to need it. Here's a link to help you create a well written, constructive ad that will help you sell your car: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/82066-immaculate-uk-350-for-sale-now-sold/
  22. Not teaching you to suck eggs or anything but are you sure you've not locked the windows? I accidentally done it the other day, started having a bitch fit wondering why my windows wouldn't open and then thought 'ohhhh, yeah...' *click*... Fresh air! And I've had the car for like 2 years...
  23. If the woman has admitted to putting her car in Park down a motorway how can anyone else be deemed to be at fault? Crazy.
  24. mouthwash


    Not to get into an argument about it or anything but that is not an exceptional fit that needs minor trimming, it just doesn't fit. It should read that these need bending into shape if that's the way they all get sent out. When I eventually hear from Abbey I really hope mine doesn't fit like that.
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