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Everything posted by twobears

  1. For the past couple of weeks I've been hearing little scratching noises when I've been in the study. No-one else has ever heard them and they managed to convince me that I was imagining it but today I found evidence. There was a handbag on the floor which I picked up today to take to the yard and I found a chewed cereal bar and a packet of paracetamol with all the tablets out of the foil I've been to B & Q to get a humane trap so that I can catch it and release it, hopefully. That's its first lucky break, me being a softie. I guess its second lucky break is that it won't suffer from headaches for a while since it ate all those paracetamol
  2. Thanks. I am looking forward to meeting you all at Harewood and I am sure that you will all be lovely
  3. Thanks Vik You sound like a great driver but I'm not sure that I could impress anyone with my driving, although I'm really excited about my day at CAT next month! Good link. Plenty to read
  4. Don't think you should talk about members with underwear that tight on display
  5. "Dont know what my clutch control will be like in 6" Laboutins though" Can I just put it on record that I am very upset by the above statement!!!!! I wish I could afford Louboutins
  6. Zugara, never knew you were a masochist
  7. I forgot to answer the question! Erm, if I were a man I think I'd find out if it really was necessary to rearrange things in the trouser area quite so often
  8. I take it that waxing is out for this particular gentleman then? Or at least for the time being
  9. "Now all of you go off and do something useful and manly and put the loo seat down while you're at it!" Nice one nixy
  10. Mm, how can I resist making a comment on this thread? Actually, it will have to wait as my instructor will be at the yard waiting for me to arrive for my weekly riding lesson...
  11. Ok, apology accepted Naturally, I didn't object to being compared to the dominatrix 'cos that is my day job
  12. Well I'm coming along to Harewood in June and hoping to meet some nice Zed owners and their partners and get some more info about the cars themselves. I may want to do a few minor mods but I would like to see other people's cars first to get an idea of what can be achieved
  13. Leeroy, let me explain if you're feeling a bit confuzzled. So far you have said that my posts are stupid and that I look like Kathy Bates in Misery. Are things becoming any clearer for you now? Thanks rtbiscuit, you've never been anything but nice and I'm glad that more women are driving Zeds. Great cars shouldn't be the preserve (oops back to the WI again ) of either sex.
  14. I think you'll find it's 'wimmin' Leeroy, rather than ladies and I'm loving your irony
  15. "Raceforlife.org While the above is a very good cause, I see no logical reason to have it as women only. Surely they would raise even more if it were unisex. " The thing is, I did Race for Life a few years ago and the original date was cancelled so my friend with whom I was going to be running/walking was away on holiday and I had to do it alone because my daughter was a fast X country runner and ran the whole way which was totally beyond my capabilities On the day, however, my husband stepped up to the mark and we went round together. He got a bit of flack from spectators but just told them that he was an honorary woman for the day and waved and smiled at them. I felt really proud of him and was sorry that he didn't get a medal at the end like me and my daughter. My uncle was a mason and completely open about it and happy to tell you all about it - a bit too happy sometimes as it sounded incredibly boring and silly to me I have no problem whatsoever with all male organisations and I hate the so-called PC Brigade but it intrigues me that there appear to be at least one or two members of this board who seem not to welcome the presence of women on the forum. It will be interesting as time goes on to see if I am subtly or perhaps not so subtly made to feel unwelcome here I guess? I promise to slope off quietly if requested as I have freely admitted from day one that I know b*ggr all about the internal combustion engine and only wanted a Zed because it looks amazing and I can learn to be a better driver now I have a great car
  16. From the viewpoint of a rabid feminist (which clearly I am ) it"s fascinating to realise how many complex and secretive methods men can dream up to stop other men joining their 'gang' I can't think of any similar all female organisation. Heck, you don't even have to know all the words to 'Jerusalem' to join the WI these days!
  17. Really? I've not had the pleasure of meeting them. Do my best to avoid the place as it's horrid. No offence to anyone from Goole
  18. Oh yes! Bet you fancy her too. What man wouldn't?
  19. He's posted her pic on this thread. He's a lucky bloke to have snared such a looker
  20. Aw bless, did you really think I was going to post a pic of myself? I can't possibly compete with Leeroy's girlfriend. She's so HOT
  21. Not sure I could actually get into it. It looks stupid
  22. Right, just for that I'm going to post a pic of myself!
  23. Seen on roundabout just off J37 yesterday afternoon. Think I also saw you in Gilberdyke. Not brave enough to wave but I always give a big grin
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