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Everything posted by twobears

  1. What on earth is that? Looks handy for opening bottles
  2. Wouldn't like to look at your computer very closely
  3. Oh yes, I'm wearing my best boiler suit n wellies combo just like I do every Saturday
  4. Is it wrong that I'm doing my happy dance round the kitchen because I am feeling suddenly young
  5. I like it really, providing I'm wearing my sunglasses
  6. Garish doesn't cover it SMD If it does get any brighter I hope Mr Zugara will be popping to the chemist to buy enough Migraleve for the whole forum!
  7. Very sad I have to agree with the carpe diem bit though.
  8. Zugara please could you turn down the volume on your sig? I can feel a migraine coming on
  9. Ok. I look forward to chatting with you
  10. Oh it was you in the next changing room was it? Must say that low cut number really suited you
  11. Caught bang to rights zugara was very close with his guess too. Wonder what gives me away?
  12. Hm, I really am clueless but I've got new hard drive and another 'bit' waiting in my study. Maybe it's a connector? Who knows? Fed up now as I'd corrected an essay this morning when it worked, briefly, didn't have the foresight to store in Dropbox and now can't access it
  13. All I'm prepared to reveal is that I'm no longer at school but not drawing pension yet
  14. Tried booting up in safe mode but no joy going to have to wait for a geek to arrive. Wish I was a bit cleverer and could do it myself. Hate depending on other people
  15. Hmm, going to try safe boot now and then think about new hard drive. Have bought one but lack the technical knowhow to fit it resident geek is off jet setting. Damn
  16. Aargh, mac came back to life briefly and then immediately froze again using iPad is no good for working on what I need to do
  17. Post received and understood Ricey. Ouch to the arm. Hope you're ok?
  18. twobears

    Cro's red 350z

    I like those wheels
  19. Very nice What happened to your Aston Martin though? I would just love one of those!
  20. rmgthatsme, I agree with some of that e.g. that women like to talk about problems without necessarily wanting a solution. Most women definitely like to talk a lot too. I know that I do Luckily for me my husband doesn't seem to mind and I've explained to him that I'm not looking for him to solve my problems unless specifically asked as I prefer to sort things out myself I'm not totally convinced about the 'need to share' bonding women together. Of course, it could work like that but we must also acknowledge that many (by no means all) women are each others harshest critics. Sad but true. I am, or try to be, more of a 'bonder' than a catty sort but there are some women who simply don't want to bond and would much prefer to deride other women's taste in clothing/men/music etc, etc. I always think these 'Men are from Mars ...' type books are a bit reductive and can bend the facts to fit the author's theory, although they do sometimes contain a kernel of truth.
  21. Leeroy, sweetheart, can you explain exactly what I've done to upset you? You are the only person who has made me feel unwelcome and I'd rather know what I've done than have you just following me round trying, non too subtly, to put me off posting. p.s. if you want to point me in the direction of some of the fascinating threads you've created I'd be happy to read them and learn how to post properly.
  22. Thanks Zugara and DaveJ. Will try to find out more about that Trojan as can't even start up in safe mode since mac has gone to sleep completely and can't be roused at present Got several other ways to get on internet, obviously, or I wouldn't be on here but I like to use the mac to work on my website.
  23. Damn, the thing just froze again I'll wait and see if Zugara happens along by tomorrow then!
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