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Dynamic Turtle

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Everything posted by Dynamic Turtle

  1. That's a pretty rousing defense of the One! Anyone care to comment on the PS4s virtues? Does anyone here own both consoles?
  2. Hey guys I think the time has come to upgrade the console as it's become a repetitive farce trying to make enough space on my 16GB 360 for the constant, massive game updates that are required these days. Given that it doesn't appear to be cut & dry about which is the best console to get this generation (I think we can all agree that the 360 was "better" than the PS3?) I was wondering whether anyone had gone back to Sony for the PS4 this time around? Some of you would say it's only £350 so why not buy both consoles, but I'd rather not have the faff and expense. I'm a casual / quick fire gamer so leaning more towards FPS, but I do sometimes get wrapped up in RPGs. I understand that MS will soon be rolling out backwards compatibility for 360 games which is nice, but my experience of this function on the 360 was a bit disappointing. It would be an important consideration. I think Live is a great matching service and have only heard bad things about PS Network. My only other concern is the respective financial condition of the manufacturers; MS is still cash rich while Sony has been teetering on the verge of bankruptcy for what, ten years now? I don't want to invest in another Dreamcast... Cheers, DT
  3. True, it will seat 4 in comfort...
  4. A mate brought along his E92 M3 to one of our hooning sessions and frankly it looked like an out-of-place breeze block next to the fezzas, porsches and astons there. I appreciate the engineering and sure it kept up with us, but what a tediously dull car to look at. Shame you have to spend £100k+ on an i8 or 6 series to get a nice looking beemer these days.
  5. I think these look great but they're not designed for the Nismo bumper as you can see below. The GTM jobbies are £110+ which is a bit rich, any traders know where I can find or buy a version that fits?
  6. The MkI cloth number are comfortable (spent 6 hours a day in them for seven days during the last Eurotrip) but they don't exactly offer much support for track work. They should have simply added a "variable pinch" mechanism for the bolsters.
  7. Nismo aero is there to increase downforce, which increases drag, which will reduce fuel economy, so no.
  8. The MkI Nismo seats aren't very good. They're designed for 400lb Americans and have minimal bolstering as a result, making those 2G corners pretty challenging. The MkII Recaros are much better although they're also thinner too and less comfortable over long journeys (apparently). I think the red seats and door cards look fantastic so well done with the upgrade Sipar. I'd also like to change the sh*tty silver plastics in teh cabin with the MkII dark plastic inserts, looks less Argos Hi-Fi circa 1994...
  9. Good advice 're compound movements, they really stimulate growth hormones but you really have to pile the weight on and stress your muscles. Other than just keep mixing up your regime, do a little bit of cardio (not just bedroom gymnastics), avoid whey junk where possible - eat real food and try to get some sleep! Its that simple.
  10. Creatine is rough, whereas kre-alkalyn is probably the best supplement I've ever used.
  11. I think the older you get the more care you have to take with the diet given that you probably can't train as hard for the reasons given above, and I'm no different. It's hard scaling up your clean calorie intake on the way in (gut simply not producing enough enzymes and bile to process it all) and likewise hard to wind it down when you stop training or reduce the programme. comfort eating and drinking is the biggest problem, bad cocktail with all that stress related cortisone in the blood. I'm sure I'll get back on it one day but having a lot of trouble getting back into things and will probably never have my 30 year old prime physique back. We all get old and have kids though
  12. Used to love it but lots of things getting in the way these days; Increased workload, relationships, children, collapsing metabolism, comfort eating, alcohol/client entertainment and chronic back pain from years of poor technique and not enough stretching. Biggest problem is that your diet has a lot more momentum than training program. I will get back on it one day but for now I think Pilates and/or yoga would be the smarter plan to get my core strength back.
  13. And I guess the Italians are pretty good at doing both...
  14. German cars are generally more about the engine noise up front and Jap cars are more about the exhaust noise out back. Beemer straight six is a silky creamy high class thing compared to the thrashy VQ. Zed zorst for the win though...
  15. That is very impressive. The best I had from my Uprevved 350 was 39mpg: 50mph cruise control run in the slow lane of the M25, running with post-track day 100 octane in the tank (filled to the brim before I left Bedford Autodrome).
  16. If you needed an M car with more space you should've gotten one of these - epic V10 for bobbins!
  17. Holy F*cking Christ that is the most retarded 370 I've ever seen, stateside or otherwise. Nuke it from orbit immediately.
  18. £32k is a lot, but those cars couldn’t put down anything like (an alleged) 7:50-8min time at the Ring though. The new CTR is a huge step-up in performance. Turbos mean they’ll be remapped to 350-375bhp without too much outlay which would make it really fast if the diff could handle torque. Also bear in mind that its forebears were launched under a different interest rate regime where you’d probably be paying 8-10% rather than 0-5% APR now. Makes a big difference to the 90% of buyers who get these on lease/PCP. Had a sniff around a blue one the other day and it looked OK but the styling is a bit gash. Interior nice but next to a Golf it doesn’t stack up well (then again, what does). Would probably work best in black to hide that hideous shape.
  19. Ran these on my 350, very good but very squeally - any issues to report on the 370 versions?
  20. When you add in Labour for removing the old exhaust and fitting the new one you'd struggle to get that done for under 1500 quid with HFCs. 2k for some of the fancier exhausts. re the Nismo mk1 I'm sure you could find a 20k mile minter for 24 grand or less.
  21. CEL nothing to do with reliability just a reading outside specified tolerances because you changed a part. Either OBD reset with the dongle if it bothers you, Uprev (has other benefits too) or put some black tape over the lamp.
  22. 35 PSI unless you're doing heavy track work in which case you might want to drop it to 30-32 to account for all the flaming powerslides you'll be doing around Castle Coomb...
  23. Fair enough but I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised by the discounts on new and nearly new Nismos, and the discounts you can engineer second hand, particularly for the MkI. Re the resonated Miltek absolutely no need to change it - just add Berk or Miltek high-flow catalytic converters and it will sound amazing. It's the cats choking the noise not the exhaust. Will add a few ponies too.
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