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Everything posted by jjt

  1. I had this, drove me insane... Took every single piece of trim out of the boot several times, WD40d the rubber seals, took the locking mechanism apart, spare wheel, rear lights etc out... no luck. Then when I was fitting the reversing camera I found a little plastic popper for the trim was hidden away somewhere I wouldnt have seen it when I originally took the boot apart- It was this that was making the squeaking! Felt like such a tool
  2. If I didnt already have a private plate on I would have snatched your arm off; when you are thinking of putting it up for sale do please let me know, as I might be persuaded... Do you plan to track it? I can only imagine it would be in another league there! ...enuff said
  3. Awesome pics. Wish I knew what they were talking about as well
  4. Look forward to seeing this Adrian; I actually like that big rear wing... dare I say it, it reminds me of a GT3
  5. I like that You can see the garage queen at its home in the background on the first picture as well
  6. Enjoyed reading that, some lovely cars.
  7. +1 on the pedal dance. Plus it will clear the fault, and who knows it may have just been a one off and it never comes back again
  8. I like how this advert has been written; GLWTS Smudge
  9. jjt

    Rear Tyres

    Well that was convenient!
  10. The past few cars I sold, I always made an effort to ask the buyer where they had seen the car advertised; despite having them on both PH and Autotrader, every single time the ad has been seen on the latter. Also strangely, when selling the BMW, I had no interest for the days it was advertised on the web, but on the day the Autotrader was published the phone didnt stop ringing from people who had seen it there. And I thought noone bothered with the paper version anymore...
  11. I also exchanged a few PMs with him, hes a prick
  12. You missed all the fun Ricey! He was prime for some abuse from you haha
  13. via Imgflip Meme Maker
  14. I get 20.7 mpg on motorway i should be getting 35mpg ??? So something must be wrong then ??? Might be right... if you're doing double the speed limit on the motorway?!
  15. The mpg does vary massively depending on whether its around town or on a run. On a run its around 34mpg, but around town about 21. Id say if all I do to a tank is urban driving, I would get about 260 miles out of the £80 tank, up to 360+ on a run.
  16. Congratulations, looks amazing Glad you have her exactly how you want her now... for now
  17. Really? I didnt know this. Please do elaborate....
  18. Sounds like the instructions which were on the box of my ebay special reversing camerwaaaaa
  19. I spoke to my local detailer who I also get on with aside from his work, and he said that he uses Peek to restore headlights... he gave me some, and it worked a treat! Think its only about £3 as well, well worth a try if anyones thinking of doing this
  20. How have these not sold yet?
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