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Everything posted by Railgun

  1. Sent it to everyone in my contacts list, and done it myself!
  2. Welcome along fella. Good luck finding a good un.
  3. Had many awkward silent moments in petrol stations with people asking what she was, and when I park up outside my mums when I go to visit her ( yards from local primary school) They act like baboons at a safari park, minus the ripping off the wipers part, they go totally ape over her. Youngsters especially love the Z as she's on more or less on every xbox, ps3 video game there is, as its the affordable ( man on the street ) supercar. I think they love the idea that its a proper performance car, but its within the grasp of Joe Average. I love my Z! Both my 350 and now my 370. Every time I pull the belt over and start her up, It's an event, not just the start of an A to B journey. If you don't feel involved in every trip you make, what's the point in keeping her. It's an expensive car to run, so thats why I'm guessing 90 percent of owners love driving it like its supposed to be driven. Had nothing but good comments and vibes, but mainly from kids and people who know exactly what the car is capable of. I love all performance cars, but if you parked a Z next to an Audi R8, which one do you think is most likely to have a key mark down the side after being parked up overnight(trust me, the thought makes me weep)! Back in from drinky poos, and not exactly captain sobriety, and It's probably not normal to give a mostly inanimate object, so much attention, but, WHAT A MACHINE!
  4. I'm convinced some f*****g drongos, really don't like anyone having anything nice. I just don't get it. Hope you catch them in the act the next time they think it might be fun!!
  5. Welcome along bud......370 is the way ahead!
  6. Railgun

    350 to 370

    In short. No regrets. Loved the 350, but the 370 has better road manners, better looks (IMHO) and the interior quality is miles better. Weirdly though, I know the 370 is faster, but it doesn't feel like it.
  7. Railgun

    The Perfect 370z

    Beg to differ on the old "perfect" bit. I'm looking out my window now, and I'm pretty sure that's it. I hope he doesn't open his door out on to mine.
  8. Hi fella. Welcome along. I seem to remember the wasps taking a real liking to your 300 at the Zedfest. Hope you find a nice 350
  9. I went about 9 years ago pal, and had an absolute ball. People where quite friendly once they knew we weren't American, weird that. It's quite quirky, and exactly what it looks like in films. Common sense rules though as far as where you end up. Do your homework before you go and you'll be ok. I was usually in company with 5 other burly blokes mind, so maybe not the best commentator on what areas are ok.
  10. Best of luck with your new wheels. I feel your pain.
  11. Looks fine to me mate. Bomb proof and plenty of room for peeps and stuff.
  12. I was seeing a 19 year old ehen I was 33. That was while I was living in Italy and both of us where under no illusion that it would continue after I moved back to the UK. It was based mainly on one thing mind you, but was a lot of fun. I guess if you both walk away from it a little enriched, then there's no harm in it.
  13. PMSL if I'm perfectly honest, that freaks me out more!
  14. Yeah some cool stuff, but it does beg the question...........where the hell do you keep it once you've bought it. A room you might send the kids too if their bad?! That might traumatize them.
  15. Went hunting Play, Amazon and ebay for one of my favorite films on blu-ray, and found this.............. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AMERICAN-WERE ... 554wt_1396 ......scary s1£t!! Well the price is at the very least.......
  16. Welcome along pal. I did the shift from Z to civic, and now back in a Z. Yer gonna have a ball with it!
  17. Thats exactly why I want mine. Nothing worse than crates sliding around in the boot!
  18. I was out when Mr Mail came today, but I got the wee postage "come and get it" slip through the door, so I'll go pick it up in morning!
  19. The theme from Steptoe & Son!! That will really throw the opposition for 6. He'll be bent double before you land one on him!!!!
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