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Everything posted by WINKJ

  1. Your definition of aggressive is obviously different from mine The previous owner (from here) managed to do something like 17mpg. My 27mpg is country road driving though. A little bit on the motorway but mostly A and B roads. So what mpg do you achieve with your more spirited drive? I average 21 and I don't drive too aggressively!
  2. If UK want EU market access they will have to pay for it, Norway pays more then a membership fee and its per capita so could be pricey, only thing is that EU want UK market access too so maybe its a golden opportunity. Think EUs attitude will be a painful swift exit to mark an example what happens if more countries think about leaving. Think its absurd that some bank institutions already has plans to move jobs from the financial centres abroad, using brexit as a scapegoat to lower cost. Agree with everything you have said - our saving grace may be that EU states still need and want access to the UK market going forward. We could be in a position of strength when re-negotiating trade deals, then again we may not be or it may be a balance. It's difficult to tell at this moment in time. Personally I think we have a great opportunity to take more control of our destiny as a United Kingdom, however I just hope it's not at our own peril (which personally I don't think it will be). No matter what has happened and which way you voted, we can all agree its a great thing to be part of, and even greater that our society allows the people to control our own destiny and elect our own leaders... not many places in the world can say that! let's just hope we don't have a re-run as it kind of defeats my previous point!
  3. pretty decent/quick BBC interview with Lord Digby - former Director of the Confederation of British Industry https://www.facebook.com/bbcbreakfast/videos/1356911747656293/
  4. I really think you need to be careful throwing around accusations of people being racist (and I know you're not pointing at anyone on the forum, it's just a dangerous term to be used so freely). Not only that it's an absurd accusation as leaving the EU will not prevent immigration, it will just limit EU immigration into the UK thus potentially providing more opportunities for residents of other countries in the world to come to the UK and work. Or if you are calling people racist for caring about sovereignty .... that also doesn't make you a racist. A re-run in my opinion is an absolutely absurd idea - not only will it exponentially increase the negative impact to the economy, it just re-enforces that democracy in this country is not where it should be.... exactly what the leave EU camp want to change. edit: just noticed your location too - Location:The Tax Haven, Luxembourg
  5. This sounds very "grumpy old man"
  6. I don't think you seem to realise that the vote leave camp knew this would have a short to medium term negative impact on the economy? What you're saying or posting isn't news nor is it a surprise. A lot of people seem to underestimate the fact that "leavers" are looking to the future and to the prosperity that leaving The single EU market is likely to have on the UK. On a personal note I think it speaks volumes that the minority in the UK can't accept that a decision has been made and we should not accept it, knuckle down and move on... Oh, I have accepted it, just watching it unfolding I know you have from the thread. However there is a significant amount of people that haven't and won't by the looks of it!
  7. I don't think you seem to realise that the vote leave camp knew this would have a short to medium term negative impact on the economy? What you're saying or posting isn't news nor is it a surprise. A lot of people seem to underestimate the fact that "leavers" are looking to the future and to the prosperity that leaving The single EU market is likely to have on the UK. On a personal note I think it speaks volumes that the minority in the UK can't accept that a decision has been made and we should not accept it, knuckle down and move on...
  8. Looks good - however the panel gaps look all over the place?
  9. Tabbs is still very old, getting thin and also has diabetes, thus spends most of her time drinking water. Shes always churpy and still manages to go outside/up stairs etc... albeit very slowly. Having her for nearly my whole life makes me worry that she won't be with us for much longer!
  10. I've been here all day.... COME ON!
  11. Hate this about mine also! Makes no sense
  12. I can't make head nor tail of that picture of the cat... Literally! All I can see is black ... congrats though
  13. I'm 26 now, had a HR 350z for nearly 3 years and I've had my 370z nismo for 2 years - never once had a challenge with insurance
  14. CHROME!!!! where do I collect my winnings? Edit: that doesn't class it as silver
  15. Wow... That really hurts my eyes
  16. Hope it all comes good Pete. Have you ever thought about setting up a site for donations to help with vet bills, food etc? Lots of cat lovers out there that I'm sure would drop a bit of lose change your way every now and then I'd t would help
  17. Insane work - can't wait to see the progressing paint booth pics specifically. Keep us posted!
  18. Nice!!! 3 months to wait, that'll be a long 3 months
  19. Looks great, what mods have been done to it?
  20. similar - i had a 4" drill bit through mine, snapped in half - ended up replacing the tyre as I was a wimp and didn't want to run a repaired one...
  21. I'm just looking for the shotgun!
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