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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Oh no! Gutted for you! Hope it gets resolved ASAP and that it doesn't take the shine off your new toy too much! S.
  2. Yikes! Thanks for the reminder - just realised that I still aint been sent any log-books or registration details from the DVLA despite buying my Zed in early July - best get onto that sharpish!
  3. Saw a black 350z on Dog the Bounty Hunter yesterday belonging to a young female crim whom he busted. Was on the episode featuring Lysa's wedding (season 6) if anyone feels the need to look it up S.
  4. Mr Squee's seen this one out and about too a few times (pretty sure it's the same one and had a black roof) but it's eluded me thusfar. S.
  5. Squee

    The Perfect 370z

    I'm loving that Zed, think it looks great! Licence plate might be Aussie but it looks a bit like Auckland in the background to me - perhaps Bronzee can give her thoughts? S.
  6. yay! at last! Shame I was spotted when the Zed was splattered with mud and in need of a good bath! Didn't spot Carla's Zed despite being stuck waiting to get on that roundabout for ages. Must look harder next time lol! Thanks for the post by the way S
  7. Lovin the reg plate! I'm hoping to get a personal one at some stage. I'm passing the Business Park tomorrow as skulking about in Pulford tomorrow afternoon so will keep my eyes peeled. I've seen loads of 'spotted' threads on this forum with cars being spotted near there - do all my fellow Chester Zed owners work on the Business Park?!? I'm in Waverton and mainly just drive from there to town and back. I was very lucky getting my black Zed - I'd set my heart on getting a black one with the tan seats and had been monitoring sales on PH and Autotrader for a few months. Just at the same time I had the cash to buy mine came up for sale in Whitchurch (only 17 miles away!) with the Nismo and at a good price. And I love it to bits! S PS Ken - yeah was most probs a GT4 - am I right in thinking that Ultra Yellow was only available for the GT4s?
  8. Sweet. Will keep my eyes peeled. There's an azure coupe I've seen a few times round Christleton/Waverton and Mr Squee sees a separate azure coupe round the Deeside industrial estate often. Don't think I've seen a roadster version yet! S
  9. Aw, just seen this thread for the first time as have only been a member since May. Some lovely pets but I feel so sad for everyone who's lost them. Keeping pets is so rewarding but saying goodbye is awful. I've got five black cats - thought I'd keep them all the same colour in the hope that when I bring a new one home Mr Squee doesn't realise it's worked a couple of times! Black cats often don't tend to photograph too well but here's one of Bear in his favourite Adidas t-shirt. I want to dress him up like a late 90's B-Boy and get him some tiny Adidas shelltoes that you can buy for babies but Mr Squee say's that's taking things too far He's been on the website StuffOnMyCat and got voted cat of the day! Anyone else think that the Shar Pei on page 10 looks a bit like Harry Redknapp? S.
  10. Glad to hear you're loving your new toy SpiderMonk...don't know about you but the Zed's on of the best purchases I've ever made S.
  11. good stuff! I'm with Sky too and hoping to get some spacers in the not too distant future. Will probs ring and tell Sky what I'm up to as it's probably best that all mods are 'on file'. What sort/size are you going for Cereal?
  12. Yay - thanks Fodder and Carla I was starting to think that most other Zed owners were a load of old grumps...maybe I keep passing them when they've just filled the tank up and aren't in the best moods Carla - my Zed's black with Nismo body kit, 54 plate ending in 'WU' and will more tham likely have Wu-Tang Clan emanating out (the reg plate was just a happy co-incidence and not a deal breaker!). Looking forward to seeing your Zed as don't think I've seen a sunset in the flesh yet. Fodder - no, not me sorry. You'd know it was me by a whirl of waves What colour/plate is yours? S.
  13. They'll still probably balls it up! I tried to renew my licence in early July and used the service at the post office where they send it digitally and intstantly to the DVLA (at extra cost too). I finally had a letter from them earlier this month saying although it had been received there was a 'technical' error that prevented them issuing it and that I had to resend with the old fashioned paper form...this was almost two months after I'd attempted it at the PO. Also still not had the log-book from them from when I purchased my Zed also in early July... S.
  14. First time I've seen a yella one in the flesh and lovely it was too! Personaised plate starting VJ03. Spotted about 5.00pm on the roundabout near the Mercedes Benz showroom (nr Sealand Rd). I'd borrowed my Dad's estate to go to B&Q thus not in my Zed. Didn't bother waving as at opposite side of the roundabout. Also saw the black roadster again today in Waverton but was on foot so didn't don't think the driver is much of a waver as got no response from him last week when I passed him in my Zed. Pah! I've still had no flashes or waves! Starting to take it personally now teehee. S.
  15. Sorry to hear you're having issues with your new Zed (and sorry for the late reply!) R-Face. The noises, which two separate mechanics wondered if were pointing to a gearbox bearing issue but was ruled out by Middlehurst Nissan, was a kinda metallic chattering noise at low revs. Another forum member wondered if it might have been a flywheel issue and the symptoms do read similar to other threads but my car's recently had a new clutch so I don't think it's that and I also think that the chap from Middlehurst would have picked up on it. Since a gearbox specialist removed the gearbox and re-installed it (without changing a bearing) the noise has been dramatically reduced and only now occurs in low revs in 5/6th gear Have you got it sorted yet? Might you be able to upload an Iphone clip of the noise or something? It can be quite hard describing sounds and rattles on the 'tinternet and you'll probably get better help with an audio clip Thanks also SpiderMonk for your reply. Yes it's been quite annoying all the problems and at one stage I was pretty pi**ed off at the garage I purchased from but I'm just gonna stop worrying about the noise and concentrate on enjoying the Zed as that's pretty much what the guy at Middlehurst said to do and I trust his judgement. My dad's the sort who doesn't really accept a crap service and he thinks the garage have been quite fair to me. S.
  16. to be fair there's probably a few 35 year olds who are grandmothers by now!
  17. Cheers guys! Yeah, can't wait to get it all sorted. Bronzee - I'm planning on using my Zed over the winter if it remains mild. Won't be taking him out in the snow though, that's for sure! Do you put yours away in winter? You're in Auckland aren't you? Didn't think the winters were too bad there. S.
  18. Finally an update! I had my Zed in at Middlehurst Nissan this week and whilst the head technician was looking at it I asked his opinion on the bump/dint and scratch. His opinion is that at some stage something rather heavy landed on the bonnet which was filled and resprayed and, as the scratch appeared on a very hot day, the heat expanded and cracked. Will hopefully be getting a respray within the next couple of months. Just in time for the winter S.
  19. Just thougt I'd post an update.... The garage I bought my Zed from kindly arranged for me to go and see Paul Stewart at Middlehurst Nissan so he could give a diagnosis on the apparent 'gearbox bearing' problem. The good news is that he does not think it's due to a bearing. He strongly suspects that changing the engine mounts and/or transmission mounts will solve the problem although couldn't guarantee it. Even he was slightly puzzled by the noise but doesn't think it's anything to worry about too much as it's just an amplified version of what noise one would expect to be present when driving at low revs. I'm pretty certain that the garage I bought the Zed from aren't gonna change the mounts under warranty but thankfully it shouldn't be an expensive thing to pay out for. S.
  20. Passed a black roadster driving through Waverton (Guy Lane) yesterday at about 4.45pm. Despite furious waving from me in my black Zed I got no response. Again! I think I must be scaring off other Zed drivers with over exaggered waving. Must watch some videos of the queen waving and practice a more subtle approach. Or not bother! S.
  21. Just seen this thread - badges looking good! I've still not got round to replacing my Zed badges with the black ones I got from ebay (think it was the same seller as yours Coldel). I'm thinking that it may well be best to spray them with black paint now if they're prone to fading. Can I ask what black paint you've used or would recommend? Thanks S.
  22. Saw some new pies today in Tesco that looked pretty fit - 'The Pie Minister The Full English Pie' which contain beans, sausages, bacon and cheese! They're in posh pie packaging and £2 for one small pie (170g I think) or 2 for £3.50 so could become quite an expensive habit! I'm trying not to get too fat so didn't purchase any and regretting it now - will like to see a review of one if you fancy it RabbitStew? S.
  23. When the people came to buy my old Almera I caught them taking pics of themselves posing next to the Zed S.
  24. they're blaming the warranty people for taking ages to authorise the work to be done - and also blaming the gear box specialists (who they have to send the gear box off to). Alledgedly the onsite mechanics identified it as a gear box bearing (as had my local mechanic who looked over the car for me), and Nissan confirmed it was a gearbox bearing problem but the gearbox people insisted it wasn't. But now, a new clutch plate later(?), the gearbox bloke's changed his mind! At the end of the day I've got a new clutch which it sounds like I wouldn't necessarily have done so can't complain too much. Although the work will be finished next week I've decided to bring my Zed home for the weekend as I was getting severe withdrawl symptoms and also would rather him be with me rather than tarting up their showroom! I've just got back from the garage now and the noise which was causing all of this bother has been vastly improved quite intermittent rather than a constant. But yeah, will get copies of invoices of all labour and parts carried out Thanks Steve for listening to my endless complaints S.
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