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Everything posted by Stu350z

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again.........WOW! This is an awesome build! Wish it was mine!
  2. I'm lucky! I get to drive my Zed home from work every night at 5am! Sadly its only about 6.5 miles, but it's 6.5 miles with just me on the roads round Glasgow!
  3. +1 Why even bother with music! The Zed makes an awesome noise!
  4. This sounds like an awesome night! Wish I lived a bit closer so I could join in! Or even a few more tunnels in Glasgow would be good!
  5. Lovely looking wee cars but IMO the 172 & 182 are both better cars! The Clio doesn't need all that power! 2.0l and 16v is plenty!
  6. +1 Zed's seem to attract "red light racers" like moths to a flame!
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