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Everything posted by Stu350z

  1. I'd be up for a run to the Electric Brae in the summer! Not been there in ages and it still bends my mind!
  2. hahaha cheers stu!! He was talkin about iains mondeo No I wasn't! Neil's Zed's gettin close to my favourite ever!
  3. Welcome to the Forum! I feel sorry for all you tall folk squeezing into your Zed's! I'm only 5'6"
  4. Stu350z

    My new Zed

    Welcome to the Forum! your Pulsar!
  5. Hubba hubba! She's a pretty lady!
  6. This sounds like a fun day out! Hopefully my Zed wont be still too OEM by then! 6.Stu & Nic
  7. It's always nice when stuff starts too come together! :thumbs:Fun times!
  8. Hey Moogman! You can have My06 UKGT Zorst as P/X for your K1! PM me if you want to!
  9. Stu350z

    OEM Sat Nav

    or :pmr35lee: You might be lucky!
  10. He knows more about the Zed than Nissan!
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