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Everything posted by slimjim

  1. Wow... Impressive... The "barn" finds are something that happens every so often then?
  2. WTF?!?!?! It's not even December yet! And you want Crimbo smilies?
  3. Cannot recommend Ian enough. The pics speak for themselves but even THEY don't do the job justice. Then there is the price. I SWEAR the guy doesn't get minimum wage for the hours he puts in vs the prices you pay! The Merc is my old mans car. He spends pretty much EVERY Sunday cleaning it, takes the wheels off to polish them etc... and even HE was super impressed with the job Wasso did!
  4. You will be better off selling your car private and buying private. Preferably from on here (as all ready suggested)
  5. Wow!!! Really? Not may shops to spend your cash... or even cash points for the inevitable poker games. Can't even start to think what it would be like down there. Kudos Railgun!
  6. Not heavy enough! Come on John... Scare us with your uber heavy stuff! If I fancy something a bit heavy, I go for "The Inalienable Dreamless" in the motor.... [edit]My Bad... JT all ready thew "Slayer" down, for which he gets SUPER props [/edit]
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYiv76qRCkA
  8. I don't have one Grant... but peeps will need to know if it is pre/post face lift ...
  9. Invaluable info there Mike I also heard you could reset the ECU by disconnecting the battery & pumping the brake peddle to drain the capacitors... Do you know if that is true? Obviously you loose your stereo presets etc as well.... But could be easier than "The Peddle Dance" Do you know if there is any truth in this?
  10. Plus, they COULD have just got that one ... but they decided to spin the 'berg to get him off... and tire him out. Evil, evil things.... Still cool as hell.
  11. Total quality.... Did you spot it looked like he had little booties on?
  12. Amazing ... as always. Makes the price of a HD-TV worth it by miles. Also stops me moaning about the TV License fee. They should stop Eastenders and all the other shite on the BBC (i.e. 99.% of it) and JUST fund this sort of thing. Any divers here? Diving, under ice... with MILES of darkness beneath you, which no-one actually knows what there is down there. Scariest thing in the world?
  13. Not my fav ... but yes, need to re-do the brembo's red to match.... or it looks to busy... Very distinctive!
  14. .... "There's an app for that" ....
  15. To be honest, a nice ACER will probably do the trick for you bud.... But if you really like the one you have, then look into getting it fixed. Price may surprise you.
  16. Did you click on the linky I posted? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-mac-lap ... 0717883211 When I posted, it was 10 hours before it finished.
  17. He He ... yes, seen the piccys. I want to see it in the Flesh. I think our illustrious West Mids event organiser is working ANOTHER meet before Crimbo!
  18. How crazy is that, when we ALL know WHITE looks best. Love Colin's motor. Wanna see it again now since the paint has been updated.
  19. Bought from Sextons... turned out I had to use the 29-020 instead... lost the receipt form Sexton, so can't send it back... They are only a fiver from Sextons, so if you can prove to me you need it, I will post it to you FOC! Well, you will owe me a beer next time I see you... http://www.sextonsdirect.co.uk/ict/p~29-007.html
  20. What's so bad about Win7? I use it both at work and at home and suffer no problems, far better than Vista. I heard 7 was a little better than Vista (Isn't 7 based on XP anyway?) XP Pro... the ONLY decent windows OS ... but Ian, you should STILL buy a Mac
  21. I was ready to slate anything Windows based... But I had LOADS of Tosh Sats when I worked at an old workplace and I loved them. Windows 7? oh dear... makes me feel ill Stick a copy of XP on it and you will be fine
  22. Here is a question for you... if you are using SIX USB ports.... and a 19" screen... Do you NEED a laptop? Sounds like you are running it as a desktop anyway. Or do you take it from place to place working on it?
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