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Everything posted by cmck13

  1. +1 with this, never has it been so nice for you Chris to take money from us with such ease. I never felt a thing
  2. I assume you mean this Chris plus extras we talked about. 1. ChrisB - 03DE - 4NZ218-110L 2. CMCK13 - 2003-2006 Std Engine Nissan 350Z, V-3 Sci SATIN4NZ218-110L 3. 4. Cheers
  3. +1 to Abbey, its exactly the same at RS tuning at Leeds once your licence fee is paid the work involving a remap etc is at a lower hourly rate.
  4. Time to make your mind up folks, lets stop it dragging out.
  5. Leicester = cougar store, but as a member you should know that.
  6. Not sure if I've got this right did you have a remap after fitting the berks and millton? If not then that could be the issue, quite a common problem if you didn't get a remap done.
  7. It's 100% your fault. That's what I'm telling the other half anyway 'this turquoise thing on the forum made me do it'. Adrians Teal coloured actually. Whatever colour he is, he's just managed to mind **** me into this - the rum probably isn't helping. Oh, how easily some people fall others take longer.
  8. Now that's what I call "big boys toys" probably costs more than my car.
  9. Excellent photos, nice to see Ken there at the end haven't seen him for ages, must get out more to the meets,
  10. Had a good laugh at this, its the moment when you realise "excuse the pun" your not the only dipstick out there. Happened to me and I guess every other new owner. Only one way in and you need to do it in the day time, now let your mind work on that.
  11. Have you thought of a group fitting with the other guys that are buying, if theres 3 or 4 up for it might be a bit cheaper? That's a point and I could ask Abbey MS. Everyone else with their name down - are you interested in Abbey fitting this kit for you? Could be, depending on price probably need to pm me with that. I would be happy at the right price to leave my z with them and pick it up at the end of the week.Clearly I don't know who the others are but I have declared that I'm one, or is that "I am Spartacus" if your old enough to remember that.
  12. I was under the impression that this service no longer existed, has any one tried this in the last year or so?
  13. Have you thought of a group fitting with the other guys that are buying, if theres 3 or 4 up for it might be a bit cheaper?
  14. Rs tuning in Leeds do the remap using software called "uprev" a specialist company in the states who deal with the 350z/370z. This remap using uprev has been done on many cars on this site, The actual price for the remap advertised on the site today is £474. Fit the filters yourself and save the £70 in fuel going down south.
  15. Took the plunge, should be a bit closer now.
  16. And that's what happens when you have too much time on your hands and you haven't got a job.
  17. I see your in the Peak District,so its RS tuning in Leeds,approved dealers on this site, if you do go for a remap and many of us up this end have, you will get excellent service and their masters of the Z.
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