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Everything posted by cmck13

  1. Mequiars has a specific internal detailer that is made to do what you want, it leaves a non stick natural look so as not to leave that wet through look. Heres a link, http://www.meguiars....erior-Detailer/
  2. Its on here as a guide to using the cloths not as a sales ad for the one shown, Mine was £24 for a car pro cloth, halfords charge £12 I think for a mitt type, but what you need to bear in mind is that you can pay between £10 to £30+ for clay bars and they will not last as long by the very nature that the clay keeps the contaminants in the bar itself.
  3. I see that the new clay cloths and mitts are at last enjoying success although they have been around a few years. Just like to point out at this stage that they are actually made from a form of rubber designed like a microfibre cloth. I have used a version for a few months now and the system is similar for all the versions out there. This link will give a fairly precise review on their use and I certainly give them a thumbs up. Please note though they do have a limited life varying on how many times you use them but even so they should all be cheaper to use than clay. http://www.detailing...ad.php?t=323203
  4. A warm 5 years without joining must be close to a record
  5. Wouldn't go there, we've chewed the fat on this site for years about cheap cats,usually it ends in, buy cheap and repent at your leisure.
  6. I know your from the states, what state? its nice to know appx where people come from.
  7. Berks Hi-Flo cats for me
  8. Hi, go on Amazon and have a look at something like this, there are several with X4 zoom, this one has X8 there are no reviews so there all a bit of a shot in the dark. Over here were just getting into dash cams and most of the general public do not use them but in niche clubs like this they are picking up now. Do you mind me asking whereabouts are you? Keep going I'm sure you'll get there in the end. http://www.amazon.co...ductDescription
  9. You've got it, sticky tape.
  10. Paints4U do touch up spears as kits with their touch up paints these are small and pointed specifically for fine touch up lines Added this https://www.paints4u.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=6912
  11. Have to agree, looked at doing something similar but in the end it was much cheaper to buy a purpose made one of ebay or amazon. I paid $90 for mine, do a little research on here for members who have bought theirs. Ps When you get it sorted out a little travelogue of the area where you live would be good to see. Quite enjoy meguiars videos of their weekend garage stuff where the public can turn up.
  12. A warm keep that bank bank balance healthy you'll need it when zeditis sets in
  13. cmck13

    Rota ??

    Rota centre caps are 63mm, the wheels don't look like any rotas I've seen but you never know. This might be of help, http://www.ebay.co.u...=item4cf114d189 Just had a second look at the ebay site its "rare rims" from here.
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