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Everything posted by RisingPower

  1. That's not mine, I had a nikon d50, now got a d3100 courtesy of santa claus. However, I had a nikon infra-red remote shutter release for the d50 (wonder whether it'll work with the d3100).
  2. Don't think I've really got much to add, but as said, lower iso, slower speed, lower f stop, possibly a remote shutter release like this (I found this made it much easier using a tripod personally): http://www.digitalmediastore.co.uk/came ... C-WSCCAN-D Colour balance wouldn't necessarily bother me as much, you can always alter that in RAW's.
  3. Well it is a koenigsegg, them crazy Swedes
  4. RE the y pipe, yes, it's not great but it has flexis unlike the stillen iirc. Wouldn't want one without flexis. Motordyne xyz would be good though, but personally I don't see the need.
  5. The only tasteful cross hatch designs I can think of:
  6. Sorry, but ewww. They're like a burberry zed seat
  7. Ian will also probably slap me, but I kinda like the work eurolines in that picture
  8. I don't think you'd count as an angel on a tree dave
  9. I'm gonna say you get what you pay for, having them on the zed currently. I'll be going back to vreds/michelin ps2's/ss next time.
  10. Unscrew gear knob, then it just lifts out.
  11. That'd be me But yours looked very tidy, liking the led front lights Reminded me just how good the zed looks in azure
  12. RisingPower

    Mmmm nuts

    Has only taken so long I can't remember how long it's been to get these.
  13. RisingPower

    LMGT4 nuts

    Cheaper and easier to find than some
  14. Sorry, I mean, why do you want an X5/X3? If it's just for carrying surely wouldn't something like an estate/mpv offer the same capability? Personally I don't see the point of either the X5/X3. They don't appear to be able to offroad and they don't seem to offer anything an estate doesn't. Our Christopher wants to waft arooond for a few months - leave him be...let him waft :l ol: No, not until he buys an obscenely loud and brash hemi jeep None of this girly man's posing mobiles Oh and I like shrooms Morel shrooms are awesome
  15. Sorry, I mean, why do you want an X5/X3? If it's just for carrying surely wouldn't something like an estate/mpv offer the same capability? Personally I don't see the point of either the X5/X3. They don't appear to be able to offroad and they don't seem to offer anything an estate doesn't.
  16. Why have you gone from a v8 x5, to an x3? Maybe worth just a look? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p
  17. A 6.1 hemi jeep doesn't have as much wow factor as an X5 or Cayenne?!?! Ok, the interior isn't exactly exciting, but the sound of that Hemi and being able to outdrag most of the competition It's quicker than the cayenne. Cayenne turbo seems to be very, very slightly quicker.
  18. I'm just saying the jeep is a genuine contender for the others
  19. Brakes don't look exactly expensive on the jeep? http://www.zeckhausen.com/Jeep/SRT8.htm
  20. Was just about to suggest this http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/2914201.htm Pimpin' ^^ Does the X5 really have any off roading capability? I know it's an escalade, but, I'd still take the 6.1 srt hemi jeep. Much, much, much quicker. And looks better, even works off road Oh and cheaper http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3201929.htm Or if not quite the cost of the lovely 6.1 hemi, maybe the 5.7 v8? http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p
  21. Call me strange, but i'd rather have a 4x4 that can actually go off road and isn't just for posing in: http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/2895322.htm Just a shame if you don't have the extra for the 6.1 srt. http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/3201929.htm
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