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Everything posted by evilscorp

  1. It's going to be a daily driver cmon now be sensible... Maybe raised up slightly.... with a VQ35 under the bonnet. Thanks Dracostan some good advice and yeah I will need to get on sxoc asap. They guy must have got my number off ebay as he phoned me just as I was heading to work, so he is keen to sell... could be bad could be good, I said I would talk to him tomorrow, as I am still awaiting more photo's.
  2. Well the 200sx is scary cheap compared to others so doing my research, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1999-NISSAN-200-SX-TOURING-EMERALD-GREEN-LOW-MILEAGE/332245902161?_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3Dd31b7ba2493b4c319ba2f26815127353%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D332245902161&_trkparms=pageci%253Abf060a59-4c53-11e7-891c-74dbd180afa7%257Cparentrq%253A8807aa7a15c0aa4759e6e562fff200c2%257Ciid%253A1 So far it seems like the rust has been cut and welded in the past but I am probing the guy for answers and pictures to prove it, been through the MOT and it appears it has had lots fixed in the past few years due to rust (advisory's and failure points.) The worry is the licence plate being covered up.
  3. Seen an 200sx I like so BOOM! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222539090366?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  4. I've had a celica in the past coldel albeit the final and worst one in my opinion (engine sounded like a bag of nails, cabin noise was bad) Not got kids yet so two projects ain't too much hassle lol, but I expect they will come along soon and ruin my fun, as for the pram, maybe something I missed, what size are those buggers?
  5. I know they are a bit heavy for a track car, but c'mon... Lovely and I had considered one a long time ago but, they are heavy, expensive parts, old, rusty, rare.
  6. Most of the suggestions are good and some I haven't thought about. The mps 3 is neat but not quirky enough, Didn't think about a DC5, I had a prelude vtec that I loved so could be tempted back. As for the 200sx, it was the top of the list but factoring in they cost £6.5K and the body kit is £2K (gram styling so would need major work to fit) and then the VQ35 engine swap takes it out of budget and I really should have two project cars when I am still working on the 350Z. The GT86 can fit child seats in the back or so says youtube, the 200sx though would not be iso fittings so not as safe.
  7. You can bugger off! You change cars like babies do diapers!
  8. BMW and audi are off the cards too common great cars and suit the guide but not quirky.
  9. Rx8 was another I am really considering due to it costing buttons and having a spare vq35.... Nice shout on the CR-Z it does have back seats now need to check if the are iso fixing for child seats.
  10. I would Coldel but like the 200sx the age of the car and the head lights make me R33 GTST is a good shout.
  11. Just put the chrysler 300c though its MOT, had to change some brake pipes and some suspension arms but it's passed. Spent about £1K on it since I bought it for 4.5K and I suspect I should be able to sell it for what I bought it for or a tad more. Only reason I am thinking about selling is because part of me wants something that I can throw about on track as well as do the daily commute + have 4 seats in the event of children turning up in the next two years. Budget £7K Contenders are; clio cup 200; pro's = good on track, mpg good, good for commute (4miles), Ok power, 4-5 seats. Negatives = its french, interior would drive me nuts for being so bland. 200sx, pro's = turbo! 4 seats, ok mpg, ok power, easy to mod (would love to do a rocket bunny boss kit) interchangeable parts with the 350z. Negatives = its old, overpriced, most rust like mad, hard to find a good one. giulietta cloverleaf; pro's = turbo! good power, good mpg, 4-5seats, it's an alfa, great euro NCP for family protection. Negatives = if it breaks it will be expensive for parts, not 100% sure on styling. GT86; pro's = 4 seats, looks good, fun, its relatively new. Negatives = I would need finance to buy it, Anything else that is quirky I may be missing?
  12. Can't travel back in time bud, Your title say's May, we are into June now mate. Won't be there, car is retired from track work
  13. Dibs removed, wheel doesn't contain controls or airbag for others reference.
  14. 300C HEMI will run on 4 cylinders, yeh. But it sounds like ass when it does lol, have to keep stabbing the throttle to get her woken up again. The Ram does this and it's pretty good, maybe it's a 300C thing but in Bob you don't really notice it TBH when waking up the other 4 cylinders. Doogy the standard car is sooo quiet due to the huge silencers that you are correct you dont notice, I just happen to have valves welded in after the cats that have straight cutout's to the ground, that's when i can tell how many cylinder's are firing
  15. Just to give any bench sitters a push, I have the 30mm spacers all round on my supercharged Z and they still look brand new, no adverse affects except my wheel occasionally catching my bumper on full lock, but that's my own fault and nothing the dremel or a relocated bolt wont fix The bearings on the 350z seem to be very sturdy so hold up well to the slight increase in unsprung weight. Every bolt threaded well and all I would suggest doing is putting copper slip on the face of the spacer so you don't have issues removing them if they are left on for years untouched.
  16. 300C HEMI will run on 4 cylinders, yeh. But it sounds like ass when it does lol, have to keep stabbing the throttle to get her woken up again.
  17. You could always price up a second hand one? I have a spare if you want to pm for price.
  18. My 5.7 Chrysler 300c gets about 20mpg, 24 on the motorway. Love the noise but having two cars that have 20ish mpg is getting sore on the wallet and will probably sell it once it's been though it's MOT again.
  19. Yeah I have been meaning to sort the paint job and wrap now that japfest is by. Took the photo's then as I was heading to leave I seen a FRIWEND!!! Your's was showing off how good the Z's original lines are next to my frankenstein monster lol.
  20. And on that note, here are a few of the cars he is talking about,(i used my phone, honestly! I was in the lambo/ford gt engine bays the rest of the time.)
  21. Diff side will be held on with rust if you have the 6 or whatever bolts off, give it a tap with a mallet. But my question is why are you taking the half shafts off if it's the hub that's being replaced? Surly you would just disconnect all the suspension arms from it then its off the car,
  22. So what else have you had in between? last time I spoke to you it was a VX220 or something? New motor is very cool, enjoy
  23. Rear subframe is aluminium so unlikely its corroded just the parts that bolt to it.
  24. The jdm cars mostly have diffs without cooling fins so you can't tell from looking at the casing I believe. But a burn out will tell you lol.
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