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Everything posted by narcotix

  1. Well I just spoke to someone to get booked in ... and they are gonna let me know in the next few days ... Just checked the specs on the net and it's only got 276 BHP but is 200kgs lighter than the zed ... so should feel pretty fast ... Hopefully they'll give me the opportunity to test drive it .... will let you know
  2. Well I came home today to find a letter from Lotus inviting me to test drive the new Evora in a few weeks .... I'm not sure how they got my details but it's not far from me and luckily I have that week off work .... I might just give it a go to see what all the fuss is about ...
  3. Cruelty to animals is what it looks like to me ... LoL
  4. Good review of the Zed ... but TBH I've never really likely Fifth Gear ... it always seemed like a cheap imitation of Top Gear ...
  5. narcotix


    I had that exact problem when I was searching for a Zed ... to the extent that I actually lost £250 due to a dodgy comparison website not recording the details properly. I entered the number plate and chose JDM import, but for some reason it hadn't registered that the car was imported ... so I went and put a deposit on the car and then rang up the insurers to accept the quote ... I explained it was an import and then they came back with a quote over a £1000 more! I had to pull out of that purchase and lost my deposit ... but thankfully I got myself a UK spec not long after ... Happy Days! You may have already tried them but I used www.GoCompare.com in the end and their online system does recognise UK Specs correctly... Good Luck
  6. Apologies if this is a dumb question but what do you mean by a solid fly wheel? I know the Zed has a Dual Mass Fly Wheel as standard ... Thanks
  7. The ladder clip is the funniest by far ...
  8. Well episode 4 failed to impress also and my hate for Robert Carlyle's character seems to grow with each episode ....
  9. Looks Awesome! I will purchasing it as soon as it's available!
  10. I wasn't sure about NFS Shift so opted for Gran Turismo on my PSP while I wait for the PS3 version to be finished ... It's not too bad but no where near as good as the real thing ...
  11. I don't watch this TV show so I googled her name. Safe search was off. Bad idea as I'm at work! LoL ... I Googled her yesterday and didn't see anything too bad ... so just tried again with Safe Search switched off ... I'm at work as well but seeing as I manage the network at the office I don't think it'll cause any problems
  12. +1 Her daughter Adria (Morena Baccarin) was another welcomed addition to the program
  13. The cheapest is probably www.mycarcheck.com at £3.95 for the basic H.P.I ... but it doesn't tell you everything like finance infomation (if there is any) I used the RAC H.P.I check when I bought my Zed and it bought back lots more useful information ... I'd suggest using the cheaper option for possible purchases and then using a more comprehensive check like the RAC if you are serious about buying that particular vehicle ...
  14. I went to Sharm last year and absolutely loved it ... I did a 4 day suba diving course and spent the rest of the time just relaxing at the hotel and beaches ... Naama Bay is where all the action is ... The night life there is pretty good too considering they only have one proper club (Pacha) ... but there are quite a few nice bars in the area too ... I'd recommend Little Buddha!
  15. I've been using mine daily ever since I got the car and not just for loose change either ... What part of the ash try is actually broke?
  16. Unlucky about the scrape ... I hate that when you try and be clever about things and it actually works out worse off ...It's happened to me a few times when I'm sure my extra precautions would pay off ... but instead I've had to pay out but hey ... you never know it might work out better in the long run if your old one was on it's way out anyway ...
  17. His ebay name is STRATISAGGELELIS, Avoid at all costs. Hahaha ... Yeah it was the same guy who messaged me ...
  18. Brilliant ... Have you resolved the problem now?
  19. I'm also selling a bluetooth adapter on eBay at the moment and have just had a question from a Greek person asking if the cradle is required to use it ... I've got a funny feeling it could be the same person .. LoL I told him I'm not prepared to post anywhere outside of the UK regardless
  20. You can repeat the procedure if it fails ... I've tried this before and I somehow managed to clear my original key but after repeating the process I was able to restore my original key You don't need to register your original key just use it to unlock the vehicle ...
  21. Sorry to hear about your bad luck mate ... if it's any consolation something Very similar happened to me on the day I picked up my Zed ... I'd just had the car valeted and was at Shell waiting to fill up when somene scraped the drivers side ... I had to go through insurance in the end ... Anyway Welcome to the forum and enjoy driving your Zed
  22. £160 ... That's extortion ..... but luckily there are alternatives: 1. Purchase a key from eBay such as this one: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/UNCUT-NISSAN-X-TR ... 286.c0.m14 2. Then have it cut by any automotive locksmith (Approx. £10) 3. Follow the guide to register your new key fob to the car: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15966 Simplez!
  23. No they haven't done that yet ... I was really looking forward to meeting some new enemies ... They're all too busy fighting with each other at the moment anyway ... LoL
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