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Everything posted by LRF4N

  1. Good choice in bumper. All you need is a full respray to a better colour now
  2. LRF4N

    M3 e90

    Normally I wouldn't agree it's looking dated. But the 4 series is gonna be a big hit so yea that will make the e92 look a bit dated That frozen blue I showed you does look the part in the flesh tho You know what tho.... You probs not looking to mod an m3 if you get one but.... A matt red one could look quite tasty
  3. I had mine redone in smoked chrome but they turned out darker than I wanted. The display wheels were multispokes and they looked a lot lighter Still turned out ok
  4. Looking at the link on my mobile I had to zoom in and squint my eyes to see the wheel design and even then still couldn't make them out That's why I don't like black wheels- spend a lot of hard earned but you can't even see them Just my opinion
  5. Apparently twats are ok but tw@t no likee! Ah ok. I was getting confused if you were annoyed at him or if he turned you gay
  6. Totally agree he was in the wrong but one question..... The last paragraph as a word censored out.... What exactly did you wanna do to him?
  7. I'm not sure on the width/offsets but going by the pics above id probs want spacers on them to sit better in the arches
  8. Your right mate knew I recognised them from somewhere
  9. You leaving your tax til the last minute as well? Glad I'm not the only one lol If you want me to ask if hel take a deposit and you can pay the rest later let me know il ask
  10. If the eBay master approves then I must be right A quick google search shows them on a zed they do look good. I can't embed pics from google on here anymore for some reason. I used to use IMG tags and copy the link on the image but it doesn't work anymore
  11. These are for sale on skyline owners but they suit a zed well. I think they're a G35 wheel? If anyone's interested let me know il pass details across http://www.skylineowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=211132
  12. Worth a try if you didn't turn right like the vast majority of drivers using that bus lane to get a shortcut Might be worth speaking to ricey he was a lawyer in a past life good luck
  13. I know that junction well and would've gone straight into the middle lane to go straight towards Buchanan street. If you don't know the city centre well it's an easy mistake to make If I was passing the taxi I would've been halfway between the middle lane and bus lane then it's easy to prove. But from the pics your wholly in the bus lane. They will just go by what they see in the pics. If your full car is in a clearly marked bus lane in 2 pics I think it will be hard to convince them otherwise. Several cars do use the bus lane and turn right onto renfield street so your only hope is to prove you went straight. But good luck getting them to check the CCTV to see where you went at the next junction (Iv fought the city council a few times when I had a good argument. And failed each time )
  14. Is the new supra not gonna have GTR performance/price tag?
  15. I know of a few rx8s bought for a few hundred quid and getting engine conversions from v8s to RBs
  16. Exactly. Also the 2 door e30 3 series was known as a 2 door saloon not coupe and it's not the only one
  17. Ahh one of them I get you now lol. Good idea haven't seen anyone use that on a car before
  18. It is a coupe but surely you can see the difference between the profile of the r32/3/4 and the r35? Even going back to previous skylines the profile was similar but it's way different with the 35
  19. I saw a guy at a show with a big watering can thing, he used that to rinse the car then shampoo it and then waged it off before drying it. That or a portable pressure washer is the best way to remove the dirt rather than wiping it off and risking damage Portable pressure washer sounds great, never seen one. Good thing about that watering can was you don't need to park beside a water supply
  20. I think what he means is 2 door skylines had a long boot ie the shape of a saloon. The r35 is clearly a coupe although the r32/3/4 had coupe versions (they all had 4door versions) the shape is essentially a saloon Interesting debate though. I agree if it's a 4 pot turbo it would make more sense as an s body. 200Z doesn't have the same appeal Everyone says there's no market for big engines anymore yet merc are selling loads of *63s. Funny how everyone's complaining about a turbo whereas when the r35 came out everyone was complaining about the lack of a turbo
  21. Makes sense lexx Neil you had a couple of good pics recently. Get the car cleaned and start it off. If no1 else enters you'll win
  22. Patience lexx patience Members need time to get their cars cleaned and find locations I'm interested to why the entries are limited to 6 each month? It won't affect me I'm zed less lol just curious
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