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Ouch, glad our meets dont end like this


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I once went on a spirited drive out with a few local forum members to Matlock Bath.... Luckily we stopped off at a petrol station, and as we were catching them up, we saw brake lights flash up, and the group stop QUICKLY... so we took evasive action and got to see the carnage side on.... 8 cars all going into the back of each other... painful to see to 8 good mates!


I was sat in the passenger seat and got to see it all too well! No1 had any real major damage, only a few broken bumpers!

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I've worked and driven there. When you buy a licence rather than take a test coupled with a machismo attitude of not giving way to anybody, every outing is a disaster waiting to happen. They make Italians, Egyptians and Zimbabweans look like members of the Institute of Advanced Motorists!!!

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Here we see a simple case of BMW drivers attempting to use mirrors and signals...together! Whilst the gent in the 5 series has signalled, he's forgotten to string together the proper procedure and left out the mirrors, it's perfectly understandable he is in a beemer after all.

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Here we see a simple case of BMW drivers attempting to use mirrors and signals...together! Whilst the gent in the 5 series has signalled, he's forgotten to string together the proper procedure and left out the mirrors, it's perfectly understandable he is in a beemer after all.

Clearly this is what happens when BMW drivers use the optional indicators. It took so much effort to operate them that he forgot to look in his mirrors :bangin::lol:

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Here we see a simple case of BMW drivers attempting to use mirrors and signals...together! Whilst the gent in the 5 series has signalled, he's forgotten to string together the proper procedure and left out the mirrors, it's perfectly understandable he is in a beemer after all.


Actually these aren't just BMW drivers, these are M car drivers :p:lol:

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This is a Moscow thing, not a Beemer thing in my view - had a work trip to Moscow a few years back and the CEO and her daughters boyfriend (bizarre as it may seem) took me out to see the night time street circuit in their Infinity and BMW cars. Was quite amazing watching on public roads between roundabouts cars hammering it off from lights and going sideways etc. In those two cars though they were racing each other through Moscow streets hitting about 100mph across a bridge at one point (I 5hit you not) absolutely ridiculous, and we weren't the only ones.

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I was with the marketing director from our company as well, so the pair of us being whizzed around town, got back to our hotel in the cars around 1am and they wanted to do vodka shots - we both said no thanks tired etc - when they drove off we both looked at each other, almost psychic in its moment, just turned without a word and walked into the bar next door and ordered a pint each!

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Hells yeah it's a Moscow thing. When I lived in Siberia I did go to Moscow regularly. The nuttiest high speed driving I've ever seen.


My favourites were the Mafia bosses though, spot them a mile off! The best I ever saw had 4 GL55 AMGs surrounding a Brabus S Class. 2 Gs were in the fast lane at about 90 - 100 mph leading and trailing the S. The other two were in the second lane clearing space. It wasn't that difficult for them despite being busy as everyone knew to get over to the remaining 3 lanes and leave the outside 2 lanes free.


Awesome! B)

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