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Wasabi Peas........


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The most disgusting thing imaginable! Felt like I'd snorted creosote it burned my nose so bad! :yuck:


I'm with you on that one :thumbs:


I love em, we do competitions of how many you can suck the wasabi off in one go without crying.


Why would anyone want to to do that :scare:


.... I do remember at school the who could rub tiger balm under their eyes and keep them open game :lol:

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You are all nuts apart from Doogy (god who'd have thought I'd ever say that!) They are vile - and as i had no idea what they were like and i put a massive handful in my mouth I nearly died! How the hell a pea can vacuum your nasal passages like that is beyond me. The whole experience has left me traumatised! :lol:

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Well if anyone would like to try them for free, or any nibbles that are actually NICE - please feel free to use this code for a free box of snacks. You have to sign up but it's easy to cancel with one click after you have your freebie box. QQ7PQQX I chose all the things that were dipped in chocolate - apart from those damn peas........... :dry:



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You are all nuts apart from Doogy (god who'd have thought I'd ever say that!)


See, I'm not that scary :lol::lol:


The one and only time I have had Wasabi..... was the paste variety on a cracker (beer was involved that evening :drunk: )...... I genuinely thought I was going to die :scare:

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i am now staying in the hotel, i fially worked out why there was a circle around that weekend on the calendar.. :blush:


Staying in my room aren't you Martin ;)


You said you wanted to do something special for your anniversary :lol:


Free Glass selection at the door :thumbs:

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i am now staying in the hotel, i fially worked out why there was a circle around that weekend on the calendar.. :blush:


Staying in my room aren't you Martin ;)


You said you wanted to do something special for your anniversary :lol:


Free Glass selection at the door :thumbs:


Staying in the room you have vacated. :lol:


Something special will involve not falling out. :p

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Nicola you are just getting old...... deal with it :p


Not too old to smack your backside - Don't forget I've met your mother and she would probably agree! :lol:


Meh....... you would get pleasure out of that tho......... craddle snatcher........... or are you a cougar????? :lol::blush:

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Nicola you are just getting old...... deal with it :p


Not too old to smack your backside - Don't forget I've met your mother and she would probably agree! :lol:


Meh....... you would get pleasure out of that tho......... craddle snatcher........... or are you a cougar????? :lol::blush:


He's fantasizing again Nic :lol: But he'll be well taken care of by Polly & I...oh yes he will ;):teeth:

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Wasabi peas are good! We much them in the office and they are our official 'nippy sweetie'


I once put the contents of a whole packet of the extra strong fishermans friends in my mouth and had to eat them all for a dare. I couldn't taste for a week.

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