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speed limit


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B0ll0cks - it would cost the economy billions in lost man hours, late deliveries etc.. It would take a long time to phase in the nex limits and enforcement would be practically impossible. Plus it would be an international embarrassment if such a measure were necessary.


I reckon that the people concerned about fuel economy are (mostly) already sensible enough to slow down without a speed limit change.


Sounds like typical media BS to me.

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Back in the 1970's during the 3 day week, the speed limit on Motorways was reduced to 50mph for cars. It has happened once, albeit a few years ago now, and it could well happen again :dry:



I remember it well, you pretty well had to stick to it as well as garages were limiting you to 2 gallons and there were huge queues. The U.S had a blanket speed limit of 55mph for many years, in fact from 1973-1995 :scare:




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Back in the 1970's during the 3 day week, the speed limit on Motorways was reduced to 50mph for cars. It has happened once, albeit a few years ago now, and it could well happen again :dry:



I remember it well, you pretty well had to stick to it as well as garages were limiting you to 2 gallons and there were huge queues. The U.S had a blanket speed limit of 55mph for many years, in fact from 1973-1995 :scare:




Forgot about the queues. I was a young lad at the time though :teeth:

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as if anyone would drive at 50 on a motorway anyway. its not like police have lots of spare caash to set up new enforcement.


Speed is not dangerous unless its massively excessive.


30mph zones etc i have no problems with. where there are people walking about and cars pulling out a lot it is only sensible.


However we have a very good motorway network in this country, (if you have ever driven in the states you would know what i'm on about) , ones that could easily support a higher speed limit in most areas.


The problem is that in this country most motorway drivers dont drive properly on it. some people have such bad lane discipline and are very lazy. if only everyone pulled back into to the lane on their left as soon as they pass another vehicle it would make motorway driving much less stressful. Im not just talking as a pedal to the metal Z driver here either, when driving large vans etc for work i try my hardest not to pull out on people and get back in the slower lanes as quickly as possible. if you ever go to germany, this is how they tend to drive, they have great lane discipline and as a reslult it is safer for them to have higher speed limits.


the problem is that most of these people are happy plodding along an empty motorwqay in the middle lane at 65 MPH so they would say that "people who want to go faster have no respect for other drivers." the fact is that they themselves are causing massive disruptions and danger to other road users with their inconsiderate speed and misuse of the lanes. again i have no problem if people want to drive between 60-70 (any slower is dangerous) but just have a bit of consideration for those of us who need to get somehwere.


sorry about this rant but i try my hardest to drive properly on motorways and other than if i call the jeremy vine show, i don't know where else i can let off this steam :rant:


lower urban speed limits - yes fine with me.


Motorways - the best change they could do is start giving out points for people not using them correctly, lane hogging, tail gating, pulling out on people without signalling!! - it is far more dangerous than travelling over 70 mph!



Rant over... :headhurt:

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Back in the 1970's during the 3 day week, the speed limit on Motorways was reduced to 50mph for cars. It has happened once, albeit a few years ago now, and it could well happen again :dry:



I remember it well, you pretty well had to stick to it as well as garages were limiting you to 2 gallons and there were huge queues. The U.S had a blanket speed limit of 55mph for many years, in fact from 1973-1995 :scare:




Forgot about the queues. I was a young lad at the time though :teeth:


I think my grandaddy used to tell me tales of those times....

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Agree with crumbMC to an extent, but our motorways are absolutety diabolic!! The surfaces are crap, there's not enough of them and there's too many urban on/off ramps, too many trucks (should be limited to inside lane only!) and too many "drones"/jam cars!


Anyway, a year past in June drove from Montreaux to Koln, Autobhan all the way, it was sh1t, 9hrs of M25 type traffic, poor lane discipline (standards are slipping in Germany) and only two lanes for about 98% of the journey.


The best and fastest motorways in Europe are now France's, with Spain a close second, there's a lot to be said for toll roads, although the South of France on the Cote d' Azure is pretty busy and the Costa's motorways are much the same.


The EU subsidies that both these countries have theived over the past 20 years has been put to good use and puts this country firmly in the third world when it comes to any type of road.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with CrumbMC on that one, if people used the motorways propperly they would be 100x more efficient than they currently are.


I've done 2 trips around europe last year and the year before and france easily has the best motorways, btu thats because there's nothing on them! germany's autobahns where superb imo.

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Motorways - the best change they could do is start giving out points for people not using them correctly, lane hogging, tail gating, pulling out on people without signalling!! - it is far more dangerous than travelling over 70 mph!


Agreed. People sat in the middle lane really wind me up. They just cause bottlenecks, and when they are doing just under 70, people can legally undertake at 70 - which makes it ridiculously dangerous. Some people overtake them on the outside, while someone else overtakes them on the inside - the one on the inside then goes to pull into the middle lane to overtake the next vehicle, just as the one in the outside lane is making their way back to the middle - its a nightmare.


I really do have to try hard not to go right behind them in the inside lane - swing right out to the outside, overtake and swing right back to the inside again. Sometimes I cave and actually do it if its clear enough, yet the morons still dont get the point.


If they enforced people using the motorway properly and keeping left, there would be no need to widen the things in the first place.


Also -does anyone know which lanes HGV's can use on a 4 lane motorway? If its any more than the first two, then excatly whats the point - we will just them be treated to 3 horse 15 mile drag races while those morons overtake one another at the busiest times, uphill, at night.

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What about A-roads? Here in Norfolk, getting in or out is an excercise in frustration and consequent accidents. Cars 60mph, caravans 50mph and lorries 40mph!!!


Result huge queues of frustrated motorists taking risks.


Why not harmonise the speed limits upwards to 55 mph for lorries and caravans. Didn't they try that on the M25 in order to improve traffic flow?

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Part of the problem one would think, is not allowing Learners on the motorway - now this thought could go both ways - I now open the floor to discussion for the "yes" or "no" vote :dummy:

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