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Getting Fed Up....


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With other drivers in general...


Driving home this morning on the M25 in appalling conditions, spray everywhere could hardly see a thing... 4 lanes of pretty heavy traffic, im in the outside lane as I don't want to get caught up in the queue's going onto the A2. Going maybe 65-70 and keeping a decent distance in front and what do I see... two headlights RIGHT up my exhaust and then he starts flashing :headhurt: like I have anywhere to go?


No wonder I had a 2 hour journey to work the night before as there was a 4 car + 1 lorry pile up fatal accident just past the QE2 bridge.


I work in Logistics and I send out 300 odd vehicles a day, we have had 2 units written off in the last couple of weeks alone...


Everytime I go out I see someone driving like an absolute



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I know what you mean Dave, the standard of driving of too many people is just wrong, they should not have licences. Its peoples lack of concentration and lack of respect for the rules and other drivers which causes accidents !!


I just go at my own pace and let all the To55ers get on with it.... its their day they ruin by getting uptight ... Not yours :thumbs:

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Situations like this always remind me that there are idiots on the road.


I remember years ago driving up to Nottingham on the duel carriageway in the fast lane overtaking lots of lorries and there was a white van right behind me trying to push me out of the way.


There was nowhere to go so I kept overtaking all the lorries. Managed to pull in at long last and the driver in the van was furious. He tried to side swipe me as he pulled over forcing me onto the shoulder and he threw his coffee cup at my car. Rather foolishly his passenger window wasn't open so the coffee exploded on the inside of this window.


Made me chuckle. Some people really shouldn't be on the road.

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I've had more people driving up my back side since i've had the Z that in all my years of driving. it's bloody annoying, so much so i might get one of those cheap programmable LED displays so i can write messages to them.


Just take it easy, The closer they drive to my bumper the bigger gap i leave to the car infront. It's safer should the traffic suddenly stop on a busy motorway and it has the effect of making their blood pressure go even higher. I find BMW drivers and white van driver are the worst offenders on motorways and kids in their 106's round towns.

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Situations like this always remind me that there are idiots on the road.


I remember years ago driving up to Nottingham on the duel carriageway in the fast lane overtaking lots of lorries and there was a white van right behind me trying to push me out of the way.


There was nowhere to go so I kept overtaking all the lorries. Managed to pull in at long last and the driver in the van was furious. He tried to side swipe me as he pulled over forcing me onto the shoulder and he threw his coffee cup at my car. Rather foolishly his passenger window wasn't open so the coffee exploded on the inside of this window.


Made me chuckle. Some people really shouldn't be on the road.




Had a similar experience except the car behind me decided he couldn't wait and undertook me and the lorry I was overtaking and a Volvo estate in front of that at about 100mph.... unfotunately for the Scooby driver shortly after this genius manoeuvre the two small blue lights that were fitted behind the Volvo grille started to flash.... :ninja::nono:


I am sorry to say I couldn't resist giving him the internationally recognised hand gesture for 'oh dear that was unfortunate' as he pulled over onto the hard shoulder :lol:

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Think it must be a global thing. :surrender: Went down the shops this morning, coming back along what you guys call a dual carriageway, everyone doing the 60km speed limit, fairly heavy traffic, daft, very young lad in some baked bean can, riced up red Diahatsu, weaving in and out of the traffic, probably doing at least 80kms. For once a cop was in the right place, having just bailed someone else up, waved and yelled at the young guy (who would have heard as he had all his windows down), and promptly wrote down his rego. :clap: There is some justice, sometimes. :clap:

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My favorite is when I was driving from Weymouth to Wales early hours so it was very dark through the country lanes (NSL60mph) and i came up behind someone driving 45mph (no one in front of them) so i decided to over take and continue my journey at the speed limit! I over took him and he obviously didn't like this and put his full beams on! That really really annoyed me because i had done nothing wrong and what he did was dangerous! So i slowed right down to 5mph and strangely enough, off went the beams and he backed off! I hate tossers like that! and the road seems full of them these days! :rant:

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i give everybody the benefit of the doubt tbh as i am a good driver in the zed and a pr@ck in the beamer :p


i am sure everybody has done smth at some point. and i dont get upset that easy any more.

a few months ago driving to manchester, m62 white van doing 60 on the outside lane and behind him me and lots of others. had enough after a few miles and undertook him. heavy traffic further down he caught up with me undertakes me from the inside and sharply pulls in front of me where there was space for a smart if that!!! that at about 50-60 mph. had to slam the brakes and use all the runway towards the central reservation to avoid crashing. then he started hitting the brakes and accelerating. i slowed down and so did he...went on the middle lane and so did he!!! i could see other drivers' faces and flashing their lights at him.

crossed my mind to stop him and get the torque wrench behind the passenger seat...then i thought i ve got a flight to greece to catch...down to third and practiced my stupid driving through the traffic for about a mile. i am sure whoever didnt see what happened behind them thought i was a c@ck


my point is although some drivers frustrate me sometimes...i am sure i frustrate others too. no need to rant :p

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Im exactly the same in the past 2 months alone i have had someone who decided to go the entire way round a roundabout whilst he should of gone left or straight on and i had the option to go straight on (dual carriage way) and right i wanted to go straight on.... how i missed him i have no idea :rant:


another one coming to a roundabout me in my lane well before the roundabout... no traffic on roundabout so i slow down and just about to get to the round about some numpty in the lane next to me decide they wanted to be in my lane so just pull straight over withouth a signal or even a look thankfully i was going slow enough to stop without hitting them.


todays been interesting too... old woman again on a dual carriage way just decided to change lanes without looking whilst i was at the side of her... thankfully a bit of a run off so i could dive over and anchor up.


and then there are the usual culprits (sp) who sit in the middle lane when there is absolutely nothing in the inside lane for another 5 years - that really really really really winds me up (only thing i generally get road rage with)

and same goes for people on dual carriage ways in the outside lane when not over taking anyone and arent doing the speed limit.

(as bad as it sounds and i know i shouldnt do it but in both cases i will go behind, flash repeatedly and if still no movement undertake or on the odd occasion where people pull over i go past and look in the mirror to see they have pulled back out :lol: )


and then later on in the day same thing happened again, i really am beginning to question peoples standards/abilitys of driving. [/rant]

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my point is although some drivers frustrate me sometimes...i am sure i frustrate others too. no need to rant :p


Not thought of it that way. :blush:


Great comment and so true. :thumbs:


Yes very true, and everyone thinks they are the best driver around... I'm sure I frustrate people as much as they frustrate me :bangin:


I think what makes me :rant: is people rushing, I am always early for everything and actually worry if there is even a slight chance of being late, but some people just rush everywhere and are late for everything.... Not too bad if all you do is run for a bus, but if you are undertaking lorries in a ton or so of metal its a different story... :bang:


I too take no notice of people trying to race me, just not worth it... I have come to realise that someone doing 90mph in a Corsa is always going to go past me doing 70mph in my Zed and I check my manhood afterwards, to make sure is has not got smaller due to the embarrassment :console:

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If you find yourself behind 2 lorries overtaking each other on a dual carriageway with one going 2mph faster than the other :rant: Just sit in front of the lorry on the next hill and slow him right down and laugh as he tries to make 15 gear changes to avoid stalling :lol: Oh and don't tell any of my 300 or so drivers I said that ;)


(this is particularly effective on the A303)

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Seem to have covered a lot of my pet hates there. Here's a few more....


The inconsiderable..You're queueing up to leave the supermarket car park and finally you're at the junction, you look left, look right, look left again only to find that some inconsiderate person has pulled up alongside you in their chelsea tractor completely blocking your view :rant: .


The impatient...We've all seen these, you're on a 2 lane or 3 lane road, your'e stuck in a queue of slow moving traffic when the person in front notices that one of the lanes is moving slightly faster he then changes (usually without signalling) lane only to change again when the new lane he has chosen slows down and so on....


The clairvoyant... These are drivers who assume that everyone on the road has knowledge of what they are about to do. They rarely use their indicators and frequently decide to make a turning without any warning.


The red lighters...These are people who drive so close to the car in front that their brake lights are on and off every few seconds.


The dangerous...Usually, but not exclusively, Boy Racers. You can see these in action in any supermarket car park, they do a racing start, spinning their wheels, completely oblivious to the fact that there are pedestrians and young children wandering around.


And Finally, The Deaf...This affliction seems to affect young drivers the most, you know the type, they have the stereo turned up so loud that everyone within 100yards is assaulted with a barrage of thud, thuds. They are obviously hard of hearing 'cos I can hear it from miles away. Funny thing is though, they all seem to be playing the same tune, it goes thud, thud, thud..I'm sure you must have heard it :lol:



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If you find yourself behind 2 lorries overtaking each other on a dual carriageway with one going 2mph faster than the other :rant: Just sit in front of the lorry on the next hill and slow him right down and laugh as he tries to make 15 gear changes to avoid stalling :lol: Oh and don't tell any of my 300 or so drivers I said that ;)


(this is particularly effective on the A303)


Why have i never thought of this!!! Genius! :lol:

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My favorite is when I was driving from Weymouth to Wales early hours so it was very dark through the country lanes (NSL60mph) and i came up behind someone driving 45mph (no one in front of them) so i decided to over take and continue my journey at the speed limit! I over took him and he obviously didn't like this and put his full beams on! That really really annoyed me because i had done nothing wrong and what he did was dangerous! So i slowed right down to 5mph and strangely enough, off went the beams and he backed off! I hate tossers like that! and the road seems full of them these days! :rant:



Had something vaguely similar on the way to work years ago. I was driving along the country lanes 60 speed limit when i catch up to some woman in a merc driving at 40. I drive up and down these roads twice a day and it takes over an hour on a good day so there was no chance i was going to sit behind her so obviously overtook. As I'm pulling infront (plenty of gap) she blasts her horn and flashes her lights, i thought plenty of gap heh... carried on.


Then i come to a village, speed limit 30 and slow down. About 1/2 to 3/4 way through this 30 zone a silver merc overtakes me as i was doing 30, i though what a **** and i notice it was the woman i overtook earlier. Along comes a national zone again and she carries on at 40, I catch up and overtake. Again horn and flashing lights and i'm thinking CRAZY but carry on. Another 30 she overtakes me and when i catch up to her in a national section she's doing 40. I'm thinking defiantly crazy at this point. At the first opportunity overtook and same again (horn, lights). I made a rude gesture at this point and carried on. Didn't see her again cause there were no more villages.


Very very weird experience...

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  • 2 weeks later...
My favorite is when I was driving from Weymouth to Wales early hours so it was very dark through the country lanes (NSL60mph) and i came up behind someone driving 45mph (no one in front of them) so i decided to over take and continue my journey at the speed limit! I over took him and he obviously didn't like this and put his full beams on! That really really annoyed me because i had done nothing wrong and what he did was dangerous! So i slowed right down to 5mph and strangely enough, off went the beams and he backed off! I hate tossers like that! and the road seems full of them these days! :rant:



Had something vaguely similar on the way to work years ago. I was driving along the country lanes 60 speed limit when i catch up to some woman in a merc driving at 40. I drive up and down these roads twice a day and it takes over an hour on a good day so there was no chance i was going to sit behind her so obviously overtook. As I'm pulling infront (plenty of gap) she blasts her horn and flashes her lights, i thought plenty of gap heh... carried on.


Then i come to a village, speed limit 30 and slow down. About 1/2 to 3/4 way through this 30 zone a silver merc overtakes me as i was doing 30, i though what a **** and i notice it was the woman i overtook earlier. Along comes a national zone again and she carries on at 40, I catch up and overtake. Again horn and flashing lights and i'm thinking CRAZY but carry on. Another 30 she overtakes me and when i catch up to her in a national section she's doing 40. I'm thinking defiantly crazy at this point. At the first opportunity overtook and same again (horn, lights). I made a rude gesture at this point and carried on. Didn't see her again cause there were no more villages.


Very very weird experience...


Someone got very angry when I overtook them the other day in my Zed, flashing, beeping and everything! Made me laugh :lol:

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I don't know if its just getting older but I have noticed the standard of driving is getting worse. People seem to drive wherever they want on the roads near where I live. If they are going round a curve in the road then they just move into the middle & expect you to avoid them. Tonight, coming from work, I was travelling down a lane. Bloke in a Chelsea tractor just kept coming towards me so I had to pull in towards the edge. Fortunately I had already slowed, unlike the t**ser who thought he had the right of way no matter what. :rant::angry:

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the other big annoyance is those people who can't stick to their side of the road and have to veer over the centre line (so that the inside of their tyres are over the centre lines) on country roads even when there are cars on the other side (usually me).


Does this happen to anyone else? It makes me soooo mad, where did there people learn to drive???

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