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Anyone know about website design/pricing ?


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Just had a quote from a mate in that line of business


It goes like this:


Full graphic design of website


Branding and Logo design


4 Page Website


Contact form (database )


Set up of databases and configure website


Applying all content and images to website pages


W3C compliance validation


Hosting of site for one year


Now, before I hand over my hard earned cash I just wanted to know what sort of prices people 'in the know' would think is fair...


The guy does work for the likes of Reebok and Derby County FC so I assume he's pretty good and you get what you pay for but I don't want to be to out of pocket from the get go.


And yes I know nothing about these sort of things.... Any input would be welcomed :thumbs:

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TBH I didnt think it would be rocket science as my 15 year old nephew is learning how to do them at School. I thought I would be paying around the £400 mark but its closer to how much you paid for your first one... The one I really want which is more pages and interlinked for payment etc is around 2.5k :scare:

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Microsoft frontpage too build your site and find a hosting package, quite cheap these days. POP IMO. Why pay someone when it isnt hard to do yourself?


There are other web design packages that maybe better than MS frontpage, Google it.


Really mate its dead easy.

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difference is if you want it for a business they will make sure it works with accessibility options and is optimised for google/search engines.


Think thats called "meta tagging" Or "metatags"


Really easy to self promote to the web crawlers too. Dont let anyone tell you they can get your web site at pole position on Google. Its a lot of bollos.... Its the metatags that the web crawler looks at, not your web site..

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I pay $8 a month for my web space with these people...... http://www.gearhost.com/ I have used them for years, i think its pretty good :thumbs:


It might be a few dollars more if you want a hosted DB as well.


With web design as soon as you mention "payment facility" then the costs are huge. We have a web bloke in the office who has done loads of web sites including an England Rugby web site, forums...etc. He did our company one.... http://www.qolcom.co.uk


I will ask him if he wants any "home work" if you like and see what he would charge for it :thumbs:

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depends - when he says Applying all content and images to website pages would he be supplying content and images? And does he want secure databases? (would mean https and an SSL - I can do both, but they cost a little more).


I'm running at about 650€ per site with hosting. But that wouldn't normally include design work. But then a 4 page site is feck all really...

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My work colleague and i made a website a couple of months ago for my former employer:




This is 6 pages, with 1 main flash image, and the large flash map on the 'Our Clients' page. We charged £550 for the site which was £400 for my mate for building the site, and £150 for me for consultancy.


This includes 1yr hosting.


My mate is a web developer with lots of flash experience etc, and he can integrate to paypal etc etc...

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difference is if you want it for a business they will make sure it works with accessibility options and is optimised for google/search engines.


Think thats called "meta tagging" Or "metatags"


Really easy to self promote to the web crawlers too. Dont let anyone tell you they can get your web site at pole position on Google. Its a lot of bollos.... Its the metatags that the web crawler looks at, not your web site..


thats not sticktly true... googles spider is alot more complicated then looking at meta data only, it checks to see how many sites are linking to yours etc.. and alot lot more...


Website design also depends on what you require cost wise, for a simple page when for work we employ designers etc.. depending on assets etc you could be looking at £1k for 1 page if it has to fit into a cms backend and do something fancy or if they are creating new assets etc.. But then again if you want a simple html page or site you could be looking at as cheap as £100 or do it yourself.


But unless you know html or css then dont expect your site to work on all browsers if you use a tool like dreamweaver/ frontpage..


just my opinion as always..

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Can you give us anymore info on your site, whats the site about? the market(s) your aiming at? etc How you are expecting to get traffic on your site? Through paid for adverting - which might not be Internet based, or you looking for people to find your site from organic search results? The reason I ask is so we can get an idea of what you have been quoted is it right for you?


Some things to bear in mind...


I have found alot of the value these people are adding to site design is search engine optimization (SEO) and a creative flare, as anyone can knock up a site with abit of time. To make it functional and intuitive and look good at the same time (in all browsers like stupid IE6) is an art.


As its been pointed out there is alot more to SEO these days, you cant just spam meta tags with keywords to get a good page rank anymore. Google's bot is so smart it will look at the colour of text on a page vs its backrgound... if they are found to be the same it will drop the page from being indexed. Why? because there was a trend where people would add loads of keyword to a webpage at the bottom and have them as the same colour as the background so humans could not see it but Google could just to get a better page rank. So you would do a search for Nissan 350z or something and end up on a site about cheese... :doh:


I sure may of you heard a year or two ago Google made more money than ITV in a year from advertising... So you know that Google 'works' its very hard to dupe Google these days when trying to get your page ranked... My point is that you need to get someone to optimize your site who knows how to do it correctly, theres not use in getting someone surfing your site about cheese when they are looking for info on 350z's. But like I say at the top of this rambling post, do you really need people to stumble across your site while searching?


I work for a web design company out of hours and I work as a web developer as my full time job, I have done e-commerce website for some big names, if you ever want to pick my brain just pm me I will be happy to help.

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difference is if you want it for a business they will make sure it works with accessibility options and is optimised for google/search engines.


Think thats called "meta tagging" Or "metatags"


Really easy to self promote to the web crawlers too. Dont let anyone tell you they can get your web site at pole position on Google. Its a lot of bollos.... Its the metatags that the web crawler looks at, not your web site..


thats not sticktly true... googles spider is alot more complicated then looking at meta data only, it checks to see how many sites are linking to yours etc.. and alot lot more...


Website design also depends on what you require cost wise, for a simple page when for work we employ designers etc.. depending on assets etc you could be looking at £1k for 1 page if it has to fit into a cms backend and do something fancy or if they are creating new assets etc.. But then again if you want a simple html page or site you could be looking at as cheap as £100 or do it yourself.


But unless you know html or css then dont expect your site to work on all browsers if you use a tool like dreamweaver/ frontpage..


just my opinion as always..


+1... i thought metadata was finished now...

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