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The mum aint bothered...........


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Ok, here is the story..... and how should i deal with the 10 year old twanker?


Sitting at my table last night having dinner, i saw a flash of blue walk past my beloved zed... Hmmm what was that i thought? So NOT being a nosey neighbour i got up to investigate. What i saw made my blood boil.... a 10 yr ish old kid laying on his back under my car arms outstretched under the chassis fiddlling with something.


I shouted down to him( i live in a town house) Oi wtf are you doing? With that he got up and said umm umm I was looking for something!!!

Me:- stay away from my car or you might get hurt....

Kid:- Whatever!

Me:- I am being serious buddy. Leave my car alone else you might get hurt....

Kid:- Ok.

He then wandered off to his flat where he lives, looking back at me and smiling..... What i would do to teach him a fricking lesson in respect.... :rant:


Later last night i went out to check around the zed and noticed that some stones had strangely found there way onto my wiper blades and a small chip in my screen, also several stones, about the size of walnuts were lying around the front and side of the car...........


Anyway, by now i am really p1ssed off and saw his mother smoking at her kitchen window, wandered over and asked her if she could keep any eye on her son and explained the going-ons..


Her reply was that he is bored and being couped up in a flat makes him frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So i asked her if that gave him the right too fiddle and throw stones at my car? Her reply was that it couldnt be her son because he knows better and promptly slammed the window...


So apart from giving the kid a respectful smack, so to speak, what else can i do?

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grrr things like this really make my blood boil .. why cant parents take some responsability for their kids??... if hes so bored maybe the mum should take a bit more time and consideration for the lad.. its all in the upbringing...sadly you cant give the kid a good slap.. you'd have been able to do this in the 80's!! the only thing i can think of is a flaming turd (wrap a dog turd in newspaper.. put it just outside the front door of the offender light it then knock on the door... hopefully mum will come out and stamp it out.. getting said dog turn on her shoes!!.. if she sees you do it tell her you spend alot of time indoors and get frustrated!!) although surely this could end badly.... cops or more damage to your Zed.. so sadly the only thing you can do is tell the boys in blue that some toe rag is messing with your car... sounds like you need to keep an eye on your motor for a couple of days as the lads mum will have probably told the son you've been round so he may be back to your motor shortly... little sod... good luck and if anything happens we shall try to get a lynch mob together lol :boxing:

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have you tried talking to him nicely?


may sound stupid but if he's interested in the car why not teach him a bit about it. teach him to respect the car/cars not by yelling etc. may find youy then just get him looking instead of touching.


you'll be suprised at the what you can get from them if you try a little connecting friendlyness.



if that doesn't work then get an air rifle gattling gun and shoot the fecker :lol:

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Personally i think you would be best off as syvee said making up with the lad as the police will do zip about it without any serious evidence. As Syvee said take him for a spin tell him how much you like the car and show him what he was lookin at. ask him to keep an eye on it. Otherwise im sure you'll end up out of pocket and the kid will get a slap on the wrist at worst. :thumbs:

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Personally i think you would be best off as syvee said making up with the lad as the police will do zip about it without any serious evidence. As Syvee said take him for a spin tell him how much you like the car and show him what he was lookin at. ask him to keep an eye on it. Otherwise im sure you'll end up out of pocket and the kid will get a slap on the wrist at worst. :thumbs:


You'll probably be branded a pedo but worth a try. Society is screwed. I just know if I ever have kids I wouldn't tolerate them being like the kid you described, but then again I wouldn't be a parent like that woman sounds.

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If anything else happens call the police.



And pray that they might do something. I was thinking about this the other day but in my lifetime the police have not once ever done me any good especially when i have been on the receiving end of crime. Imo they are mostly useless when it comes to this type of thing. And for the record my brother is a policeman. :)

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You need to get some airhorns fitted that can be remote operated. I had a guy try and nick a Landrover from us at a trade event a year or so ago and he got the fright of his life when the alarm went off and the airhorns! Still cost me a window glass though :thumbdown:

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You'll probably be branded a pedo but worth a try.


Actually you are spot on. My in laws at their previous house had problems with kids grafiti'ing his back gate (double gates to allow access for the camper van he owned), stones, litter etc finding their way onto the camper and back garden.


He tried contacting the law who said they did not have the resource, and more or less said "tough, nothing we can do".


So he took photos next time they were vandalising his property.


Within a day the police were round, and not because he now had evidence of crimes being committed against his property. One had shouted pedo, told his parents and they had in turn reported him to the police for taking photos of kids.


The police then turned up to quiz him about taking the photos of kids! He was then taunted for a period of time by the same kids.


In the end they moved home.


So I have no time what so ever for these type of society scum and their no doubt waste of space parents. The law doesnt stand up for the right people and cant help them. Yet the scum get the support.


So, if I were in the situation you were, I would quite happily pay someone to ensure a lesson is learnt. The softly softly approach is what has got is into the situation we are now, where no discipline exists any more, and it's time it were brought back.

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Next time hes under your car, run outside, start it up and wheel spin it. That'l fill his pants and be the last time you find him under there.


ROFL :lol:


Actually Rich's suggestion is a lot more likely to work :thumbs:


Speak to his Mum first to let her know what you're going to do - along the lines of "you know how you said your son is bored and cooped up...." and then get him looking under the bonnet and doing some supervised tinkering - if his Mum's happy (and he's tall enough) take him out for a spin.

Above all - talk to him and get to know him :)


On the other hand if they're one of these ASBO families who just don't give a sh*t - start recording everything that goes down and get CCTV trained on the car :shrug:

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Isn't it strange how none of the major political parties had adressed this in their election campaign - I'm sure the 1st to say they will rescind the Treaty of Rome and undo all the "Human Rights" rubbish so that scrotes like this can be dealt with properly will get a lot of extra votes :thumbs:

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Might sound pedantic but you must report this. If this guy is a budding crime wave the ONLY way the police can deal with it is by mounting evidence. If you report it can be logged and after enough incidents like this the police will sit up and listen. If you and everyone else that has problems with this family do nothing they will just continue unabated.


Are they in a private home or council accomodation? Again for the council to evict or take action then need evidence and a complaints list the length of your arm is exactly what they need.


It takes 5 mins, might not make you feel better but its all for the good in the long run.

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You'll probably be branded a pedo but worth a try.


Actually you are spot on. My in laws at their previous house had problems with kids grafiti'ing his back gate (double gates to allow access for the camper van he owned), stones, litter etc finding their way onto the camper and back garden.


He tried contacting the law who said they did not have the resource, and more or less said "tough, nothing we can do".


So he took photos next time they were vandalising his property.


Within a day the police were round, and not because he now had evidence of crimes being committed against his property. One had shouted pedo, told his parents and they had in turn reported him to the police for taking photos of kids.


The police then turned up to quiz him about taking the photos of kids! He was then taunted for a period of time by the same kids.


In the end they moved home.


So I have no time what so ever for these type of society scum and their no doubt waste of space parents. The law doesnt stand up for the right people and cant help them. Yet the scum get the support.


So, if I were in the situation you were, I would quite happily pay someone to ensure a lesson is learnt. The softly softly approach is what has got is into the situation we are now, where no discipline exists any more, and it's time it were brought back.


i agree the softly softly approach has caused lots of issues, and i'm not a softly softly person, but you have to gauge the person your dealing with and the best approach to handling them. i'm not affraid to say it but there are some kids that are lost causes. and in some cases kids are institutionalised from an early age and stay that way till they die.


personally if you jump up and down and rant ans rave they'll just laugh at you.


i did and still do work with the odd juvernile scumbag. (alot less these days as i'm in a nice school) the trick is to build a relationship. sadly these days you have to earn your respect before you can really get things going. its a 2 way thing. you earn theres they earn yours. you may not like it that respect isn't automatic but thats the way it is. kids are far mor e independent then they used to be.


i'd personally like to thank the EU for that and now the current labour govenment for systematically undermining teachers and there abilities. and giving the kids more power than the teachers. the trick is to make them think its the other way round :lol:


coupled with that you have a chav nation of pram faces and dole seekers breeding like rabbits, all funded by the governemt. this problem is only going to get worse.

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