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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Blimey they are almost on parr with the NHS, I blame Ebized! & you better take your cheque book Chris, I doubt they will accept cash
  2. An exclusive update just for Steve It's been a bad week, after realising the body line had been rounded off I decided to re-panel the car to ensure everything would line up. Then disaster happened, not a single panel would line up So lots of effing & jeffing happened, things got thrown around & the door was closed on the car for 2whole days. So I went to play @ RT Performance After fitting a Torqen BBK, suspension, AT Gearbox, exhaust, air suspension & a load of SPL parts to various zeds I chilled for a few minutes So back to business on Sunday got the bonnet primed then spent three days getting the panels to line up Blocked back the top half of the car & marked out the detail line Then done some work on the bonnet Roof, rear quarters, tops of doors & wings blocked back & dry guided to 320grit, ready for 500, followed by 800, but will leave that until the rest is ready Then tonight started work on blocking the side back It may not seem like to much, but some of the panels have required going back to metal & re-applying filler in order to get the levels correct. Looking back at some of the photos of the car prior to the strip down I noticed that a lot of the issues I've had were actually already there, so makes me feel a little better.
  3. Certainly not slacking, working so much on the car I barley have time to do updates on here
  4. Or you could just get an Annual train/bus ticket, pay your electricity that way & save forking out for a car that will depreciate
  5. And that sums exactly why I have zero interest in ever purchasing an EV, ever. I mean, it's a great write up and I'd be proud to have written that myself, but for me even the most boring drive in a diesel FWD van on a DC at 60mph still leaves me feeling involved in my hobby, my passion. Take away all of the oily stuff and the vibrations and the feedback and the mechanical clunks and I might as well not bother. Or be asleep. For a business man being chauffeured around so he can work in the rear seats an EV may make sense, but if I ever buy one I hope someone takes me out and shoots me. But yeah, great writing fella, despite my comments I really enjoyed reading that I'm with Dan on this one, I appreciate the technology & engineering put into these cars but would never own one as my 'car' I'm a true petrolhead.
  6. Always leave them switched on, makes for quicker powering of utilities
  7. Have you got much left? Saw most of the good stuff go on Friday
  8. Ours will be road worth & sub 1500kgs
  9. Wow just wow. Incredible engineering & such an amazing project. I will also have my name on the fin
  10. The airlift is a good bit of kit. I don't normally like things like that but I can honestly say its Awesome!!! I have a video but I'll leave it to Mark to take the glory of his kit
  11. Some good photos in there, couldn't help but order a few. I know the prices are a little steep but it's something I have always done. I have pictures of every trackday I have ever done
  12. A green bonnet will go nicely Tow-bar is being fitted this week so I'll pick the trailer up on Saturday Are you collecting anything nice on the trailer? Hang on why are you picking up my trailer anyway??????????? Need I say anything more?
  13. A green bonnet will go nicely Tow-bar is being fitted this week so I'll pick the trailer up on Saturday
  14. Thank your lucky stars it was only your bonnet! Look what he did to my Car!
  15. A little rusty if I'm honest, it takes a bit of getting used to, but I love the way you can trim your line on the throttle a lot sharper than a FR car. That being said the rear tyres have taken a little punishment Also forgotten how to get the youtube video on the forum page Can anyone help?
  16. Well had a good few hours on the car today, so I decided to get it out the garage so I could move the floor as it was hard to wheel over the joins Had a good tidy up & got to work on the bonnet Admiring all the work that has gone into the shell I realised that I had made a big boo boo So I carried on with the bonnet & decided that tomorrow is another day, a day to get the inner wings painted to colour, then get the wings, doors, latches & rubbers on. That way I can work the body lines on the car. It's going to add time to it but it has to be right. Now to try & remember where I put all the door hardware
  17. I need to have the car in the bodyshop by the end of April so better keep at it
  18. Little update, not done much as I ended up hooning around Bedford with Keyser, Ken & Brillomaster But I have made some huge progress!!! I now have my first panel ready for paint :yahoo: The drivers door, after priming & blocking down 5times(I think) I got to here today blocked, then Da'd followed by a dry guide coat to show any imperfections then a final DA Not a single flaw Now to get the rest of it done
  19. Just uploading my video now, unfortunately the camera overwrote the video from the mornings wet drift session
  20. Grrr this makes me so angry, All the idiot drivers were out yesterday. Had 2 near death experiences. Hope you get it sorted soon & that karma catches up with the MF who did it.
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