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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Cheers mate, would like to see your new paint job also I'm away this weekend but should be around 14/15th
  2. Cheers Andy, Me also, theres a lot of hard work to do yet but I think I might be just over the halfway mark with the project now Trouble is with all the work that has gone into it, I already don't want to use the car as I normally would a zed Don't beat yourself up mate! After all that time and effort you have put in I wouldn't take her out unless it's a dry day/special occasion,and I haven't sanded my car down to the bare metal! Can't see me going airborne through the Welsh hills again Cheers Andy, Me also, theres a lot of hard work to do yet but I think I might be just over the halfway mark with the project now Trouble is with all the work that has gone into it, I already don't want to use the car as I normally would a zed You'll just have to buy another 350 mate, you know it makes sense!! Shush!!!!! I've been looking for weeks
  3. Darren-B

    Welcome Torqen

    Can't wait for this I'm not sure if there is enough of a market (certainly not on here) for parts for the older zeds? Perhaps on the Zclub.net forum. I'd certainly be a regular customer
  4. Cheers Andy, Me also, theres a lot of hard work to do yet but I think I might be just over the halfway mark with the project now Trouble is with all the work that has gone into it, I already don't want to use the car as I normally would a zed
  5. Yes, he sorted me out with some Mirka Abranet pads, & a couple of blocks with vacuum attachments, they are awesome 100x better than the traditional sanding pads, last longer & you don't get deep scratches from the edges, also got a cyclone thingy that goes inline with Henry that separates literally 99.9% of dust so I don't have to keep cleaning filters every 5 mins
  6. Update: The deadline is ever closer So spent the last week or so filling & block sanding the body panels of the car, even got to do some outside when the weather was bright on Sunday Also welded up the un-needed holes from the aftermarket mirrors that had been fitted to the car After all the mess I made with stripping the majority of the paint off I decided to buy a huge tarpaulin sheet so that I could blast off the remaining paint on the body panels. Why I didn't think of this before I don't know Got all the tricky bits blasted back to metal, then etch primed inside & out. Used a shutz gun flexible nozzle for the insides of the doors, what a frigging mess that made & nearly a litre of paint on both doors, mostly on the floor Unfortunately shot blasting & etch priming is no place for an iPhone for pictures\ Etch priming took ages, inside of the panels 11pm sunday night & then the outside 5am monday morning followed by the first high build prime monday night Really pleased how these have come out, all the hard work & attention to detail in the filler & blocking has come through. Spent a little time this evening giving them a light block to see where the levels are & they are a lot better than I thought they would be. Only one small patch on the wing that needs to be stripped back & filled again Next I need to focus on the remaining parts that need filling & blocking, (bonnet,fuel filler cover, bonnet inspection lids) get them primed & then its all down to blocking back the primed parts to perfection.
  7. Nice, I'm going next week so I'll be sure to look out for it
  8. If it was a HR it would have been Rosso Red
  9. Darren-B

    Ferodo pads

    PM Adrian@torqen I'm sure he will be able to help out
  10. Darren-B


    I found a couple of Flares along with some live ammunition in the 240. That had an expiery date of 1973 so unlikely that they will still work,
  11. Absolutely, I did not get a price for a bodyshop to do the work on my car. I wanted to do all the work (bar the final colour) myself over 18-24 months which has been shortened to 8mths, but the work involved is extremely labour intensive
  12. Of course, I'll get some bacon in & some Quorn for if the other one turns up
  13. Cheers Papa, I opted for a clear one & received an ORANGE ONE Also All systems go for next weekend, I'll get some more masks Not going to Vegas until November now
  14. TBH I don't usually have the cover on it, only usually when I'm using it outside. But mould? if there was mould growing from a case I'd be more worried about moisture ingress into the macbook
  15. So today I started around midday after wasting my time looking at a german POS ring car Thought I'd carry on with the paint stripping so that I can get rid of all the orange dust Started with the boot lid (clearly I had dust in my eyes when aiming the camera) Drivers door: Front lower valance The aftermath!!!!! Spent the next 2hours cleaning the room down & sealing. Now it is time to have an evening off Hopefully during the week I'll get chance to blast all the nooks & crannies, also get the paint off the light surrounds. As it's an early car they are made from fibreglass so I can't strip the paint off with the polypad, will need to do them by hand or blast them
  16. This and for me, it's the hours and hours that are going into the bodywork. You are doing a fantastic job Darren, all credit to you. I know all too well how much time and patience is needed and more importantly trying to maintain the enthusiasm to drive the project forward. Well I can honestly say that I completely underestimated the TIME it takes on the bodywork, carefully sculpting the shape of each panel, mainly by feel. & I haven't even started on blocking the primer yet. Over the last week the enthusiasm has been at an all time low. I was sick to death of blocking & re-filling the roof & rear quarters. But after my painter came over & I was almost begging him to take the car, he gave me a few helpful tips that have made slightly lighter work of it.
  17. I can't quite see what has changed with this car??? Looks ace Chris
  18. So another week on, didn't manage to get much time on the car during the week, only a couple of hours. But thankfully by last night (Friday) I was ready to etch prime the shell There was a previous repair to the drivers side rear quarter which has taken a lot of time to fill & block back as there was a small dent on the arch & on the crease where the bumper mounts. After getting totally frustrated with continuously blocking it to low I called in my paint man who came & gave me a helping hand to get the shape right Then after work today I reached into the dark crevasses of the garage to find this lot So started with the wings After doing the outer sides of both wings & the bonnet, I mounted a door then gave in to a nice shower, followed by re-colouring the bathroom from orange to white Then back out this evening to get ready for some high build primer on the shell, so scratched up all the surfaces I was going to prime, masked off all that I wasn't. A good clean up in the garage followed by a de-grease/wipe down of the car Then this happened Really chuffed to get all this done today it's been a lot of hard work
  19. Please tell me that is a bog roll being used to mask of the cylinders???
  20. I can't repeat on here what she said about my 240z last week
  21. Sorry These SOLD a few months back Could a mod please lock the thread???
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