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Everything posted by Arkwright

  1. lol but it would be a car one.
  2. You bugger! Had to go out and check but it's still there. Not been out in it for over a week now, my lad borrows it but he never puts petrol in so it wouldn't be him
  3. pretty impressive shot of the plastic bag and label mate. Any chance of seeing what's inside?
  4. member lisaf is a window tinter based, I think, in Plymouth if that's close enough.
  5. Two women were playing golf. One teed off and watched in horror as her ball headed directly toward a foursome of men playing the next hole. The ball hit one of the men. He immediately clasped his hands together at his groin, fell to the ground and proceeded to roll around in agony. The woman rushed down to the man, and immediately began to apologize. 'Please allow me to help. I'm a Physical Therapist and I know I could relieve your pain if you'd allow me, she told him. 'Oh, no, I'll be all right. I'll be fine in a few minutes,' the man replied. He was in obvious agony, lying in the fetal position, still clasping his hands there at his groin. At her persistence, however, he finally allowed her to help. She gently took his hands away and laid them to the side, loosened his pants and put her hands inside. She administered tender and artful massage for several long moments and asked, 'How does that feel'? Feels great, he replied; but I still think my thumb's broken!
  6. There is a space in our profiles to post your location. This is then displayed under your name on all posts you make. Why do members not fill it in or put some daft remark. Often, as just now, someone posts a question, i.e. where can I get cheap tyres? I have a tyre dealer near me who is very competitive and is difficult to beat. I look at the questioners location and there's nothing there. Is he down the road in Nottingham or in Scotland. If he's down the road he might travel, if in Scotland he won't. Similarly I'll respond if he's local but wont bother if he's not. Why reply at all if he doesn't say where he is in the first place?
  7. looks ok to me. The tank in the boot is for the air suspension.
  8. seriously though get rid of it they don't stick for long
  9. In my bedroom just above the dressing table, should get some good shots and sound from that angle are you expecting Miss Hilton popping round again then?
  10. very nice. One of the guys on 300zx-club has a beetle for sale atm
  11. used to own one and in fact used to buy new shells from Ford and build rally cars for people. In those days a new shell cost £250 and slightly more with flared front wings. It's just the case of 'if I knew then what I know now' I would have put a dozen away for a rainy day! I would love to own it but I cannot possibly justify that price.
  12. as far as insurance is concerned put it in your name with your mum or dad as a named driver. My son did this with his 300ZXTT and got £400 off the quoted price.
  13. Billing make a day rate charge but they have increased prices this year so not sure how much it is.
  14. you should have stopped, picked up what was left and eaten the bastard
  15. welcome Post up where you're from. Roadstars Rule
  16. Don't be fooled by the @*!# that the salesman made a mistake. He doesn't work out the prices. In major retailers these are fixed by the sales manager and the finance manager, the salesman is merely a messenger between them and you. They've screwed up, not him, so don't feel sorry for him. There will no doubt be some sort of get out clause for the company but stick to your guns, they won't want a £30k plus car in stock for a day longer than they need to.
  17. not 100% sure but I think this goes on date of manufacture not first registration. Therefore if you can prove your car is manufactured before the cut off date then it is tax exempt. There will no doubt be a car club relevent to the make of car you are importing and they should be able to help you with the details if you have a problem. If you get in dispute with DVLA re this date remember it's for you to prove your case not for them to disprove..
  18. I have had one and my youngest son has one. Fabulously quick and full of gadgets. You need to buy one that has been looked after. there are loads of cheapies on the market but they are generally trouble. Bear in mind the cars are now over 15 years old in many cases and have given good hard service. They are now starting to break. Look on zclub.net and 300zx-club.com for some good ones for sale. I think there's a silver one and a flip paint one recently gone on, both superb cars.
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