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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. I'm in for sure, you can take the (?) from next to my name Don't forget Mugwump... he's around here, but still hasn't explained the reason for the name
  2. I liked a letter written in a daily paper recently that raised, again, the possibility of creating a UK alcatraz and dropping off the wasters on a remote scots island and leaving them to fend for themselves.
  3. Interesting calculation Stevie. Down South in Surrey where I come from, 10% of 730 is 73. BTW I've done one of Colin's courses and it's worth the non discounted price anyway. Much better investment than new wheels. Not a dig at anyone - the best investment for most folks is in themselves and their own driving skills. Can I blame jetlag? Just landed in LA and having finger trouble! Anyway, what's 73 quid these days? bwahahahhahAHAHAHHA
  4. What's the discount anyway? 10% off 730 is only 7.30 I suppose that's a lot to our NW cousins but it's about the cost of a pint of crap lager dahn sahth.
  5. So if I was to buy one of these K&N CAI, then for the mechanically inept like me its then a question of how to stick the bugger on. I would let someone more adept than me have a go, but I'm wondering about Val's comment about "requiring security bits" for the "MAF".... could you elaborate, Val...?
  6. i am not an idiot Really? I can't find an emoticon for "Post Whore" - we need one... or perhaps just an emoticon for "Sarnie" as the two are the same
  7. That surely is a ridiculous amount of posts, Sarnie... are you using Perl::LWP to auto reply? I think he really is a bot!
  8. I also have no intention of using Nissan for future work - My dad took his micra in for a service... one dealer quoted 800, then next one...wait for it... 2000! Two grand to have his micra sorted (half of that was labour) when a local garage did the lot (well, the work that really needed doing like "replacing a washer") for 250. Arse! Edit: and before anyone says not using Nissan might affect "future value" - how much difference will it be, and will that difference cover the ridiculous dealer fees.
  9. Would you like to donate to my Jack Daniels Research Fund? That like came from a tramp in Chicago who I then gave $5 for being so cool
  10. Have fun folks - I'll be queuing up at Heathrow ready for LA
  11. Sheez George that is bad. How did you do the windaz, I want to tint mine!
  12. I also had the same problem @ the weekend - scuffed both kerb-side alloys after being cut across by a big mamma in a BMW X5. It was either that or my front right wing I really, _really_, _REALLY_ hate X5s!
  13. sidekickdmr - looks like you are another local! Me, Captint, Mugwump and H5 are all nr Reading (I'm in Staines) and we all met up @ the recent Reading Japfest. Should we count on you coming to a meet early next year? When the roads are less icy...
  14. He might just have tried the door handle?
  15. Bring it on! Hanel is in Richmond - not seen him post on here for a while tho He has a nice azure roadster
  16. Seen that before and thought it was unique... UNTIL I saw Pimp My Ride and they did the same thing to a cheapie... obviously appeals to a certain type of punter. Mind you, this guy on PMR had a well nice paintwork - I'd love the Z to have a "creative" paintwork...
  17. Two options: turn air con off but outside air on + cool air and you are good. or turn air con on + cool air. My normal setting at the moment is AUTO, OUTSIDE AIR, 20DEG, No aircon. Edit: took me a while, being a bit thick, to realise that OUTSIDE AIR on its own often did the same job as AIRCON.
  18. Dude, HB is more a man than a woman. I think she's more like Miss Man out of Scary Movie: "we all have our little secrets". I wouldn't want to go out with HB and a girlfriend.. to scared of them.. well.. hooking up... erm... well, erm, now there's a thing....
  19. Dude, have you been sucking on ur popcharger? "Notifactions"? "Havingthe siiue?" Get me a pint of what he's on!
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