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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. If you want them at the end of your road phone up and tell 'em. they will i am sure be there within the week. Dont moan though when you are the first one they catch - a bloke on our street did exactly that - cos it might just happen. It is, however, a famous fast stretch with long bend . And you are SURPRISED that they are there. and obviously a cash-rich area The police don't get, and never have got, any money back from speed enforcement other than the maintainance of the equipment - a peanut sized piece of all monies levied. If you don't wanna get caught, don't speed and if you do get caught DON'T MOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like seeing a sign on a shop door that says all shop lifters will be prosecuted and then posting up that the store detectives are all fascists because you only stole a cheese sandwich worth £1:50. Each is a law and each is KNOWINGLY broken. I know this might rile up a few but its true. Whether we like it or not speeding is AGAINST THE LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its not as if we dont know. (I add the WE in there because like every other road user I do at times flout the speed limit.) Ming the Wound up AFAIK there's never been an accident on the fast curve - its not a tight bend, its a lovely curvy back road heading towards the motorway. I can think of a number of places where there have been deaths, sometimes multiple, on roads that have no cameras and I've never seen any plod there. The lack of consistency matched to the ridiculous way of making criminals of honest people for going a small amount over a speed limit (set by whom...) and then generating vast amounts of money out of thos honest people - while the uninsured, unlicensed scum get away - all adds insult to injury. If those police guns / scameras / whatever could detect unlicensed, untaxed, illegal drivers then I would be all for that! Leave us hard working honest folk alone!
  2. Yeah,l captint is key for customs - he was explaining his method at the Reading Japfest - I'll leave it up to him to speak up for himself
  3. Saw the police hiding round a corner in Staines today the f***s. On a long bend coming out of town, towards the M25... one thing in their favour is that there is a park past their position on the left.. .but it is fenced away and AFAIK there have been no accidents there. There are no speed signs as you leave Staines either AFAIK. It is, however, a famous fast stretch with long bend and obviously a cash-rich area. Lots of trees to hide the roz. It would be terrible to take your eye off the road to watch your speedo then go off the road and run the gun-toter over. Not like the busy bit at the end of my road where people have been killed, and there is an accident every week - never seen a copper here EVER. J'deteste vouz, gunz copperz.
  4. Well, I did once, and it wasn't secret. I was just being nice. I prefer Kuros. Once you've had Kuro, you never turn back!
  5. LOL! I love you Sarnie. You know that, don't you... hahahah I always knew you'd be the kind to want to be in the middle... the meat in the sarnie, as it were...
  6. Shandy swillers LOL - but you're in no-mans-land! You're not northern and you're not southern... makes u a... what?
  7. They are And another thing, SARNIE, how come someone so gobby on the forum can be so nice and quiet in person! ahhahhahaaa
  8. Leave H5 alone, he's part of the southern posse. BwahAHAHAHAHHA
  9. Still up? still bloody working. The yankie doodles only start at 4pm! I've got VMworld in LA in a few weeks... just trying to make sure I don't look a complete tit... anymore than normal, that is BTW Tim, how hard are you hitting the keys with your chicken pecker typin stylee?
  10. Could you two take your handbags outside? And stop quoting FFS - it takes up all the screen and takes me too many seconds to read thru the babble!
  11. God damn it! I started the thread on getting together and now I'm going to miss out! Oh well. Pls take lots of pictures. And be prepared for another meet - I'd love a drive over the hills - it would be hard to repeat the Wales thing, but its a challenge. Jacko did an awesome job of managing the day out - we kept our 13 Zs together until the very end which was a challenge. Anyhoo... if you all get together, that would be awesome... sniff... don't worry about me... whimper...
  12. Damn, I can't make the 4th - flying to LA! I'll think about you guys driving in the rain whilst I'm sunning my ample frame...
  13. Sucks like a WHAT? BwahahaHahAHHHHAHAhAHAhAH
  14. Hey Jane, looks like your 1 and / keys are sticky - how else would you press so many ! and ?
  15. Yo, I was reading a thread the other day about popchargers sucking in hot air from the engine, therefore being not much use. Air intakes using the stock intake are ok tho - which one have you got?
  16. I never said that I actually thought you had blades... that's why I got black, y'see, no idea about colour.
  17. I've just got back from the Japfest in Reading - we had five Zs and we want to do something dahn sahth, which includes Exeter Any ideas? Winter is approaching unfortunately but as we are in the South its much nicer down here than oop north so we've got more options!
  18. We had five Zs in total! Two blades, two Kuro and one Ibitsu! Some crazy looking cards out there, Supras and Scoobies galore. Lots of bling bling, blue lights under the bonnet and all that. Nice!
  19. I heard some Nismo's @ weekend - sounded lovely!
  20. Nice choice - I haven't seen many Sunsets out there - but I saw Lomotos in the flesh at the weekend and it looked good. Esp. with the wheels. Did u get the alezan interior? I don't know of anyone who has?
  21. LOL. You shouldn't be so uptight, Tim! Let it all hang loose!
  22. Heading past the **** up towards the bridge, I was going in opposite direction. We waved and shared a moment.
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