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Everything posted by stevie_350z

  1. Kenny / Captint - where are you guys? I live in Staines - are you around here somewhere? We should organise a drive down here. I went up for the Wales trip - awesome day - we could do similar in the South Downs, mebbe...
  2. I know its quality mate. I never said it was't All i said was that being fussy like I am, I would only put a Nismo zorst on mine Do they do them in yellow?
  3. you have a customer here!
  4. So, if I went list price, then I could pay up to 2.5k for a set of decent, first-hand, quality (light, tought, etc) wheels + tyres? @*!# the bed, that money could could solve world peace! I don't like the idea of buying second hand cos I'm worried about buying wheels that are "odd" in some way, such as buckled or something - not being an alloy specialist, how the hell do I check that they are ok? Roll them down the hill see if they go straight? Anyhoo, as I don't have any cash (as you all saw at Bala when I had to borrow the parking meter fare) its all moot... but I have another question for you: when's the best time to buy? Surely this would be winter? I think the Rays are OK. I think I would only upgrade when, in a few years time, I decide whether to keep The Beast or not. At the moment, after that fab weekend, I'm planning on keeping him (yes, my car is a him - I'd never "go" with a woman who is built like that! And before you ask, its more "brother" than "lover" LMAO Then again, I just have to wait until Lomoto gets bored then buy his! He does alright for a guy who "never had a proper job in his life". Yeah, yeah, Tim, pull the other its got a Nismo exhaust on it!
  5. Charlie, where were you this weekend? I was the only Kuro there (unfortunatley Liam had a bad start to the day so his lovely Kuro had to bail ). Shrewbury aint far from Chester, you should have come along you would have loved it Nice looking motor - any more pics? i fancy having the Nismo kit put on mine, apart from the wheels. After seeing some of the kit @ the weekend, I like the spoiler, exhaust and lips/skirts. Looks great on a Kuro!
  6. After reading this thread, sifting away the banter, I'm still none the wiser if this is the place to jump n the bandwagon and get a Nismo exhaust. I liked the sound of them on the weekend meet. If I can get one at a reasonable price I would upgrade, but I think the standard sounds lovely anyway so if the price aint right then I won't be too bothered Same for the wheels - I like th Rays, but I have to say those rims looked lovely on Max, Liam, Val + Lomoto's Zs. What's the average price? A grand?
  7. So what's the latest, Liam? How are you going to fix those lovely wheels?
  8. Hear hear, good effort by all. Well managed on the day. Lunch was excellent. Driving was great. Stationary locals with jaws-open pointing was funny; kids preferring Val's car was not. I got back to Staines after 9pm with time to go and get some beers from the offy. By the time I'd supped one I fell asleep. Woke up this morning feeling like I'd been bent double for a week Have to get the car sorted for winter, then ready for the next run out - spring time? I'd love a Europe trip...
  9. Oh, hang on, good ol' Google gave me a link but when I clicked on it... - Board Message - Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. - The error returned was: - You do not have permission to view this board So in true internet user style, I moved on! I hate sites that make you register to do anything. Like when you buy something off the net some sites make you register - why? Do I need to leave my details with Millets when I go buy some woolly socks? No!
  10. What's this "OC" site anyway? Never seen it. Am I missing something?
  11. Not sure that the Welsh roads are wide enough for those wheels though?
  12. Laim - update your sig with a recent pic - that one isn't doing your car justice (i.e. the wheels).
  13. I'm also interested in one of these babies. Has anyone considered a pair of draw curtains?
  14. Wagons rolling... engage star drive... Number 1, make it so!
  15. stevie needs ignoring all day! Val: Sarnie: This weekend:
  16. At the risk of being flamed, one of the reasons I'm going is to see your car! I really wanted an ultra yellow
  17. Hanel and I will be meeting at the Oxford services on the M40 northbound on Sat afternoon. Anyone else going that way?
  18. Sarnie Z Veteran Joined: 04 Apr 2006 Posts: 2790 Location: Custardville Looking forward to seeing the Ultra Yellow, Sarnie - I hope you've been rubbing her all weekend!
  19. Raced up and passed, but the grey haired geezer driving looked to be gripping the wheel in fear and didn't appear to see my frantic and brazen nipple showing.
  20. Indeed, so we can laugh at you... Again.... You want to laugh at who again?
  21. Oh, one more thing... are we going to have any "memorabilia" on show on the day? T-shirts? Stickers? Good coffee? Something would be nice... Maybe someone already raised it in the previous 15 pages of posts but it would be great! And are there any traditions we need to be aware of... imagination required... with the look of the future 350z (bonnet) I think we might be the holders of one of the best Zs ever!
  22. Are you sure there are no more fat red faced idiots in the group?
  23. The pre-06 xenons are great! Why upgrade? I love 'em! As for the rears... I would also like the rear-LEDs...
  24. Here's to making the fastest, noisiest and best looking traffic jam ever! It will also be a rogues gallery! Cameras all round. I'm looking to get some bodyshop advice from the experts - my baby needs some treatment (well, maybe after winter ). BRING IT ON!
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